The Weed Nerd~

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Reef were so much alike its scary.
I use the Vapor Bag likes its a back pack full of O2 I don't even breath air just the bag, my kids used to call it the Hobo on the Go Vape bag :)
My Doc did not mention Vaporizing although I am sure after all these test he will mention it possibly but you nailed it I just turn the temp up high so I get that smoke tingle I have loved for 42 years now. I really did try to enjoy the vape it's just not my thing the vapor taste like burnt pop corn to me

haha yeah right... inhale bag, exhale vape, inhale bag, exhale vape. dry rinse repeat :)

i got a volcano but mostly i'd rather smoke outta my shitty little glass pipe than that :)

the other thing i don't like about vaping is I seem to vape a lot more flowers than if I smoke :)

sub if you remember when you go back ask him just curious whether he thinks it's not too damaging for the lungs or if he thinks you still shouldn't... :) i'd love to transition to just edibles but i either barely feel shit or it knocks me the fuck out :) i can never seem to find a happy medium... i'm going to start expirimenting more to see if i can find that though.

i don't like the taste of vaping much either but it's not too bad on the better flavored strains... for skunky stuff it's not too hot though... always better than poorly done smoked flowers though

at least the vapes have progressed since the one my friend back in the 90s man that thing smelled like asssssss
DSC00410[1].jpgI just successfully made some capsules that work good, but like you said they knock most people on their asses. I did make the recipe for me and heavy indulgers though. The main reason I started making them was cuz of my lungs or to help cut down on my smoking which it has helped a lot. The left ones are still heavy dosage just not so sleepy because I made it with just organic compressed coconut oil and not compressed coconut oil that has been cooked with already, that's why the right side is som much darker than the left. I also took the pill size down from 00 to just 0.
Edibles are a must in the bible belt. The trick to finding the right dosage is to use the same amount of trim each time and decrease amount ingested....hell you ain't got to eat the whole edible ....I usually guarter mine for a nice 3-4 hr energy boost....just love the feeling of the edible kicking in after 30 min to 1 hr....keeps me smiling and happy.... just a nibble is needed on most edibles for a nice relaxing buzz.....It's funny how many people gobble up the whole edible even when told not to eat more than half and later finding them totaly wasted......PEACE
To each their own, but with the Volcano, I throw the leftover vaped weed in with my butter trim. You just cannot do that with ashes. People, myself included have had green-outs on cookies made with recycled Volcano grinds alone :) Everyone is also very surprised when I told them how and from what I made the cookies with.
This cat has a interesting inhaler device [video=youtube;WQlZ3uA0-Oc][/video]
To each their own, but with the Volcano, I throw the leftover vaped weed in with my butter trim. You just cannot do that with ashes. People, myself included have had green-outs on cookies made with recycled Volcano grinds alone :) Everyone is also very surprised when I told them how and from what I made the cookies with.

Yes, this is my understanding as well. It's my intention to use up the whole plant -- vape, then use the vape leftovers for cannabutter, and then use the leaf material from that to make baked goods, hopefully at a left that is pleasant but not causing green-outs! I'm building up my supply of vape leftovers as we speak :).

No, it's def not the same as smoking, and I really love the smell of pot, so it's a little bit of a let-down in that department, too. But I was pleasantly surprised that the Jillybean still has a very identifiable taste in vaping. I had read that if you vape it doesn't matter what you're using because you don't taste it. But that's not true. I do taste it, and it's yummy. So thank you, TGA!

I'm certainly not saying I think one way of using is better than another. I'm choosing vaping because right now I believe that long-term it's a good option for maintaining lung health. But it's just my guess, not rooted in fact at all. I'm looking forward to the day when legality allows for plenty of studies to take place so all these guesses can be addressed and the truth documented.

Good luck with your tests, Sub!
Yes, this is my understanding as well. It's my intention to use up the whole plant -- vape, then use the vape leftovers for cannabutter, and then use the leaf material from that to make baked goods, hopefully at a left that is pleasant but not causing green-outs! I'm building up my supply of vape leftovers as we speak :).

No, it's def not the same as smoking, and I really love the smell of pot, so it's a little bit of a let-down in that department, too. But I was pleasantly surprised that the Jillybean still has a very identifiable taste in vaping. I had read that if you vape it doesn't matter what you're using because you don't taste it. But that's not true. I do taste it, and it's yummy. So thank you, TGA!

I'm certainly not saying I think one way of using is better than another. I'm choosing vaping because right now I believe that long-term it's a good option for maintaining lung health. But it's just my guess, not rooted in fact at all. I'm looking forward to the day when legality allows for plenty of studies to take place so all these guesses can be addressed and the truth documented.

Good luck with your tests, Sub!

I wish I had this attitude bro I think it's very wize!!

I've found that clones from a seed plant are always more of a true representation of a strain. Perhaps it has to do with maturity or something. I started 2 seeds of Apollo 13bx. Wow, two whole Got one male and one female which I both cloned. With the male I crossed with my clone and crossed with Apollobx. My clone of Apollo has decidedly more of the Brothers Grimm funk this time around. If anyone wants to know what the classic Grimm funk was all about, Sub did a pretty good job of capturing the funk in A13 and I would recommend it.

On the subject of edibles, by far the most high I've been on edibles comes alcohol derived oil. I use Everclear and a pea sized ball gives me the same feeling in my gut as Oxycontin. When I compared Oxy to Everclear oil I could not really tell the difference except that Oxy will cause addiction and withdrawal pretty damn quick. Cannabis is better than Oxy. On a side note, I've noticed one of bad things about being chronic is the lack of dreams. However I've found hydroxyzine will bring the dreams back the same as quitting cannabis will. Dreams that you'll remember when you wake up.
I am very lucky to be a weed nerd, I appreciate and wish you all success! I have recently turned my life around all thanks to the plant, my family is as happy and proud as they have ever been, and I owe it all to the nerds in my corner, if it weren't for the youtube videos and rollitup I would probably lose focus. Nerd4life
Just finished watching the Weed Nerd show. I hope they are listening to you Subcool.

After I had a minor stroke I studied up on symptoms and causes. It turns out the two worst things for your head is coughing and laughing!

I think that is why old people are grumpy. Because if they laugh then their head pops off :P
I wish I had the luxury of no dreams sometimes. They are quite intense, deep, lucid, dream within a dream within a dream within a dream..........other times, they are like being Superman in a world I made up, or war dreams of my military life. I don't do any hard drugs, for many years at least lol. Every night I can recall almost every detail of many of my dreams. Some dreams I can remember all the way back to when I was 3, about 30 years ago. The docs have prescribed meds to help me forget my dreams, and not one has worked, at any dose. In the morning, I do wake and bake, which helps me to ease out of slumberland :) Peace.
Pacificplanter - Ever tried keeping a dream diary? Some people who are bothered by intense dreams find that writing them down helps to reduce them.
I know some times when I cough really hard lately I can feel it all the way out to my finger tips like someone squeezed all the blood in my body out to my finger tips. yay! kind of fked up. I smoked cigarettes for 18 years been off em for 1.5 years now and in my younger days it was blunt after blunt and I can only imagine that did a lot of damage. I miss rolling blunts and joints I was so good at it just can't smoke the damn things anymore, It's like a jungle sometimes it makes me wonder how I keep from goin under. oh yea and laughter makes me cough and lose my breath
I know some times when I cough really hard lately I can feel it all the way out to my finger tips like someone squeezed all the blood in my body out to my finger tips. yay! kind of fked up. I smoked cigarettes for 18 years been off em for 1.5 years now and in my younger days it was blunt after blunt and I can only imagine that did a lot of damage. I miss rolling blunts and joints I was so good at it just can't smoke the damn things anymore, It's like a jungle sometimes it makes me wonder how I keep from goin under. oh yea and laughter makes me cough and lose my breath

Or those hard coughs that make your joints ache... then there's the old pulled abdominal muscle (from smoking icky non organic commercial buds)
I know some times when I cough really hard lately I can feel it all the way out to my finger tips like someone squeezed all the blood in my body out to my finger tips

I used to have similar problem. Really uncomfortable. Felt like I had hit my funny bone when I coughed hard. According to my former chiropractor, it was a sign of a slipped disk in my back and/or pinched nerve in my neck. He treated my neck for a year and it did get better (though I'm not sure the it was not simply time that healed it).
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