The Weed Nerd~

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Active Member
^ Hahaha. I have no idea how the term got so popular. But, that is what we call a smoke session. Someone says, we better go get safe, or time for a safety meeting. And, everyone who is wise to the words knows whats up.


Well-Known Member
It is a classic line.

I recall my bro adapting the warning sign on the wall where he worked

STOP - what you're doing DROP - everything and ROLL - a joint




Well-Known Member
It is a classic line.

I recall my bro adapting the warning sign on the wall where he worked

STOP - what you're doing DROP - everything and ROLL - a joint


being retired from the fire service after 25 years...this made me laugh .... many times i've taught little kids to stop drop and roll....


Well-Known Member
this is just amazing and wanted to share with you nerds who know who Bob Burnquist is.. Obviously a skateboarding legend. i waked and baked and when i watched it i couldnt believe how gnarley this was... Never seen film work like this either so its just sick... enjoy!


On another note, I just picked up Conspiracy Kush, Marion Berry, and Jack Skellington... Peace out Nerds


Well-Known Member
Lol you all remember the Sheckler and Burnquist cuts of Vortex from a couple years back? That shit cracked me up!



That Burnquist video had me saying wow the other day! shit is sick as hell. I skated a lot in the 90's and i recently picked it up again. I can tell you from personal experience that skateboarding is no joke, ESPECIALLY those vert dogs. TGA ALL DAY!


Well-Known Member
The Weed Nerd Episode 154

The Dog Days of August



Active Member
Just finished the nerd. Thanks for clearing up the smoke on the Tangie strain. That Frenchie Hash looks beyond dank and sticky, truly inspirational and motivating me to learn everything I can through his thread, and read all of his recommended books as well.
When will some of the Chocolate Pinot Noir make it onto the TGA menu in the form of a cross? What strains with this parent might be in testing? Peace.


Well-Known Member
Hey Nerds,

I wanted *LEMON* so I grabbed a few Jack's Cleaner 2 beans.

Any comments on it's preferences? I have looked it up and there
was at least one thread dedicated to it.

Take care,



Well-Known Member
Hey Nerds,

I wanted *LEMON* so I grabbed a few Jack's Cleaner 2 beans.

Any comments on it's preferences? I have looked it up and there
was at least one thread dedicated to it.

Take care,

Mine are seedlings so can't really say other than I'm surprised to find more than one with really fat indica leaves. Others are much more sativa to start.... but I definitely wasn't expecting to see FAT indica leaves, medium hybrid leaves at most... anyone know what side of the genetic lineage of the fat indica leaves are from?

LOL! Sub says he doesn't come to Michigan because of the "air pollution" and the "cold weather".

According to the American Lung Association, you peeps out on the west coast win the gold medal for shitty air quality. Ohh, and it's 85 and sunny here today. :-)
Well to be fair it was probably a lot more polluted in the past before the auto industry shipped all the jobs to asia :) But saying it's not a cold place because it's 85 in the middle of summer is like someone from denver saying it's not really a cold place to live because it's warm that day ;) if you visit, odds are a lot higher it's gonna be cold than warm :) I think sub's just not willing to risk it...

but you also gotta remember where sub lives is in the country, not the city... air rollin' in from the coast


Well-Known Member
Mine are seedlings so can't really say other than I'm surprised to find more than one with really fat indica leaves. Others are much more sativa to start.... but I definitely wasn't expecting to see FAT indica leaves, medium hybrid leaves at most... anyone know what side of the genetic lineage of the fat indica leaves are from?

Well to be fair it was probably a lot more polluted in the past before the auto industry shipped all the jobs to asia :) But saying it's not a cold place because it's 85 in the middle of summer is like someone from denver saying it's not really a cold place to live because it's warm that day ;) if you visit, odds are a lot higher it's gonna be cold than warm :) I think sub's just not willing to risk it...

but you also gotta remember where sub lives is in the country, not the city... air rollin' in from the coast

Weak sauce! Is he not aware that it's beautiful and sunny in the summer? We don't live in Siberia.

And no, "chances are" NOT that it will be cold. I wear shorts here 8 months out of the year.

No matter how you slice it, it's just a lame excuse, imo. But whatever.... just thought it was funny to point out.


Active Member
I live just on the other side of the border and I can vouch for st0wandgrow that the last few years we've had some amazing weather hot summer not much winter but on Subs side I think the humidity is higher or something east I've never been to California but I've been out west and they don't seem to have the humidity like we do


Well-Known Member
Its possible that the indica dominant phenos are either recessive phenos or possible stray pollen of another male from either the california air (there are plenty of plants growing outdoors in Cali and some must be males and or hermies) or pollen that made it into the room from a fellow TGA member working or bring soil over? It could be anything!


Well-Known Member
Its possible that the indica dominant phenos are either recessive phenos or possible stray pollen of another male from either the california air (there are plenty of plants growing outdoors in Cali and some must be males and or hermies) or pollen that made it into the room from a fellow TGA member working or bring soil over? It could be anything!



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