The Weed Nerd~

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When people get pushy I make them wait longer. Settle down. The nerd is a gift. Sub is a busy dude and he does the show for his own reasons. If you push for more episodes they won't be as good as they could be if we let the man do HIS thing on HIS time.
Good thing come to those who wait. For a bunch of growers you sure are impatient!

what ever mr 12 post i wasin being pushy it was a simple expression of my love or lackin of the weed nerd....... go back to band camp


what he said


Not to mention those buds aren't finished yet :)

:clap:i was going to say it but that too
hey guys how you download the youtube vids ? i was wanting to downlod them to a disk tryd watching the youtube vids on how to do it
hey sub, Do all your 5packs come in glass vials? or only the ones form attitude? I got some here in Mich. from one of your reps. and NON are in vials.. only the 10packs are..(from Michigan vendor)
Hey Tcurtiss, wanted to thank you and the bubble man for introducing me to my new favorite way to smoke hash. I've basically had a coal going since i've put it together yesterday. The hash tastes so clean. hopefully i'll come back to earth by monday.:eyesmoke: p.s. the 5/16 tubing is the only way to go, good call.
Kandy kush bubble 73µi, 90µi,120µi full melt outdoor using subcool's methods and some Matt Rize techniques

Have you ever tried making or ever smoked Dry Ice Hash? If so what was your take on it. I'm looking to make some hash, but want get the tastiest med's I can. Looking for a method that will retain the most of the plants natural flavors. I've done the water extraction method and thats been cool, but I was wondering if you lose some of the flavor using that method. Any help on this subject would greatly help.
New Mexico Med Patient: Thanks, taller
All noble goals taller. I find dry freezer extraction to be the best in that regard. Not dry ice extraction involving water. It involves breaking up frozen dry bud over bubblemons wood framed screen kit in the freezer. Also a benefit of dry extraction is that the sifted bud can be sold as seconds or mids for a great price which you can't do with bubble bags involving water. Bubblemon says some strains hold their terpenes better than others when it comes to water extraction.

Where's Subcool, on a Shabatical? I needs me weed nerd. lol
Thanks WW. Appreciate the advice. I don't sell any of my medicine, its for me to medicate with, not to sell. Instead I'll use the left over herb to bake with, and make some edibles. Love me some edibles!
Yes, I saw it the day after it was released. I don't recommend anyone view it. It's his most watched video so far I think. Just let sleeping dogs lie!
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