The Weed Nerd~

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New Weed nerd[video=youtube;3S6KXtPuxbU][/video]
Two negative comments on Joe Pietri's vid. First off, If I am hurting or sick as fuck and I smoke some fantastic tasting, smooth plush berry and then feel much much better, I don't only call that medicine, I call it a miracle. Secondly, that guy should really take into consideration that he also insulted many other people that look similar to subcool. No doubt about it Joe Pietri will also think I look like a white trash tweaker, and not take me serious either.
On a brighter note, is was immediately followed by a new weed nerd!! And I will finally subscribe to skunk tomorrow morning so I don't have to run around checking to see when they finally come in.
Two negative comments on Joe Pietri's vid. First off, If I am hurting or sick as fuck and I smoke some fantastic tasting, smooth plush berry and then feel much much better, I don't only call that medicine, I call it a miracle. Secondly, that guy should really take into consideration that he also insulted many other people that look similar to subcool. No doubt about it Joe Pietri will also think I look like a white trash tweaker, and not take me serious either.
On a brighter note, is was immediately followed by a new weed nerd!! And I will finally subscribe to skunk tomorrow morning so I don't have to run around checking to see when they finally come in.

skunk for me in the morning too! class trip to the bay.....awesome show.....made me home ya sub.
Morning weed neyds. Def got to say 98 bubba and her crosses are great. So I can't imagine the results that sub could bring out! Just finished up on querkel phenotyping, paradise seeds does a strain called Sputnik as well, it was my unicorn. Ended up putting out of the circle had a mixup with nute bottles and lost her. So the people I gave her to def wouldn't give it back. The run around game. So cutting my losses seemed reasonable, later to find querkel which as far as growth goes is what I'm looking for. Still waiting for cure so we will see. I'm sure I won't be disappointed seeing as subs gear is the top shelf stuff or no stuff. So in seeing this beautiful querkel which dominates in purple erkel really makes me happy. I'm very confident that tga gear is best defined as prideful work done with the heart. Anyways back to the subs bubba cross I can't wait as I love kush. That's mostly my set up one room cali connection one room tga. Like I said I like kushes so Cali connection takes care of that. I know how some of us view swerve but like I've said in previous posts the ying and yang must be balanced. It's what makes this all possible, drives people to do there best. Anyways I look forward to see what sub cooks up in the future as I know it will be nothing but tga quality.
So I checked on this Joe character seems he has the attitude of the creator! It's only what he says is right. But the whole glory of what we do is our methods and do they work for us. Yes there might be a more economical way or this or that but, you never should say anything bad about any of our potential colleagues. Even if you don't care for them much. The future holds many secrets and you never know who you'll be needing or working with. So to bash sub could of been his greatest mistake not to mention makes him sound like an ass. Respect and honor for what we do must come over these low blows to someones work.
Soon as someone says dont watch... Well thats like saying go watch to me. Does Joe ever lay it on Sub. Was this the guy who played Herman Munster? Publicly coming out and insulting the way people look? My ultimate Weed Nerd fantasy? I'm prayin Sub video tapes their first meeting! Actually be better if Mz Jill holds the cam
I have met Joe many times he even signed his Hash Book to a "Good Friend".
My new stance is the high road if at all possible.

I don't know much about this Joe other than the couple of vids I watched part of, but the guy rants about conspiracy theories and can't complete a sentence without repeating his words multiple times. He's got no charisma for an online video show... sorry there is NO comparison between this guy and the weed nerd. I couldn't even find the one where he referenced sub, but from what I've seen not really interested in seeing what he has to say even. How often do you see subcool going out of his way to rag on specific other people in the business (ie, competition)? You don't.. and this guy is way more about promoting his business than sub (who doesn't even post his website address on the weednerd vids). This guy does not like anybody who breeds/sells seeds as they're part of the coverup conspiracy over culturing cell lines.

Keep taking the high road sub can't worry about the haters there will always be some.
Subcool, I know I don’t have much clout on this board with my very low post
count. I just wanted to say that I have learned more in the last four weeks from
you than I have in the last twenty years growing weed. I know now what mistakes
I made. When I start up again in a few months I’ll be on the right path.Thank
you so much for the weed nerd and everything you have given to the community.
I’m about half way through your videos and I learn something from each one. When
I start my next grow op I’ll start a thread. Also I see your gear on HGS now, 15 TGA strains.
Thanks for your time Subcool.:clap::joint:
Yes, I saw it the day after it was released. I don't recommend anyone view it. It's his most watched video so far I think. Just let sleeping dogs lie!

Great Advice, I'm not gonna let this do dude suck me into his negativity, so I'm not gonna watch the video... Even though I was real curious to see what this dumbass has to say. Its best I don't watch his vid, but I will watch the new Weed Nerd 52!
I am jst responding to the locked "Vortex Sucks" thread. I've always known FloraNova to be a HOT product. I've used the product only as a quick fix solution if my plants are missing something in their organic regime.
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