The Weed Nerd~

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OK so a Word.
I think it's a bad ass Idea to shoot the 420 show on 420 at the first Legal Cup in the USA.
This does not mean I am not filming and today I will do a still shoot on the most amazing Timewreck I have ever seen.

If a Nerd pops up before 420 don't be shocked I always have shit to say but I am also dealing with some heavy shit in life right now so banging my head and being funny isn't so easy right now.

I am glad everyone loves Frenchie is is an amazing source of Knowledge of the old ways but pay attention to who is Still making all of my hash :)
Pressing means sweat and skin particles in my hash and thats kinda what I am getting away from I am seeking purity.

This dosn't mean Frenchie's MK Ultra isn't the fucking bomb I smoked some with Matt and Britt yest and they were very impressed.
As a Hash Lover it's Really hard to pick a fav but the people you see on film almost falling down are smoking my hash made by matt
BTW The Dr Who Hash is fucking amazing!!!!!!!


I bet it is Sub I've been envious of that space madness ever since I saw the first pic posted of it. Thanks for keeping us up on what's going on with the nerd! Hope your voyage in life finds you out of the tempest and in calmer seas again soon.

Woke up today to find some of my timewrecks with what looks like a Ca deficiency. Bummer.
Can't wait for the 4/20 party a mile high! I'll make sure to bring you some of the killer meds you helped me produce, brother. :weed:
Cant wait to see the pics of the Timewreck subs talking about. I just may have to take a drive down to the 420 thing. Most likely i will be by myself as usual cause most of my friends are losers and cant save a dime.
I assume that means you won't be at organicann. Makes my decision to bail easier. But if your going to denver you'll probably make it to san fran too. Can't wait for a new's been pretty boring without them on the reg.
Stay strong Sub
OK so a Word.
I think it's a bad ass Idea to shoot the 420 show on 420 at the first Legal Cup in the USA.
This does not mean I am not filming and today I will do a still shoot on the most amazing Timewreck I have ever seen.

If a Nerd pops up before 420 don't be shocked I always have shit to say but I am also dealing with some heavy shit in life right now so banging my head and being funny isn't so easy right now.

I am glad everyone loves Frenchie is is an amazing source of Knowledge of the old ways but pay attention to who is Still making all of my hash :)
Pressing means sweat and skin particles in my hash and thats kinda what I am getting away from I am seeking purity.

This dosn't mean Frenchie's MK Ultra isn't the fucking bomb I smoked some with Matt and Britt yest and they were very impressed.
As a Hash Lover it's Really hard to pick a fav but the people you see on film almost falling down are smoking my hash made by matt
BTW The Dr Who Hash is fucking amazing!!!!!!!



dont worry sub you'll figure stuff out and be back to your normal its what we as humans do adapt and survive. Plus I'm a huge believer in everything happens for a reason it's just how we choose to look at our situation at hand that will allow us to grow from it. Spiral outward brutha its all we can do! looking forward to seeing what's new to come from the hard working tga crew.

Shout out to all the nerds! was awesome seeing so many people around the tga booth on the weednerd. Way to rep tga and subcool guys!
Hey nerds I know lots of you are all about the turpene profile so I got a question if someone might know.
Does anyone know the turpene that gives kush the distinct earthy smell and taste?
Hey nerds I know lots of you are all about the turpene profile so I got a question if someone might know.
Does anyone know the turpene that gives kush the distinct earthy smell and taste?

I am not an expert, and there is a lot yet to be learned about terpenes. I find it fascinating; the connection between smell and medicine.

There will always be a combination of terpenes that make up the bouquet of a flower, but I think the terpene you are looking for is called Myrcene. Any nerds want to confirm this?
OK so a Word.
I think it's a bad ass Idea to shoot the 420 show on 420 at the first Legal Cup in the USA.
This does not mean I am not filming and today I will do a still shoot on the most amazing Timewreck I have ever seen.

If a Nerd pops up before 420 don't be shocked I always have shit to say but I am also dealing with some heavy shit in life right now so banging my head and being funny isn't so easy right now.

I am glad everyone loves Frenchie is is an amazing source of Knowledge of the old ways but pay attention to who is Still making all of my hash :)
Pressing means sweat and skin particles in my hash and thats kinda what I am getting away from I am seeking purity.

This dosn't mean Frenchie's MK Ultra isn't the fucking bomb I smoked some with Matt and Britt yest and they were very impressed.
As a Hash Lover it's Really hard to pick a fav but the people you see on film almost falling down are smoking my hash made by matt
BTW The Dr Who Hash is fucking amazing!!!!!!!



funny or not ill watch ya sub! hope things get better for you guys over there man hate to see you go through all that shit. keep your head up! keep up the GREAT work! and we love ya man! thanks for all that you do!

as for the hash....ya finger hash is good but i really dont want anyone else making it for me you said sweat, skins cells, dirt, etc....yuck lol :p
Hey Sub...everyone here's got your back. You do what you gotta do. It's been great to see everyone hanging out in this thread just chillin' and supporting each other. When you're back on top and feeling right, we'll be ready to see whatever you have to show us. In the meantime, I've still got about 30 older WN episodes to catch up on, so I'm still having my Sunday morning coffee witch'ya...
Got The Void at 6 weeks that smells exactly like orange floor cleaner and looks like it was dipped in sugar, just got DANK 2.0 and it seems like there is little interest in this strain. I've searched and found little in the way of grow logs for The Void, anyone have experience? It isn't purple but it looks and smells amazing.
Got The Void at 6 weeks that smells exactly like orange floor cleaner and looks like it was dipped in sugar, just got DANK 2.0 and it seems like there is little interest in this strain. I've searched and found little in the way of grow logs for The Void, anyone have experience? It isn't purple but it looks and smells amazing.

The Void is definately on my next order....I believe Sub at one time said it is purple apollo of his Favs...I can only dream right now of its potency and funkydankness...but one day....I will meet the Mighty Void.....Until then Im sure 3D, Vortex, and the Flav will keep me company....Peace
I smoked some of the Void in LA, it was good. The smell is weird, hard to describe. The structure was like Apollo13 but the Querkle gave it some density. It's a big plant too.

Give YouTube a try, I know there are a couple vids of The Void there.
Thanks you guys. Yeah I've looked about everywhere for The Void grow info, didn't find the depth of info I was seeking but I may be a bit OCD. I got two girls out of five popped, one is a bit

lanky with smaller narrower leaves but is filling in nicely. It's the one with the incredible orange smell. I really can't believe it, no skunk at all just a pure orange chemical presence. If I rub

against it plucking yellowing leaves I end up smelling my hand for an hour. The other has amazing bud structure, full on colas the length of the plant but it has more of an earthy, less orange

smell; it has bigger and wider leaves. To be honest the orange cleaner smell is so amazing and strong it's tough to tell what the other plants smell like. I have a GGG Bright Moments in there

too and any grape smell is totally overcome by oranges, I thought scents like that had to be manufactured like pure d-limonene. It smells more orange than oranges do, I'm very pleased with

these genetics.
Just a Note as expected my personal life is getting even messier and its out of my control I have made ridiculous offers to do be take the high road but it looks inevitable that Jillybean and Agent Orange as well as OV will be returned to MzJill and no longer offered by TGA.
A Home free, a brand new 2012 car and a monthly salary for ever was not enough.
Now the lawyers get rich.
Grab whats out there cause I am killing it off asap.

Just a Note as expected my personal life is getting even messier and its out of my control I have made ridiculous offers to do be take the high road but it looks inevitable that Jillybean and Agent Orange as well as OV will be returned to MzJill and no longer offered by TGA.
A Home free, a brand new 2012 car and a monthly salary for ever was not enough.
Now the lawyers get rich.
Grab whats out there cause I am killing it off asap.


damn dude sorry to hear that. that just aint right! things will eventually get better i know it. your subcool! ;)
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