The Weed Nerd~

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FWIW, I have dropped my Vector hand torch into my water reservoir. It returned to normal working order the next morning. And the dimensions of the Urbano is slightly smaller that a standard bic.
Your lack of knowledge is hardly worth a response but....

A very large portion of cannabis in circulation has been sprayed with heavy pesticides and fungicides. I would venture to say that about 5% or less of cannabis has been properly flushed.

Now... Like I said before, when shatter has been made properly, (purged in a convection vacuum oven) you are then smoking pure extract. I am sorry you have never tried good shatter. Tell your weed dealer he sucks next time you see him

Hardly worth a response? I find that hilarious lol.. You keep doing your BHO and let me know how it works out for you in the future...

First i dont lack of knowledge, I also dont claim to be an expert.. There are lot more people on here who have been growing etc. for far longer then I. I'm here to learn just as most others are. Doesnt matter if your an expert even, you can still always learn something from others.

Who said anything about "dealers" I'm sorry but I grow my own medicine, IF not then I have gotten it from those who i've know and their practices for growing. I WOULD NEVER use bottled nutes, fungicides or pesticides in any of my grows including food gardens i grow myself. Where you state youd venture that... is unsubstantiated and nothing more then you guessing. I would also like to see analytical evidence of your so called pure extract.. Have you ever had it tested and analyze to see if it in fact has no residual residue left in it? IF not then again your only speculating... IF your answers are based on visually looking at it to see if "bubbles are present to determine amount of solvent left within it, then you again dont know for sure..

Butane is know to have effects on the Central Nervous System, and depending on your source of butane if it has Butadiene in it, that also has health problems, such as causing problems with reproductive system, mucous membranes, upper respiratory tract, skin, eyes, central nervous system. All found on MSDS. Its also been know to cause breathing issues with people.

While BHO is still fairly new, there are better wats to do extracts such as with water or ice IE. Solventless extracts, which is always safe. and from all the things I have read can produce better terpene profiles due to the ice and water. Since BHO is fairly new there are not many studies YET that have been done on the effects it may have on ones health. So unless you've had your so called "shatter" tested you cannot say that you know for sure there is no butane in it still, even if it looks like there is not, it has been proven that there can be significant amounts still left within it. Also to consider is your source of where you received your butane, have you seen specifications showing how clean it really is?

I also hope you dont make it indoors.. Not only due to the fumes... but if you dont mind eventually blowing up. Doesn't matter how big of an expert you or how many times youve done it. confined spaces and gases are a health risk in itself, amd a hazard waiting to happen. Eventually something happens whether the user is at fault or not. Last time I checked I have not heard of people blowing up using water or ice. The material used could to make it such as glass, metal, plastics, etc. can have an effect on the finished product as well, along with adverse effects.
Still think I lack in the knowledge department? I've worked with different gases plently, being that I'm a welder and working under certain conditions being affected by those gases.

Butane is also made up of carbon atoms which would bond with the THC molecules. during that process of making BHO it could possibly change the make up of the molecules as they bond and come into contact with eachother.

Again, there has been very little research on the Effects of BHO and health risks. IF you have any solid info I'd be more then happy to look at it. Always willing to learn, however before you jump to conclusions dont assume someone lacks knowledge and try insulting them when you yourself dont know what your talking about with no actual evidence.
Great post snow !

BHO isn't new. Most of us old guys were making it in the 90's with PVC :)

Personally, I love dry sifted..has the best terpene/flavonoid profile.
^I like freezer sifted. When get a small bucket of pot I've already freezer sifted, I'll run it through the bubble bags to get the rest. I will say this though, if my pot wasn't so potent and tasty like turpentine already, I'd be tempted to blast it with butane.
This is really well said.
BHO really did a numer on me It took years off my life.
I also couldn't smoke in Denver due to the condition it caused and the lask of O2
Call any doctor who has done a scan on a person using BHO solvents
Call the Mayo clinic
Or end up chocking to death from pneumonia about 20-30 years before ya should.

If you want to dab far out just don't call it medicinal thats my opinion
I did many 8-balls in the 80's and we didn't call it medicating :)



Hardly worth a response? I find that hilarious lol.. You keep doing your BHO and let me know how it works out for you in the future...

First i dont lack of knowledge, I also dont claim to be an expert.. There are lot more people on here who have been growing etc. for far longer then I. I'm here to learn just as most others are. Doesnt matter if your an expert even, you can still always learn something from others.

Who said anything about "dealers" I'm sorry but I grow my own medicine, IF not then I have gotten it from those who i've know and their practices for growing. I WOULD NEVER use bottled nutes, fungicides or pesticides in any of my grows including food gardens i grow myself. Where you state youd venture that... is unsubstantiated and nothing more then you guessing. I would also like to see analytical evidence of your so called pure extract.. Have you ever had it tested and analyze to see if it in fact has no residual residue left in it? IF not then again your only speculating... IF your answers are based on visually looking at it to see if "bubbles are present to determine amount of solvent left within it, then you again dont know for sure..

Butane is know to have effects on the Central Nervous System, and depending on your source of butane if it has Butadiene in it, that also has health problems, such as causing problems with reproductive system, mucous membranes, upper respiratory tract, skin, eyes, central nervous system. All found on MSDS. Its also been know to cause breathing issues with people.

While BHO is still fairly new, there are better wats to do extracts such as with water or ice IE. Solventless extracts, which is always safe. and from all the things I have read can produce better terpene profiles due to the ice and water. Since BHO is fairly new there are not many studies YET that have been done on the effects it may have on ones health. So unless you've had your so called "shatter" tested you cannot say that you know for sure there is no butane in it still, even if it looks like there is not, it has been proven that there can be significant amounts still left within it. Also to consider is your source of where you received your butane, have you seen specifications showing how clean it really is?

I also hope you dont make it indoors.. Not only due to the fumes... but if you dont mind eventually blowing up. Doesn't matter how big of an expert you or how many times youve done it. confined spaces and gases are a health risk in itself, amd a hazard waiting to happen. Eventually something happens whether the user is at fault or not. Last time I checked I have not heard of people blowing up using water or ice. The material used could to make it such as glass, metal, plastics, etc. can have an effect on the finished product as well, along with adverse effects.
Still think I lack in the knowledge department? I've worked with different gases plently, being that I'm a welder and working under certain conditions being affected by those gases.

Butane is also made up of carbon atoms which would bond with the THC molecules. during that process of making BHO it could possibly change the make up of the molecules as they bond and come into contact with eachother.

Again, there has been very little research on the Effects of BHO and health risks. IF you have any solid info I'd be more then happy to look at it. Always willing to learn, however before you jump to conclusions dont assume someone lacks knowledge and try insulting them when you yourself dont know what your talking about with no actual evidence.
Sub, I can see the residual butane that blasts off your zippo torch that you smoke bubble with. My shatter tests with absolutely no butane. 14 hr vac purge.

I'm not going too bold but from the looks of it, you seem to ingest more butane with that torch than I do with my nail. No?
The Denver cup was SOOOOOO crowded. You could hardly walk it was so bad. When leaving the terribly crowded event, the line to get in still stretched for multiple blocks. I was bummed that I didn't get to see Sub since my card expired last month and he was in the "medical" section (which I'm sure was less crowded and much more fun). I guess i'll just have to fly out to the west coast to see Sub and the TGA crew :) Hope you nerds had a good 420!

I only went Saturday, arrived about 10am, got in line on Larimer and was about 50 feet back from the front of the line. 10 mins in line and "MAN DOWN, MAN DOWN!" Denver FD and EMS came and whisked the poor soul away. 12 o'clock came... and passed, gates didn't open. 12:10 still closed...12:20, people are starting to get upset, finally 12:30 gates open. Got in did a quick tour of the booths, passed many seed companies in the recreation area, Sin City, TR Seed, Rare Dankness, Grand Daddy Purps, Big Buddha and a couple of others I don't even remember. Where is TGA I'm wondering. By this time we have gone from a crowd that you are weaving through to full on shoulder to shoulder shuffle. Only thing I could think of was "everyday I'm shuffling." Headed to the HT booth, looked on the map and noticed TGA seed booth A14, or some such, Medication area, Only allowed for Colorado Red card holders or those with a recommendation from a Colorado Dr. FUCK! ME! RUNNING! Walking back from the HT booth passed by Sub, said Hey Sub, he looked up said Hey Bud, we kept shuffling in the crowd dictated opposite direction. High Times did nothing but a money grab as usual. Oversold, poorly planned venue, under estimation of demand. Anyway you want to put it, at least from my opinion it was a piss poor event for the average ticket holder. I stayed till about 3:45 and can't tell you how many people I heard walking away from the event not happy one bit. My feelings on the medication and recreation areas dictated by HT or whoever was that it was total bullshit. Either shit or get off the pot, no pun intended. Either it's legal, or it's medical.
And again..

There was a time that fear mongrels told people that if you smoked a bong that you would suffer similar illnesses.

Pros make safe shatter. The masses are starting to get over the propaganda. This is just the beginning. And sub, we call it recreation, not medication in Colorado :)
And again..

There was a time that fear mongrels told people that if you smoked a bong that you would suffer similar illnesses.

Pros make safe shatter. The masses are starting to get over the propaganda. This is just the beginning. And sub, we call it recreation, not medication in Colorado :)

You still have yet to go only by your opinion on saying being made by said "pros" again unless you have proof ie. analyitcal evidence or reasearch that has been done on it, you are again only speculating and it would be your opinion.
Great post snow !

BHO isn't new. Most of us old guys were making it in the 90's with PVC :)

Personally, I love dry sifted..has the best terpene/flavonoid profile.

Thanks Frogmann, I know it's been around for a while. I guess what I was refering to is more so the popularity its gained more recently. There has yet to be good studies done on its effects on health, how pure it really is etc. But I can only assume that with its growing popularity somewhere there will be testing and research done.

Thanks again bro :weed:
As for the butane lighters. heres some research info I found done by skunk pharm research

Lighter Butane:
As those sources are expensive and not usually available to non commercial customers, in support of federal guidelines listing it as a controlled substance used in the manufacture of illegal drugs, most folks use butane made for butane lighters.
Each manufacturers blend is slightly different, with n-Propane usually added as a propellant, because below the freezing temperature of water, butane is a liquid instead of a gas.
They also further refine the n-Butane to remove more of the low level oleaginous waxes, which clog the small orifices in expensive butane lighters. This is often shown on lighter butane cans as a number followed by an X. IE: 5X.
The common name for Oleaginous Waxes from petroleum, is Paraffin, which is non-toxic enough to have no known LD-50 data and be used to seal jelly jars, so they are of low concern when extracting.
One refiner has started labeling the brand names that they produce, Near Zero Impurities, guaranteeing under 50ppm impurities. An independent test showed that they in fact are under 50 ppm, and even under the 15ppm testing cutoff, as were competitors brands not touting near zero impurities.
If using lighter butane, the safest course is to use tried and proven brands, but if forced to improvise, first obtain a MSDS sheet from that specific manufacturer, showing the contents. Reject any containing mercaps or Butadiene.
Ingredients less than 1% need not be shown on the MSDS sheet, unless they present a health risk at the levels present, so they are not all inclusive, but a good place to start.
If the MSDS looks OK, spray a five second burst on a mirror or clean glass pane and let it completely evaporate. Check for residue. Smell it for mercaps; you can’t miss them.
Each brand extracts slightly differently, because the mixes are slightly different. Adding propane for instance, increases water solubility and the propensity to pick up water solubles.
Hardly worth a response? I find that hilarious lol.. You keep doing your BHO and let me know how it works out for you in the future...
Dont assume someone lacks knowledge and try insulting them when you yourself dont know what your talking about with no actual evidence.

+1 Rep. More if I could.
Most BHO now days is roughly 75% cannabinoids. What is in the other 25%? Just because you've removed most of the gas particals, doesn't mean there aren't other harmful molecules/ingredients. Solvents do change chemical bonds in molecules, changing the composition of said ingredients. Is it possible that the solvents are changing the beneficials into harmful ones? I think yes, it is very probable. Only science can prove this through sequential testing.

It has been suggested and even tested that chemical solvents destroy/change beneficial ingredients(ie CBD, CBN, flavonoids, terpenes, etc) in the flowers/leaf...essentially ruining the ratio of benificals your body can use to help fight cancer, disease, and other ailments. Further testing will help determine and substantiate these claims, true or false. But, in this climate of prohibition it is very difficult to get funding and/or permits for scientist to do this testing.

I like to get high just as much as the rest of you. But, the benefits to my mind and body are what keep me as a primary consumer. All things we consume have a certain degree of toxins, but we must weigh the benefits with the negatives. If there are any negatives, then I'd like to minimize those as much as possible. Which is why I choose to grow organically and abstain from chemical solvents. It's very difficult to prove things either way without the proper research accordingly.

You are all individuals and in control of your own destiny/fate to a certain degree and can make decisions that impact you good or bad. Try and consider the oppinions of those older than you or those with more experience. Not necessarily me for instance, but those you've grown to respect such as Subcool.

Good luck to you all!
Good stuff frogmann. It should also be mentioned that thc has a higher melting point then that of butane, thus when butane as a solvent is introduced the thc molecules grab onto and surround the butane molecules, making it entrapped and harder to fully expel the solvent. No matter the amount of purging you won't fully expell all the butane without basically heating the thc to it's melting point. IMO it is definitely not work the risk when there are safer methods available with little to no risk
I personally don't think ur taking in anymore butane than whEn you rip a bowl with a lighter. A lighter is constantly expelling lighter fluid and ur inhaling that straight into ur pei e and into ur lungs. No one ever mentions that. I feel when u smoke fully purged BHO ur taking in no more solvent then when u use a lighter or one of those mini torches to smoke hash. Just my 2 cents
I've said it beforeabout the lighters...I can taste a bic and if you hold it under a glass it will leave a black residue a torch lighter does not leave a residue, they burn hotter and burn those impurities where those impurities go I don't know I guess you're inhaling them either way but with a torch lighter seems cleaner to me at least...seems bho is a totally different monster and shouldn't be compared too a lighter, really all you're trying to do is find a way to call someone a hypocrite. I'm sure bho had come a long way since it Fucked subs lungs but I think it's a personal decision smOking anything is going to be bad for you I choose too smoke flowers and some water hash and it's what I like and the risks to my lungs from combustion of plant material is my decision it's what I like and my lungs are Fucked because of it if you want to fuck your lungs with hash bho tobacco flowers or crack it's your decision in the end you're Fucked either way
I've said it beforeabout the lighters...I can taste a bic and if you hold it under a glass it will leave a black residue a torch lighter does not leave a residue, they burn hotter and burn those impurities where those impurities go I don't know I guess you're inhaling them either way but with a torch lighter seems cleaner to me at least...seems bho is a totally different monster and shouldn't be compared too a lighter, really all you're trying to do is find a way to call someone a hypocrite. I'm sure bho had come a long way since it Fucked subs lungs but I think it's a personal decision smOking anything is going to be bad for you I choose too smoke flowers and some water hash and it's what I like and the risks to my lungs from combustion of plant material is my decision it's what I like and my lungs are Fucked because of it if you want to fuck your lungs with hash bho tobacco flowers or crack it's your decision in the end you're Fucked either way

Its all good man not trying to start anything. BHO shld not be smoked in excess and that's my opinion.
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