The Weed Nerd~

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On a separate topic:I saw something on autism in mice discovering a deficit in signaling pathways that are stimulated by marijuana. Souns like progress...
BHO may be the future. I'm talking lab extracted BHO on a professional level using pure butane and then professionally purged with heavy duty equipment. What's out there though is a bunch of can made home made stuff.
It should also be mentioned that thc has a higher melting point then that of butane, thus when butane as a solvent is introduced the thc molecules grab onto and surround the butane molecules, making it entrapped and harder to fully expel the solvent. No matter the amount of purging you won't fully expell all the butane without basically heating the thc to it's melting point. IMO it is definitely not work the risk when there are safer methods available with little to no risk

Has this been scientifically backed or just something you read on the internet?? Do you eat any food that is packaged in plastic? If so you are doomed, but hence most things come in plastic so we are all doomed. I think you need to get a grip on your health worries, breathing the damn air nowadays has long term harmful effects. On a side note, I know a couple old hippies that have been using all kinds of solvents to make their smokables and they are perfectly healthy, aside from being old lol. Peace!!
I would put my bubble hash up against any BHO any day! And its 100% SAFE, to make and medicate with! IMO its much harder to make quality bubble and therefore many choose to go with butane. I feel it to be safer and cleaner to go with clean filtered Colorado H20 and ice baby! here are some pics of my batch for 420 from Trinity.

90 micron 70 micron hash olympics !!!! Fresh Frozen....
I would put my bubble hash up against any BHO any day! And the its 100% SAFE, to make and medicate with! IMO its much harder to make quality bubble and therefore many choose to go with butane. I feel it to be safer and cleaner to go with clean filtered Colorado H20 and ice baby! here are some pics of my batch for 420 from Trinity.

90 micron 70 micron hash olympics !!!! Fresh Frozen....
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Would you mind sending me some of this amazing looking bubble?? Just want to make sure it is safe for consumption!!! :P
I have watched every 'Nerd by now. Just wanted to say I admire the scenery around your house, like a slice of heaven there. We are about to move in the country right off the river. Absolutely cannot wait to see the plants from your outdoor crop this year and all the bubble made from the sugar leaf. Do you plan on installing a green house to grow year round outdoors in the future?
Has this been scientifically backed or just something you read on the internet?? Do you eat any food that is packaged in plastic? If so you are doomed, but hence most things come in plastic so we are all doomed. I think you need to get a grip on your health worries, breathing the damn air nowadays has long term harmful effects. On a side note, I know a couple old hippies that have been using all kinds of solvents to make their smokables and they are perfectly healthy, aside from being old lol. Peace!!

Its basic chemistry... Looking up the melting/heating points of butane going from its liquid form to a gas, and the melting point of THC. And no I tend to grow my own food as well as buy from local organic farmers, ranchers, farmers markets. I hate store bought shit, and believe Monsanto has ruined the food industry with all its genetically modified seeds that are giving people cancer and severe health issues. I'd say I have a grip on my health worries and am a conscious consumer of anything I ingest. So other than being a disabled vet with a jacked up back my reality and grip on health worries I’d say are justifiable.

There are plenty of scientific facts about marijuana in peer reviewed/ scholarly articles I have more than plenty if anyone would like me to attach for good reading. As I've done lots of research over the years, have written an argumentative paper for college on it as well as given a speech for medical marijuana as well, trying to educate those who deem Marijuana having no use medicinally, and what this lovely plant is really capable of. As far as BHO goes as I’ve stated before there isn’t much scientific data out there just yet but it doesn’t take a scientist to know you’re not going to fully purge said butane out of your product. Due to some the reasons I’ve stated previously. Its basic chemistry and biology. I also have a great interest in Chemistry and am working on a minor if not a double mayor in it along with a minor in organic agriculture.

Everyone knows the air is polluted, more so depending on where you live. That is why I live in the lovely PNW. Solution: Stop killing off plants and cutting all damn trees down so fast! Considering there responsible for purifying the air. More research is going into hemp and hemp building materials such as hemp-crete, better than concrete and said to absorb carbon emissions while it cures until turned into a harden rock state. no need for insulation either. If we were to grow hemp we wouldn’t need to cut down trees, or not nearly as many anyway. Of course the many that make all the money off of it won’t let that happen. And

Now back to the whole air thing, if you really want to get down to that, too much of anything is a bad thing even if it’s good, you can die from drinking too much water.. Are you going to stop drinking water then? Its common sense or should be that solvents are chemicals. BIGGEST POINT why the hell risk possibly ingesting chemicals at all and risk your health when other methods as I've mentioned such as water and ice used for extraction have no risks! Knowingly, and potentially ingesting chemicals is just absurd and idiotic if you ask me. But to each their own right? Sounds like a no brainer to me. But, as I've stated many times common sense isn’t so common anymore. BTW Frogmann saw that as one your quotes been saying it myself for long time now!

And to address a previous question on ingesting butane while smoking, if I recall correctly, you’re using a torch not a bic lighter btw, the gasses are basically completely burnt off and the only contributing thing you would be “inhaling” is the left over carbon/ carbon monoxide and water vapor. Whereas, with a bic lighter burning at a low temperature not burning everything off and produces more soot. If its really that big of a problem for some then use hemp wick, glass rods, etc. or vaporizers.

Here is a part that was written up in my essay:

There has been less evidence substantiating the claims that the use of marijuana has severe and adverse side effects. Even when it was stated and believed that smoking cannabis adversely affected the lungs, such as with cigarette smoke, the Journal of Medical Association stated that smoking marijuana does not seem to affect lung function adversely, and “if marijuana is the only thing they are smoking, they aren’t likely to add Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) to their health woes” (Harvard Health Letter 1), as has been shown with cigarette smoke. Marijuana has so little risk that the DEA’s own Administrative Law Judge, Francis Young, “ruled that in 1988 that cannabis should be moved to schedule 2. He noted that cannabis was one of the safest therapeutic substances known to man” (Mathre 1). As Mathre said, there is no risk from cannabis greater than the range of possible risks from most pharmaceuticals in use today (1).

And if I can find it there was also an article on how marijuana while being a carcinogenic, actually helps break down damaged lung tissue and rebuild it. Remember all the chemicals within marijuana are yet to be tested, discovered, and fully understood. Which Is why such drugs as marinol don’t work. Why? Because they isolate only what chemical components within the plant they want to use.

Here are some interesting things to read for cancer and marijuana
on DNA repair with Hemp- not sure that this is scholarly but interesting none the less.
And recently research into terpenes for aromatherapy has gained popularity in research studies. Oriah posted some pics of different terpene profiles that were good. Now Marijuana is being study for aroma therapy qualities as well, considering it has more profiles than any other known plant out there as of now.
Remember that this plant was put here for our use. If it wasn’t we wouldn’t have an endocannabinoid system with CB1 and CB2 receptors that accept the properties of this lovely plant. Think of it as a key and keyhole the key being ingested marijuana and the keyhole being our endocannabinoid system.
Hopefully I have not rambled on to long here now, just some really good info I thought I’d get out there for everyone.
For those saying your consuming butane when using a butane lighter your not. Your inhaling co2.
Cause when butane combusts it turns to co2. Just like co2 burners make co2 from propane.

Using a butane lighter is no worse for you then going into a growroom with a co2 burner running.
i wish i could find some ice wax at a club/dispensary here in Portland! i really need that in my life. thinking of biting the bullet and grabbing a machine and a set of bags and get to work myself.
Yeah my EHO (Everclear Honey Oil) won't show any Everclear in it, all the alcahol has evaporated out.

But the substance has been changed, just like butane changes it. And you can't undue the change... As to where with the Grain alcahol, isn't going to hurt you, the butane will...As it is denatured to begin with. (Denatured means it's poison)
He said he uses grain alcohol. That is not poison unless you drink too much. :-)

For smoking kief and flowers, I'm loving my new Herb Iron. No lighter needed.

I recently spoke with someone who does cannabis testing in CO. This person claimed that they are finding all sorts of nasty chemicals in BHO from dispensaries. So, if you are going to use BHO, please know your source.
Any SuperNerds know what TGA strain has the most Limonene? My shot in the dark guess is JC2? But just cuz it smells the most like Lemons, does that mean it has the most Limonene?

Badass that TGA is testing for terps now, but none of the new ones had much Limonene in it... Myrcene for days, which is the shit for some folks. But i dont need to sleep, i need anti-depressant cancer killers.

Anyone with some older TGA gear terpine info?
Well fuck all the wrongs.... I got some right for once... For the past 2 years before the outdoor season I give a friend of mine some cuts of whatever I have growing which he grows in his yard and shares with his friends... Last year it was chernobyl this year its gonna be cheese quake or ace of spades but I havent seen him in at least 6 months and when I did we really couldnt talk, hes an older old school guy so he doesnt talk on the phone or text etc.... He came and saw me last week to get some cuts and told me he gave a 30+ year grower friend of his a few of the chernobyl cuttings I had given him and the guy was blown away.. Never had he seen resin like that and his patients havent stopped asking for it and is now the only thing he's growing in his garden... This was someone who had the same mother plant for 15 years or something... Not hurricane sandy but the one the year before had destroyed his op but he had saved his treasured mother but for whatever reason she lost all her potency....

Thanks for making me look good sub....
Y'all suck....this thread used to be so much fun and learning used to be so positive.. Now it's about who's right or wrong..that's not what being a nerd is about.....

I wasn't worried about being right or wrong. Just hopefully passing on alot of good info people find interesting and helpful. Back to the good stuff now

Oriah thanks for bringing up terpenes not sure about your question, but what does everyone else think about terpenes and there importance in medicinal uses? As I stated earlier more and more research is being done on them and there vast medicinal uses. What's everyone's favorite terpene profiles and why? What do you find they help with
Thanks for the shout out Subcool. Jessi here. Getting sick from a dab is a little embarrassing, but in the medical grey-area of BHO, I think it is important to get info like this out. Last week, I took a dab of some BHO that was not our own. It had a sour after-taste and was purged only by whipping to a budder without heat. This is not our method, and it seemed under-purged compared to what we usually smoke (which has never caused a problem). James didn't like the taste and thought it was harsh so he didn't smoke any after his first hit. I kept smoking it all night. My throat went from a dull ache to an unable to swallow sensation. I felt like I had something stuck in the back of my throat and when I looked in the mirror I was shocked to see what looked like a second tongue coming out from down my throat. I needed to lean forward to breathe properly and at times it felt like a flap was sealing off my airway. I went to the urgent care where they told me they were unable to handle my situation and would need to escort me to the adjacent Emergency Room for immediate treatment. I received a quick diagnosis at the Emergency Room because the doctor had seen an instance like mine a few weeks prior, although it was previously a very rare occurrence (BHO has just recently become popular in our state). I had Chemical Epiglottitis, which can be a life threatening situation. Luckily, mine was not! Chemical Epiglottitis is caused by irritants or hot vapors that pass by and damage the epiglottis (the flap the covers your wind pipes when you eat/drink). When this happens, the epiglottis swells and has the potential of closing off the wind pipe, making it impossible to breathe. I was lucky and the swelling stopped before I needed any serious medical interventions. For those less fortunate, a run in with Epiglottitis has the potential to send a patient into the ICU, emergency surgery, or a tracheotomy. Its serious stuff! It was a hard lesson for James and I and taught us to always smoke our own, or at least know what we are smoking. We are both taking some time off of BHO and are slightly disappointed that our usual health-conscious decisions were so unknowingly reckless. It sounds like a different girl also had a scary experience at the HighTimes cup. I hope she is alright as well!
James and I are dab-neutral and do not want to stir up a debate on the pros and cons of BHO, ISO, RSO or any of the other extracts. We do, however, hope that medical instances like my own serve to improve the safety of the community and do not hinder the progress of legalization.

I really have a hard time understanding the belief than BHO is stronger than Hashish since it does not even make sense.
I have only one question for you all and THINK TWICE PLEASE before you answer.
Does dissolving trichomes in any type of solvent make them more potent/stronger than when collected by dry seaving or ice water extraction?
You most certainly can burn a much bigger amount of BHO at a time but gramme for gramme is your BHO stronger when you burn an average of a quarter to half a gram at a time.
Smoke half a gramme of my hashish for breakfast and you will be drooling for most of your day my friend.
Very impressive snowboarder! Hope you all are sending this guy some rep. He deserves it. Yes it was a bit of a ramble, but sometimes its necessary. I don't mind reading long posts. I'm fascinated by others insites. Plus, I tend to have a longer attention span than many today, because I limit the amount of processed sugar and stimulants I ingest. Your writing style is very eloquent. It's difficult to fashion words in a way all of us can understand, based on our different educational backgrounds. Most uneducated people have important things to say. The trick is to express it in a manor the rest of us can understand. Reminds me of Tupac Shakur, who I don't think was very educated. But, he had outstanding insite into the human condition and behavior. He was very well read into Shakespeare, from his Black Panther background I think. It's a shame he only made it to 25.

But, as I've stated many times common sense isn’t so common anymore. BTW Frogmann saw that as one your quotes been saying it myself for long time now!
Yes sir, I'm sure you do. It's an old proverb that has changed meaning a few times through history. The person I learned it from was an old guy I respected while going to school 20+ years ago. Seems to fit the bill better than it ever did back then. But, back then I was young and dumb..So, perspective is probably the key :) Maybe it's all the sex, violence, tv, etc. that's keeping us all doped up and preventing us from learning common life leasons?

And recently research into terpenes for aromatherapy has gained popularity in research studies. Oriah posted some pics of different terpene profiles that were good. Now Marijuana is being study for aroma therapy qualities as well, considering it has more profiles than any other known plant out there as of now.
Very interesting! I'll have to look into those Oriah posts. Just from personal experience I know this is fact. My Jillybean(orange fruitloop pheno) makes me feel happy and relaxed just from smelling her. I've posted about her effects from smell alone in another thread on this site about a week the seed/strain review area of this forum. A member started a poll thread to find out which TGA strains everyone prefers and why. Think he was looking for a strain for stress and anxiety, which Jillybean can releave from just smelling her. Cheers Mz Jill !

Remember that this plant was put here for our use. If it wasn’t we wouldn’t have an endocannabinoid system with CB1 and CB2 receptors that accept the properties of this lovely plant. Think of it as a key and keyhole the key being ingested marijuana and the keyhole being our endocannabinoid system.
Hopefully I have not rambled on to long here now, just some really good info I thought I’d get out there for everyone.
yeah, not all of us follow a particular form of organized religion or are atheist. But, I think most of us tend to believe it's more than a coincidence that those receptors are there.

Thanks for being who you are and good luck to you in all endeavors of life.
Frenchy makes a good point. Try a mind experiment. Say we take an oz of high quality hash and soak it in Vector Butane/propane and then run it through coffee filters. I bet you'd be able to remove about 10% impurities from the hash but the resulting BHO would be changed in my opinion. The hash would be changed due to chemical bonds taking place when you mix the two. Maybe BHO seems to get some people higher because it's chemically changed slightly.
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