The Weed Nerd~

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Stopping the progression ain't bad!! Certainly better than the alternative :) Glad to hear it's going well so far. Just got done watering for the night... a ganja farmers job is never done :)
A small teaser of whats to come in TC's corner soon

hey Sub or anyone else has anyone heard whats going on with sowamazingseeds the website directs you to a different web site and I just tried emailing them and there email adress is shut down too I'm glad they got my order out before whatever happened it was only a couple days later after i got my confirmation that they mailed them out that there website went down I hope nothing bad has happened
Sub you may want to consider anchoring the the top of your pvc frame to the ground with some rope for added safety, just a thought would hate to see prospects and yourselfs hard work get mashed.
Shawns I'm pretty sure they are just doing site maintenance probably to better the website. You're fine man. They are good people up there at SOW.

thats what I thought till i tried to email them and it says the email doesn't exist but you could be right I'm not worried as i got my order I was just wondering if anyone heard anything
Checking the domain, it looks like you are good. They still own the domain and it hasn't been transferred to a new owner. Records show they updated where the domain points on 14th of July, so I'm guessing they are just having tech issues. May be they are changing names and they just screwed up the transition.
I recently received an order from SOS but my second order a few days later never made it but they put the money back in my acct. I think they are updating or email never made it either.
A small teaser of whats to come in TC's corner soon


Assuming that is kyle kushman's. I'm glad we get to have another squiz at his grow room. Those plants were like as tall as him when he flipped them, I am keen to see how he dealt with them from there.
Matt's rubbed some people the wrong way before sub and him started doing their thing.. but I doubt sub's intentions in the nerd video were for people to start dropping harsh words towards matt in the nerd thread either... matt's free to do his own thing and lead his own life as he chooses. I got plants to grow not time to worry about what he's doing -- hopefully someday sub and him will mend the fences. onward and upward.
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