The weirdest thing I've encountered

image.jpg There is growth on the stem of a fan leaf?? Like a small node but on the stem nowhere close to the nodes and it's getting Niger any ideas anybody had this issue or gift let me know what you think!!!image.jpg
Is this bad can it hurt the plant will this head continue to grow will it produce bud can it hurt my plant what does this do or what's it from I need explination on what's wrong with it or what's gunna happen


It's nothing dude....chill bro...your plant will be fine.

One does see some really odd mutations from time to time, but generally they're harmless.


Staff member
Thank you people are ignorant
you dont need to freak out on him, he thought you typed a racist comment, but it was an accident on your iphone mine does the same so i corrected this miscommunication by saying it was a typo by the autocorrect system thats all.
you dont need to freak out on him, he thought you typed a racist comment, but it was an accident on your iphone mine does the same so i corrected this miscommunication by saying it was a typo by the autocorrect system thats all.
Agreed! Miscommunication

Midwest Weedist

Well-Known Member
So it's a mutation will it continue to grow?
Yes and more than likely. If you grow with synthetic nutrients that may be why you're seeing this. Don't freak, mutations happen more than you'd think. I've had a nanner get thrown from the center of a leaf when I first started growing .