The White privilege to terrorize

FUN FACT - i am the guy that coined the phrase "diversity is a code word for white genocide". back in 2011

AND.......... I'm not a NAZI, I'm not KLAN, not in a MILITIA

Im just a guy that DOESNT HATE WHITE PEOPLE. lol

Back in 2011 i was cumming on your moms pussy
Imagine living in a world where people are so narcissistic that they feel comfortable using that word over hurt feelings.

imagine hating a race so much you will engage in lies, fraud, deception and attempt to gaslight them in hopes of destroying them.

Why? cuz one time you seent an anti-white hollywood movie about raysisms and it made your feelings sad.....
A bit of Buddhist psychology, this list is from the Buddhist cheat sheet (a mental training system). It's divided into two parts with the first 3 the positive, roots of mind, this is further based on basic conditioned attraction and avoidance feelings. These are the higher socialized emotional roots, the next stage up if you will, our intentions that underlie our thoughts, words and actions are on this level and are formed here. Where do you think republicans are spending most of their time? Much Greed?, Much hate? Much delusion?

Trump exists in the final three on the list, he does not experience the joy of the first three and cannot, looking at it in this light, he is to be pitied, as well as punished.
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imagine hating a race so much you will engage in lies, fraud, deception and attempt to gaslight them in hopes of destroying them.

Why? cuz one time you seent an anti-white hollywood movie about raysisms and it made your feelings sad.....
I saw a movie one time. Well, rather, i made a movie. With your mom. It was a movie where i came on your moms pussy
And I’m Lebanese so try to look at this post from an outside perspective, it’s honestly sad to see so much self hatred
God damn you guys love to talk about racism don’t you,,, people don’t get that there bringing racism back by talking about it non stop. Why do you hate yourselves so much for having white skin smh
Your question might have gotten some consideration before Jan 6. We saw white terrorists attack Capitol Police using "Police Lives Matter" flag poles and the spear pointed finial wasn't just for show either. They shouted racial slurs at black cops and tried to murder Trump's political enemies, not to mention try to overturn a free and fair election that they lost.

We see you. We see the hatred you bring with you. Near as I can tell most in this country reject both.
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God damn you guys love to talk about racism don’t you,,, people don’t get that there bringing racism back by talking about it non stop. Why do you hate yourselves so much for having white skin smh
Because you says so?

Racism never left, it is imbedded in institutions all over the place and needs to be highlighted so that it can be stopped. Crap like Gerrymandering power away from non-white suburban/rural areas being a very powerful example of racisms hold on our nation.

And I’m Lebanese so try to look at this post from an outside perspective, it’s honestly sad to see so much self hatred
What makes you think it is 'self hatred'? Are you buying into the white angst snow flaking?

You do know that is all bullshit to get these cultists to not understand that they are being racist af right?
There’s nothing wrong with being proud of your heritage, it’s okay to like yourself. I give you permission
Your question might have gotten some consideration before Jan 6. We saw white terrorists attack Capitol Police using "Police Lives Matter" flag poles and the spear pointed finial wasn't just for show either. They shouted racial slurs at black cops and tried to murder Trump's political enemies, not to mention try to overturn a free and fair election that they lost.

We see you. We see the hatred you bring with you. I, for one, reject both.
I’m just curious, how many people did these “terrorist” kill ?
And I’m Lebanese so try to look at this post from an outside perspective, it’s honestly sad to see so much self hatred
Our culture and entertainment reek with racist messages. I'm sorry to hear that an idiot from or in Lebanon couldn't see through it.
Because you says so?

Racism never left, it is imbedded in institutions all over the place and needs to be highlighted so that it can be stopped. Crap like Gerrymandering power away from non-white suburban/rural areas being a very powerful example of racisms hold on our nation.

What makes you think it is 'self hatred'? Are you buying into the white angst snow flaking?

You do know that is all bullshit to get these cultists to not understand that they are being racist af right?
Give me some examples or this systemic racism ? I’ll wait