the wierd way I start out my seeds post your way! or opinions!

post some pictures because that is what i am currently doing to a T and i want to know how it worked out. i did a test run with my old shitty brick seeds and only one cracked but i am pretty sure it was because they were old. i am 24 hours in right now


Well-Known Member
you're right, that's weird, I put my seeds in soil and water them, it's totally funny but is there anybody else who does what I do?
Yup. I actually just got a 30 out of 30 germination rate with this method, and some DrGT strains.


Well-Known Member
Yup. I actually just got a 30 out of 30 germination rate with this method, and some DrGT strains.
you guys must have some amazing seed genetics because whenever I do this, it never works. the seed just doesnt break open while the soil is on top, than after it breaks the root needs to stick down and PUSH the seed shell up which I think THATS why it cant work for me.


well what temps are you running when you are germinating friendlyguy?

I found amazing success at around 80-88 degrees..


Well-Known Member
Bro no lie dude I have no equpiment at all, all I have is a TDS meter, thats about it.. lmfao If anyone could recommend or jot down a parts list of what I need that would be perfect. xD


Well-Known Member
Well, cheap way to go it a Pool PH kit, 15 bucks or so at walmart, grow shops have em too. cheap thermometer are those food ones, also at walmart. There are Temp/PH/TDS meters out there that are fricken awesome, but they are spendy.

You want something to test the PH man, that's yer main thing to monitor if nothing else.


or a recommendation i would make for the thermo would be one of those cheap walmart hygrometers.. it has indoor humidity (lo , ho, and current) same goes for the thermometer.. it seems to work wonderfully for me.. and you can't beat it for $7 imho

i would thoroughly agree with slojo about the ph.. you could also get a cheap pH pen from ebay.. will take about 3 weeks to get there but it's only $10 bucks for digi pH meter... well worth the time to wait for it... or perhaps even to get ya by just some cheap pH strips from ebay.. i got 100 for like 5bucks (free shipping).

i'm just starting out with my first grow, but I would recommend getting the pH meter stat. If you have soil, go to true value or ace hardware and pick up an analog pH (or maybe even the all in one [light, pH, fertilizer, and moisture meter]) these range from 7-15 bucks and well worth it imo. Just keep the electrode clean with some steel wool.

so yeah... hygrometer, and pH meter... definitely! gotta make sure your girls are growing up with the best resources available to maximize yield potential and to be as efficient as possible. =)


Well-Known Member
or a recommendation i would make for the thermo would be one of those cheap walmart hygrometers.. it has indoor humidity (lo , ho, and current) same goes for the thermometer.. it seems to work wonderfully for me.. and you can't beat it for $7 imho
Well the Thermometer i was talking about was for the water, I just assumed he had a room meter, didn't even think about it hehe


Active Member
All I do is get a brown paper towel get it wet, put it in a zip lock bag and stick it in my furnace room its dark and warm. They pop it about 2-3 days. I have had very successful results. Sounds like alot of work to get a seed to pop. But everyone has there own way.


Well-Known Member
All I do is get a brown paper towel get it wet, put it in a zip lock bag and stick it in my furnace room its dark and warm. They pop it about 2-3 days. I have had very successful results.
Lotta people do that, it works fo sho. I personally skip that and just go straight to soil, if it'll germ in a papertowel, itll germ in soil hehe. whatever works though, I've totally become a fan of the saying "Find what works for you" after starting this whole journey


Well-Known Member
or a recommendation i would make for the thermo would be one of those cheap walmart hygrometers.. it has indoor humidity (lo , ho, and current) same goes for the thermometer.. it seems to work wonderfully for me.. and you can't beat it for $7 imho

i would thoroughly agree with slojo about the ph.. you could also get a cheap pH pen from ebay.. will take about 3 weeks to get there but it's only $10 bucks for digi pH meter... well worth the time to wait for it... or perhaps even to get ya by just some cheap pH strips from ebay.. i got 100 for like 5bucks (free shipping).

i'm just starting out with my first grow, but I would recommend getting the pH meter stat. If you have soil, go to true value or ace hardware and pick up an analog pH (or maybe even the all in one [light, pH, fertilizer, and moisture meter]) these range from 7-15 bucks and well worth it imo. Just keep the electrode clean with some steel wool.

so yeah... hygrometer, and pH meter... definitely! gotta make sure your girls are growing up with the best resources available to maximize yield potential and to be as efficient as possible. =)
Yeah lol PH was my first priority but i coulda sworn the tds said like.. TDS/EC/PHthan when i got it i found out it wasnt PH lmfaoso Hygrometer and PH i wanna use my money on a digital PH but gotta save. I dont like the test strips because I wanna be on dot with my ph.. im assuming im doing ok since plants look very happy and growing great. BUT than again a car could run great one day and next, not even start up so definatly I will get the test strips.Ill order em online, oh on second thought I dont think I can do that because I need a meter that can dig into soil, :]


Well-Known Member
Yeah lol PH was my first priority but i coulda sworn the tds said like.. TDS/EC/PHthan when i got it i found out it wasnt PH lmfaoso Hygrometer and PH i wanna use my money on a digital PH but gotta save. I dont like the test strips because I wanna be on dot with my ph.. im assuming im doing ok since plants look very happy and growing great. BUT than again a car could run great one day and next, not even start up so definatly I will get the test strips.Ill order em online, oh on second thought I dont think I can do that because I need a meter that can dig into soil, :]
The digi PH meters are pretty cheap man, Id spend the extra 10 bucks and get a hanna instrument PH meter off ebay for like 15 bucks. You'll be the happiest mofo ever!


Well-Known Member
I like to boil R/O water then put that in a small glass cup to sanitize wait to it cools down then add some seaweed and the seed, let sit for 24hrs or so then put into a paper towel'd plate covered with saran wrap in a warm dark place(too warm seems to make alot of boys) the real vigorous buggers will be completely out of the seeds in 24hrs then just thow them right into some organic soil, for most which just the tap root is starting to come out after 24-48hrs I go ahead and put them in soil(just covered) with the tap root pointed UP(check DJ Short, but if she seems weak I put her on her side) as it naturally curls down and this helps with removing the seed shell. I mist the crapt out of them while they are germing and alot of times help them get out of the seeds shell.

But thats just me, and I probably popped over 300 seeds in the last 2 months alone.


Active Member
Lotta people do that, it works fo sho. I personally skip that and just go straight to soil, if it'll germ in a papertowel, itll germ in soil hehe. whatever works though, I've totally become a fan of the saying "Find what works for you" after starting this whole journey
I agree! I did it in soil and for me it took longer.


Well-Known Member
For breeding purposes I like to put into the soil quicker to seperate the weak from the strong, but when you pay out the ass for seeds, you want every frigging one to make have alot more control and idea whats going on in the paper towel and can help out if needed....


Well-Known Member
I use damp paper towels in a dark warm spot, I dont touch them again till they sprout and use sterilized tweezers to plant them in soil (one quarter inch) with the root (pointed end) up.
Life pops right up out of the soil so get some CFL,s on them


Active Member
I soak my seeds in a shot glass of tap water (my well water has a ph of 6.0 and only 105 ppm) for 24 hours. At the same time, I soak my rockwool cubes in tap water and 1 tsp of clonex liquid. After 24 hours I swirl the seed. If it sinks, I put it in the rockwool, if not, I push it down and check back a couple of hours later to make sure it stays down, then plant it. If the seed floats back up, I chuck it. Rockwool cubes go in a germination tray on a heat mat, with a dome. Usually, I have sprouts in 48 hours or less. Some strains have taken a little longer, like 3 or 4 days.