After reading everyone's response to what your saying I just had to say my piece, the men on this subject I'm afraid to say are right, your gf is not being sincere or telling you the whole story behind this decision to go back home.If you really love and want to be with someone you don't walk away from them,and if she was really unhappy living where you are now I'm sure if she really loved you she would have talked to you about wanting to go back home.My suggestion is let her go with your approval if she cares she will either come back or ask you to go back home to her,but whatever her decision you must carry on with your life don't hang around waiting for something that may never happen.woman can be equally as cruel as caring, it sounds like she may want to end it but she's not absolutely sure so by saying she still wants to be with you gives her the option of time to decide,but unfortunately leaves you in limbo I hope everything works out for you and hope this helps,I've been around longer than you so I thought I would share my wisdom with you good luck G