The wife to be wants a 'break' - The Relationship Thread

Good luck, you already know what to do.

LOL.. wow you nailed it.. square smack dab.. yes I am the toker.. And she was too when we first got together, a chronic even... But soon after we got together she quit...

Ok there's a detail or two that I left out that no doubt is a factor in her / our life...
Ok so here it is... and Im sure to be persacuted for what I'm about to say, but in my defence I was never in it to 'score' or take advantage in any way... When we met, years ago now, I was 23 and she told me she was 18... Fine and dandy, the age issue never came up, a year passed. In that time she moved in with me and I layed it out; either you go to school or you get a job... A year later I found out through FB that she was not 18... but 16 turning 17. At this time we've lived together for almost a year.. (yada, yada, you can fill in the details) At this point I'm 'in love'. So her coming from a family that is totaly un-educated and broken no one pushed the school issue..

lol I could go on forever...
We just moved to a small town away from the city (Vancouver, B.C.) 4 months later she says she need some space and is moving back to the city at the end of the month. Claims that she wants us to be together still just living apart (400 miles apart)... Been together for 4.5 yrs and got engaged last summer, no kids (thank god). Is it just me or is there anyone else out there that thinks that it's few and far between a couple breaks and gets back together? The fucked up thing is that it's not like things have changed or we fight or anything.. everything is as it has been except for the move...

After reading everyone's response to what your saying I just had to say my piece, the men on this subject I'm afraid to say are right, your gf is not being sincere or telling you the whole story behind this decision to go back home.If you really love and want to be with someone you don't walk away from them,and if she was really unhappy living where you are now I'm sure if she really loved you she would have talked to you about wanting to go back home.My suggestion is let her go with your approval if she cares she will either come back or ask you to go back home to her,but whatever her decision you must carry on with your life don't hang around waiting for something that may never happen.woman can be equally as cruel as caring, it sounds like she may want to end it but she's not absolutely sure so by saying she still wants to be with you gives her the option of time to decide,but unfortunately leaves you in limbo I hope everything works out for you and hope this helps,I've been around longer than you so I thought I would share my wisdom with you good luck G
sounds supportive from one side of the story.

uneducated background? maybe she wants to go back and toot her own horn to all
of the lead balloons that once held her down.
she was 16 weh hey high five for you buddy . :blsmoke: On a serious note i hope everything works out for you and that you will be happy no matter what the outcome is . Im havin some serious realationship issues over here 2 and to make it worse there is a child involved so it just make thing even more complicated . So good luck with the love life i better get back to my college work and stop percrasinating on the internet . bongsmilie
After reading everyone's response to what your saying I just had to say my piece, the men on this subject I'm afraid to say are right, your gf is not being sincere or telling you the whole story behind this decision to go back home.If you really love and want to be with someone you don't walk away from them,and if she was really unhappy living where you are now I'm sure if she really loved you she would have talked to you about wanting to go back home.My suggestion is let her go with your approval if she cares she will either come back or ask you to go back home to her,but whatever her decision you must carry on with your life don't hang around waiting for something that may never happen.woman can be equally as cruel as caring, it sounds like she may want to end it but she's not absolutely sure so by saying she still wants to be with you gives her the option of time to decide,but unfortunately leaves you in limbo I hope everything works out for you and hope this helps,I've been around longer than you so I thought I would share my wisdom with you good luck G

Roger.. You pretty much summed it up, why agree to get married if you were not 100% in? Space? what did you think would happen after marriage? And if you want space, fine nothing wrong with that, - lets not talk for a month.. you don't have to jump on a bus to get it... And all at the same time she gets 'upset' / 'moody' when I diss agree that being 'together' 500 km apart is not going to work...

Fuck it.. Let her go, don't get mad, don't be an idiot.. suck it up... go home to your babies... gooooooos fraaaah bahhhhh
Thankyou every one for the insight, weather I wanted to hear it or not... Thats why I threw up this thread... I know I would get it laid out, no fuckin around no beatin around the bush and so on and so forth.. Even though I didn't want to hear it. I needed too and I wouldn't have taken the advise / wisdom from anywhere else. Thanks again.

I just read this whole thread and it does seem that everyone has laid it out and IMO is pretty on it with what is really going on. I am just going to give you some advice because I have gone through this before and think that if you give her the option it will end badly for you. If I were you I would tell her straight up that if she is leaving that this is a break up and not space for you. As you said marriage should not be like that, someone you marry you should not need space from IMO. Don't threaten her with it though, but be firm in your position. Also, make sure you look at ID's bro!! Your at that magical age where the young girls still want you because you provide the means to do everything they want at that age, you're basically a facilitator to their enjoyment.

I'm not sure of the Statutory laws in Canada but in the states what you and I (I was 21 and she was lying about being 16) have done is a crime, even if you didn't know she was a minor. I was fortunate in that the woman I was with I married (DIVORCED NOW) and escaped the laws, but it could have been a real issue. And remember she lied to you from the beginning about her age and probably many things in her life so always consider this as well.

Now, in her defense make sure you're not being over-bearing by forcing the issue of school or pressuring her too much into finding a job as this can make it even harder. Sometimes the pressure of the move and those things combined can make anyone home sick and depressed. The weekend trip together to visit back home is a good idea, or go spend some time rekindling the relationship somewhere if your set on trying to make it work. Personally I would end it now and start the search for a new partner in crime, one that supports your canna use and if the girl your with now fights to keep you well then maybe we were all wrong. Good luck with everything and I wish you the best, you're young so don't set your aim too low.
My advice is don't let her go alone. As a woman I'd say she is about to deep six the relationship.

I'm sorry but it doesn't look good to me.

Edit: Men should realize that when you play around with young girls that is what it is - play. They like to play house, play wife, play with your life. If you divorce next time get a real grown up woman who is tired of playing games. I'd say hit on a cougar.
ooo la la

try it you'll like it. lol

It works too, i'm still nursing scratches.
man , you guys are giving this guy paranoia , look at the base of their relationship , they moved 450 miles away from her family and friends, which she has never done before in her life, they are young, im sure shes just feeling anxious aboout the whole move and went about talking about the situation in the wrong way suggesting a break , doesnt seem like theyve been arguing alot or he would've mentioned it, if there had been any other red flags he wouldve mentioned it like (texting and deleting texts ect) you guys are giving this guy a heartattack for al the wrong reasons, a big move is hard to handle especially when you have no friends around you
We just moved to a small town away from the city (Vancouver, B.C.) 4 months later she says she need some space and is moving back to the city at the end of the month. Claims that she wants us to be together still just living apart (400 miles apart)... Been together for 4.5 yrs and got engaged last summer, no kids (thank god). Is it just me or is there anyone else out there that thinks that it's few and far between a couple breaks and gets back together? The fucked up thing is that it's not like things have changed or we fight or anything.. everything is as it has been except for the move...


She's as gone as the wayward wind, man. Not trying to be hateful or cruel. Winter coming up so be aware you need to get busy mentally, brother. Peace.
dump her now with extreme prejudice, before she dumps you. kick her out of your house and never look back. throw all her shit out onto the street and her right behind it. no time should be wasted in doing so.
dump her now with extreme prejudice, before she dumps you. kick her out of your house and never look back. throw all her shit out onto the street and her right behind it. no time should be wasted in doing so.

And that's why you're still single.....