The world gunna end in 2012 omfg!!!

skippy pb

Well-Known Member
HOLY CRAP the worlds gunna end in 2012 OMG!!!1!1!! what are we going to do???

Everyone send me your money and bongs/buds/paraphenilia. Its all going into a "time capsule" so someone can "discover it in the future"

Whos down!



Well-Known Member
for sure, they did predict many incidents that really did occur, on the exact date the said it would. oh yea.. it wasn't many... it was 100%.


Well-Known Member
When the world ends we will still exist, only in a different way. From every ending there is birthed a new beginning and from every beginning there is a new end.

I know I'm not the only one here who understands that Time is Cyclical.