The world is only what I know

Can you imagine being so pathetic you create multiple accounts, to like your own posts, then looking for attention you fake the death of one of them....
Can you imagine being so pathetic you create multiple accounts, to like your own posts, then looking for attention you fake the death of one of them....
Ok, I thought this might be the direction you were headed. What makes you think this? You obviously have been a member here before. What about the obit justbe read? Did newage fake that as well?
The world is only what I know, witness and experience, what I am aware of, that is the only true reality, the world is not as real and tangible as my experience of it, so why should I give af what anybody thinks of me, is their own experience even real to me?
The world that you know, witness, and experience is your brains perception of your reality. There is so much more than what we perceive all around us. Scientifically, energy that is created cannot be uncreated. Therefore the energy in the human body, at death, has actual weight. Roughly 2.2lbs or 1 kg if you prefer. The human body at actual time of death loses 2.2 lbs of weight... not physical or material weight but weight none the less... so... spirit,ghost,soul... whatever you prefer leaves the body then! It does not unbecome energy. What makes you, you? It does not disappear. According to science, it lasts forever. That energy probably will not coalesce together but it does not vanish. Your eyes only see what your brain can process. Obviously there is more out there that our eyes cannot see due to the way our eyes see. Animals can sense and see things humans can’t. That should be one clue that there is more than we know... at this time.
Ok, I thought this might be the direction you were headed. What makes you think this? You obviously have been a member here before. What about the obit justbe read? Did newage fake that as well?
If I'm honest, I don't deal with death that well. I have spoken to New age many times and genuinely just wanted to say hello to him. I was hoping that he killed his account off and started with a fresh one.
If I'm honest, I don't deal with death that well. I have spoken to New age many times and genuinely just wanted to say hello to him. I was hoping that he killed his account off and started with a fresh one.
Weird flex but ok.
And btw, sunny is not a fed ffs. She probably smokes more than you and me combined.
You need to stfu.
Why are you causing trouble? You’re an obvious sock. What’s the issue? Asshole.
Who is causing trouble? I've given my reason for thinking he may have killed off that account. It's you that's name calling, and trying to bait. I will forgive you and excuse your behaviour because im thinking you may be on your period? I could be wrong and you could just be a Bully.
Who is causing trouble? I've given my reason for thinking he may have killed off that account. It's you that's name calling, and trying to bait. I will forgive you and excuse your behaviour because im thinking you may be on your period? I could be wrong and you could just be a Bully.
What did you expect? You were pretty disrespectful from the jump. As dysfunctional as we might be here on RIU from time to time, we still show respect for deceased members. :peace:
Like i said, I hope I'm right. And if any of you genuinely are upset then it is testament to your own kindness. But still having said this, you are all adults and have the ability to communicate without name calling and goading. New age wrote about his split personality amongst other things, it isn't a reach to suggest it could have been a dramatic end to an online persona.
Sorry and not sorry.
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