The worst election interference in 2020 will be perfectly legal


Well-Known Member

I know there will be lots of haters screaming about the source, but do try to refute the actual content of the article for once.

Well, you'll be unable to so I'm sure you'll go right back to the ad hominem arguments that have been serving you so poorly up until now.

Our democracy is finished. Why? Because the American People don't care enough to protect it. It's far easier to to sit on your ass and post angry tweets than actually do anything. Please prove me wrong on this; nothing would make me happier than to see a real life American 'yellow vest' movement, but I'm not holding my breath.
At one time we had popular artists turning out albums with themes that had to do with things going on in our country and around the world. It still goes on but on a much smaller scale. I can't afford to go to DC and protest but I have little faith it would achieve anything desirable. I have done things like that in the past, sometimes they proved to be successful and sometimes the success didn't arrive for years to come. Presently a sign to me is how many Republicans stand behind this fool of a potus and block necessary progress in many areas on issues to increase the quality of life for so many people. I will vote for candidates to change this, Democrats only and maybe an independent but not for any fucking Republican jackasses, I've had enough of them
Pretending either corporate owned party gives a fuck about the citizens in this country is the first mistake. Pretending voting machines that can't be audited for accuracy allow for a true vote is the second.

Just sit back and watch Rome burn again.
I was a key punch operator in high school the voting cards are 88 column cards from the early 70s,96 column cards came out in 1974. The computer they went into was the size of the average living room & probably less powerful than a cell phone. we have a few years to upgrade the system,the left & right needs to work together quickly and come up with a secure system.
Why do you guys suppose that the DNC felt like Hillary was exonerated over the email scandal after an investigation but feel that Trump is guilty despite the fact that the Mueller investigation yielded the same results of malfeasance?
Who said she was exonerated? She fucked up and Trump has been fucking up, is fucking up and is fucked up.
Fair enough. I was just wondering why her mess up is dead and buried but the DNC keeps going after Trump. It's not like 2020 is guaranteed to him. He might in fact lose that election. I wonder why they're pushing so hard when the next election is right around the corner. It's almost like its not about justice but more about political maneuvering to make him look bad right before the election.
It’s more about the ten counts of felony obstruction
Fair enough. I was just wondering why her mess up is dead and buried but the DNC keeps going after Trump. It's not like 2020 is guaranteed to him. He might in fact lose that election. I wonder why they're pushing so hard when the next election is right around the corner. It's almost like its not about justice but more about political maneuvering to make him look bad right before the election.
Well, that's you guys (Republicans ) job to investigate that. Y'all had a majority for two years and did nothing, so I don't know what to tell you. Locker her up, right?
I'm not a Republican.

I wish the DNC luck in getting what they need to go after Trump. If recent events and the conclusion of the Mueller investigation is any indication, the DNC won't be getting what they're looking for.
Clarify that statement about the Mueller report. What is your view of it, pertaining to obstruction?
If there is room for impeachment then it is the job of every congressperson, man or woman, to impeach him and see what may be wrought. I'm wondering why they haven't started that process yet.
Probably because it would be instantly squashed on the Senate floor, and that will be that. There is no fucking way the Party of law and order would ever go against their Fuhrer.
Why do you guys suppose that the DNC felt like Hillary was exonerated over the email scandal after an investigation but feel that Trump is guilty despite the fact that the Mueller investigation yielded the same results of malfeasance?

Welcome new sock puppet.

What is this, your 8th account? 9th?
There's plenty of Republicans that do not care for Trump and do not claim him.

There were at least twelve Republican senators that blocked him from getting his wall.
But how many in the Senate have the ball or integrity to put principles before politics? NONE. Why, because they are scared of being prepared. Translation, no ball, no soul, no integrity, etc...
There's plenty of Republicans that do not care for Trump and do not claim him.

There were at least twelve Republican senators that blocked him from getting his wall.
They blocked him because he tried the bypass Congressional procedure pertaining to allocation of funds for the wall.
I'm not necessarily convinced by that though.

Didn't some Republicans avoid blocking him while others did not?
Most didn't act at all, like most Republicans, they just keep their mouths shut, and turn a blind eye. That way their constituents or the Fuhrer can never say one way or the other. Let's be clear on this. The reason most Republicans are remaining silent is because they do know which way this shit is gonna go down the line. If it goes south, they won't be on record riding Trumps leg.
If the shoe was on the other foot, I wouldn't doubt there would be similar activity pertaining to self-preservation. After all, politicians become rich from the corporate kickbacks and power and money corrupts people.
If the shoe was on the other foot, I wouldn't doubt there would be similar activity pertaining to self-preservation. After all, politicians become rich from the corporate kickbacks and power and money corrupts people.
Your right and unless something changes we can look forward to more of the same scandalous crap in the future. We need to make an example of this that it's known beforehand we will not tolerate things like this