The You Know Your A Grower Thread


Well-Known Member
83. when RIU is the home page for your browser
84. when you check your RIU updates before checking your facebook or myspace updates.


Well-Known Member
60. when the local hydro shop is you 2nd home

you know your an experienced grower when someone asks you how they are doing and you say I dunno I haven't seen em for a few days. I only go in there for 10 mins at a time every 3 days.


Well-Known Member
83. when RIU is the home page for your browser
84. when you check your RIU updates before checking your facebook or myspace updates.
lol yup its my home page.'
and i hardly ever even use em no more facebook or myspace lol just riu and yahoo.


Active Member
88. You buy bad weed sometimes so your friends don't ask questions as to why you always have the best weed.
89. All of your favorites consist of weed articles or pages that are related to weed
90. Half of the books you own are grow books and books related to weed


Well-Known Member
Ah. Man i would not want to live near madison, the pigs are always up in that area waiting to arrest.

ya its fuckin grimy as hell.

you know you are a grower when you have more than one cell phone, one of which is your "dirty" line that you can dispose of at the "drop of a dime" if needed.


Well-Known Member
you got home depot and but 4 heavy duty ext cord 6 timers and 4 power bars plus perlite and vermiculitte with 10 bags of soil and 2 10ft pieces of 5 inch whiter sewer pipe a pond pump and a shit load of drippers


Well-Known Member
93. you go to bakeries / contruction sites to try to get some 5 gal buckets
94. you make a run to the local fish market for a few dead fish. when asked why, you say youre going catfishing :leaf:


Well-Known Member
Every pair of scissors in the house has hash on

There's not a spare power point in the whole house...:-)

Your coffee grinder "isn't working" when friends show up for coffee.... :-)


Well-Known Member
You know you're a Growing When

Hearing the word "harvest" makes you smile, no matter what the context of the conversation was....

You've been confined to your house for the last three weeks of flower, because if someone should break in and steal your babies, there's no way you'd recover... :-) The devastation would be too overwhelming...:-P

Jerry Garcia

Well-Known Member
You know you're a Growing When

Hearing the word "harvest" makes you smile, no matter what the context of the conversation was....
Every freaking time.

You know you're a grower when:

You're having a conversation with friends about all things cannabis, and you have to bite your tongue so they don't think you know TOO MUCH about the topic...

You compare the growth of 100 foot tall trees to the growth of your plants, and then think "if only..."

You drive by full-scale farms and greenhouses in the country and drool over the possibilities...

You look at random peoples houses and try to determine where the grow room would be...

You often wonder what percentage of houses around you at any given moment have grow rooms inside...

I love this thread. I read the whole damn thing.:clap: