an arborist? My kind of guy! Must be nice, what area do you work in? ...... I grew up learning about nature, as much as I could suck up and be exposed to...... trees included..... I guess you could say that I would be the dude you would want to be with when you get stranded out in bum fuck nowhere with nothing but whats in your pockets and mind....... and no idea wheres what...... partly cuz chances are Really high that I will have nugs to smoke in my pocket

(desert, jungle, forests, rocky mountains, snow caps, glaciers, Tundra, etc. etc.)

, but more specifically the forests of the Western regions of the US.....
Its finally starting to look like something good is going on out there.......

...... busy busy busy

...... tearing into the earth, pulling out huge roots (yeah, still battling that tree

) Huge rocks, raked up all the oak leaves and burned them on the stump of the fallen oak..... along with tons of brush and what was left over of that tree...... just more work
The designs for the greenhouse are my own..... I am still working out a couple details........ but I have it almost all put together in my mind....... I gotta go back to work to save up the cash to buy the materials though..... which is of course going to slow the build down in more than one way..... Soil for this job is quite an ordeal as well.....
Having removed the oak leaves, I can tell that the local soil is Excellent! same color, texture, aeration, water holding properties etc. as Bio Bizz All Mix..... soooo.....
I am going to continue to rake the rest of the leaves away (basically removing the top 2" of existing local top soil) and "burn" it along with other brush etc. (let it smolder in a burn pile that is used daily) and then use it as a compost site starting around January.
Once the top 2" of soil is removed (which 80% of it already has been done

) I will loosen it and sift through it pulling out Almost all of the roots, All the large rocks, and Almost all of the small rocks....... and any other misc unwanted debri.... spread it so it is "fairly level" (my dog dumped 4 cu ft of perlite on the ground out there so that will be added at this time)....... and Leech the shit out of it (hopefully this is a really rainy winter

then ammend..... but exactly how that works out will only be known with time..... it depends on what I can get and when

I will start ammending after the main posts are set but before the frame is put up
But I can say that some super soils will be mixed into the raised beds that are in there.....