spread 100 gallons of water between them yesterday afternoon. They sucked it all up already. Im going to feed them Liquinox Fish emulsion today for a N boost. Going to take two trips.... I plan on spreading a couple hundred gallons around. They all look just as happy.... and growing noticably every day. Im pretty sure I have the trimming covered, but thanks for the offer guys. I have already started clearing drying space for harvest. Im hoping to Harvest the first NGGH at the end of September.
The Youtube video didn't load. Going to have to try again..... maybe. Today is just another busy day.
On the subject of WORK-
I was having a conversation about religion and the Bible the other day, and asked my friend to read the Bible again, only when he does, replace the Words God, Lord etc with the word Life, and read it that way. When he asked me why, I explained that I often replace the word Work, with the word Love, that the energy comes from the same place, and that my actions are not with the intent to work, but rather to Love.
At our wedding, we plan to show those that have helped us so much, the Love we have for them. Yes, FDD, your invited too,
