THELOADEDDRAGON'S Perpetually growing perpetual grow

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Well-Known Member
And this is the Chemo Cindy :)



Well-Known Member
And the Maui Skunk :D, it was harder to get good shots of her today......



Well-Known Member
And the Twilight..... :fire::leaf::-P



Well-Known Member
And Lastly...... Widow Cindy :)

Might I add she is about a week behing the others, as she was an add in/replacement after they had already been on 12/12 for about a week



Well-Known Member
Love the update.
Thanks TLD
Get that foliage into shape ;)

Edit... haha just jerking ya chain mate lol


Well-Known Member
Hey TLD, just stopping by for a cuppa tea and a bong. Sheesh you got some long legged lovelys there, beautiful colas!!

Peace DST


Well-Known Member
awesome pics TLD, The pink pistols on the widow cindy are amazing. SOme beautiful Colas on the twilight.... You have some nice looking buds. SOmeday mine will look like that at week 5........... hopefully........


Well-Known Member
oh uh I just checked your journal...... and posted real quick.....

laid down carpet in the veg room, hung the fluorescent panel rather than sticking it back on posts, lined the walls with white/black reflective poly plastic, pulled a couple cuttings that didn't root, watered all the clones, fed all the mothers, Jack herer and Silverback got showered, and showered again, and fed...... going to add more light to the room (another 400W and a 600W, both metal halide) and build some housing tables for clones/cuttings/seedlings/vegging plants etc. :)...... making perpetual growing easier ;)....... but I will get that done next go around.......

Flower room is flowering :)...... getting done fast...... or at least it seems that way, 5 weeks into it, it really only feels like two, lol, but they are just going Boom! yah know? :D..... gunna have a nice smokey Christmas :D ;)

pics soon ;) :D


Well-Known Member
1000w in the 42, and then a 400 in the extra sun hood. I like that, never thought of it. I think I will do that. I could put the 1000w way closer and get the same spread.
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