Theoretical marijuana transfer, question??? Any lawyers in the house?


I understand the michigan medical marijuana law to some extent. But I pose a purely theoretical question.

Let's just say I run a shop that sells magazines. I have a medical marijuana card. I accept donations towards the cause of promoting my shop and it's operating costs. The donations are placed in a large jar.

I leave some of my medical marijuana on the counter top. Someone makes a donation. I go into the back room to get a thank you card.
I come back and they have stolen the medical marijuana I left on the counter top.

I would probably decline to press any charges or even bother reporting the crime.

I understand none of this is covered in the medical marijuana law, and that it involves theft. But I pose the question anyway.

Any ideas?

buckaroo bonzai

Well-Known Member
you could do it like the old Coleman youngs BBQ joints----the box you got in the drive thru had only heroin pkts in BBQ --:bigjoint:....the infamous mayor Coleman young devised that plan for heroin distribution....for the 'people'

....but ur question...?......
you'd be better off and safer to run a brothel in the D- where the whores took care of your customers needs:leaf:

you know...
the 'free' massage thing--pay for a massage and get a free smoke-
just keep bail $ for them-

no need for thievery it like a crack house in Detroit...their all over and guarded by the police that get a cut-

imo don't waste ur $ on a magazine shop that lets people steal the magazines--:-P:joint:

Dr. Bob

Well-Known Member
Dan Grow, the attorney in Kalamazoo, was speaking at a club function I attended and addressed this 'donation' issue.

His advice was this.

If you walk in to a store with money, and walk out with less money and marijuana, you bought marijuana. Especially if the marked undercover money was found in the pockets of the storekeeper. Call it a sale, a donation, or a gift, money changed hands for marijuana and it is a sale in the eyes of the law.

The variation of this is buying a mason jar for more than the cost of an empty mason jar. Especially if the price of the mason jar varied with the amount of marijuana it contained.

The next variation is having a patient that is a caregiver as well. You can transfer marijuana to YOUR patient for THEIR personal use as medicine. The problem arises when you transfer to your patient who in turn transfers it to THEIR patient (the third patient). While you can say the transfer on the part of your patient to their patient is 'medical use' and therefore your are assisting your patient with this medical use, this is a test case. Will the court consider it medical use (giving it to your patient to transfer to a third patient) or will they say the only one that had medical use was the one actually using the marijuana (the third patient)? I don't know the answer, anyone want to get arrested for doing it, hire a lawyer, and spend a year or two in court to find out?

Dr. Bob


Active Member
Dan Grow, the attorney in Kalamazoo, was speaking at a club function I attended and addressed this 'donation' issue.

His advice was this.

If you walk in to a store with money, and walk out with less money and marijuana, you bought marijuana. Especially if the marked undercover money was found in the pockets of the storekeeper. Call it a sale, a donation, or a gift, money changed hands for marijuana and it is a sale in the eyes of the law.

The variation of this is buying a mason jar for more than the cost of an empty mason jar. Especially if the price of the mason jar varied with the amount of marijuana it contained.

The next variation is having a patient that is a caregiver as well. You can transfer marijuana to YOUR patient for THEIR personal use as medicine. The problem arises when you transfer to your patient who in turn transfers it to THEIR patient (the third patient). While you can say the transfer on the part of your patient to their patient is 'medical use' and therefore your are assisting your patient with this medical use, this is a test case. Will the court consider it medical use (giving it to your patient to transfer to a third patient) or will they say the only one that had medical use was the one actually using the marijuana (the third patient)? I don't know the answer, anyone want to get arrested for doing it, hire a lawyer, and spend a year or two in court to find out?

Dr. Bob
Thanks but no i will pass imho Dr. Bob


Active Member
The next variation is having a patient that is a caregiver as well. You can transfer marijuana to YOUR patient for THEIR personal use as medicine. The problem arises when you transfer to your patient who in turn transfers it to THEIR patient (the third patient). While you can say the transfer on the part of your patient to their patient is 'medical use' and therefore your are assisting your patient with this medical use, this is a test case. Will the court consider it medical use (giving it to your patient to transfer to a third patient) or will they say the only one that had medical use was the one actually using the marijuana (the third patient)? I don't know the answer, anyone want to get arrested for doing it, hire a lawyer, and spend a year or two in court to find out?Dr. Bob
This style "provisioning center" has been available to a select few in Mi for a few years. Usually tight-knit and referral only, they are naturally resistant to investigation and prosecution. If the dispensaries stand a chance (sans legislation) this option would be it, and hopefully the legal costs and repercussions will be drawn from their deep pockets.


Well-Known Member
I understand the michigan medical marijuana law to some extent. But I pose a purely theoretical question.

Let's just say I run a shop that sells magazines. I have a medical marijuana card. I accept donations towards the cause of promoting my shop and it's operating costs. The donations are placed in a large jar.

I leave some of my medical marijuana on the counter top. Someone makes a donation. I go into the back room to get a thank you card.
I come back and they have stolen the medical marijuana I left on the counter top.

I would probably decline to press any charges or even bother reporting the crime.

I understand none of this is covered in the medical marijuana law, and that it involves theft. But I pose the question anyway.

Any ideas?
I posted this idea a couple of weeks ago and I still think it would work I truly believe God has told us loud and clear what should be done , I’m not talking some phony set up . No one would know who walked in with what or who left with what , no one would even know any transfers were even made , all the details could be worked out and the sick would get all the oil they would need . Is this a stupid idea ? Is believing in Gods Word a stupid idea ?
AGS Locations all across MI ? [/h] AGS Locations all across MI ?

Why not turn this situation over to God ? I think it was posted that there are 130,000 patients and caregivers , that's a large group to start things off , let the locations be owned by God , if the evil assholes want to haul someone into court let them arrest God , its his meeting places , its no more than a meeting location for the benefit of everyone that appreciates the plant that has been given to us by our creator . Just imagine Big Pharma trying to compete with an origination that gives those in need the access to the oil that they ( Big Pharma ) is trying to sell them at a ridicules price , the locations can be set up with the extraction equipment , the members already have the legal right to produce the oil , what the members do beyond that are private matters between the members themselves . Did you ever wonder how there can be so many churches and so many people that are saying that they believe in Gods word and yet the totally ignore what God is clearly telling them , just look at Gods statement

GENESIS 1: 29 ---And God said , behold I have given you every herb bearing seed , which is upon the face of all the earth , and every tree in which is the fruit of a tree yielding seed ; to you it shall be for meat .

Come on people , how can that not include the marijuana plant ? Yes the evil assholes can screw us over and its clear they are doing it right now , let them try to screw over God , we do not have to say a word , we are not saying it , God is .

__________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ ______________________________

Previous Post ( in case you missed it ) This is something everyone should get behind .
Come on people , its time to look to our creator to straighten out this mess , do you really thing a bunch of pot heads are behind this Medical
marijuana Movement , face the truth this is a battle between good and evil and good will prevail . Farmers markets , dispensary's , and compassion clubs are not the answer , its as simple a listening to our creator .
How could God have said it any clearer , we need a meeting place that is open 24/7 , these meeting places need to be spread across all of MI and the oil of this plant needs to be available to everyone in need , God has given us the recipe , yes its called Holy Oil

GENESIS 1: 29 ---And God said , behold I have given you every herb bearing seed , which is upon the face of all the earth , and every tree in which is the fruit of a tree yielding seed ; to you it shall be for meat .

HomeLess its clear that you are a leader , look not for a farmers market location , but instead a “ home of the oil “ the time has come for the people that see truth of the
marijuana plant to stop hiding in the basements and closets and unite into a group that proudly professes that God said it and that’s good enough for me .

AGS would be a good name for the locations ( AND GOD SAID )

Is believing in Gods Word a stupid idea ?

Dr. Bob

Well-Known Member
This style "provisioning center" has been available to a select few in Mi for a few years. Usually tight-knit and referral only, they are naturally resistant to investigation and prosecution. If the dispensaries stand a chance (sans legislation) this option would be it, and hopefully the legal costs and repercussions will be drawn from their deep pockets.
Goes with the old saying, 'It ain't illegal if you don't get caught'. Don't get caught. Not suggesting you do it, but if you do... Keep it tight.

Dr. Bob


Active Member
If they donate money to them, you can donate weed to them, no one sold anything.
as for leaving it on the counter(the law says LOCKED UP)

I just got back from a compassion club and it is all donations no SALE's just donations


Well-Known Member
Dan Grow, the attorney in Kalamazoo, was speaking at a club function I attended and addressed this 'donation' issue.

His advice was this.

If you walk in to a store with money, and walk out with less money and marijuana, you bought marijuana. Especially if the marked undercover money was found in the pockets of the storekeeper. Call it a sale, a donation, or a gift, money changed hands for marijuana and it is a sale in the eyes of the law.

The variation of this is buying a mason jar for more than the cost of an empty mason jar. Especially if the price of the mason jar varied with the amount of marijuana it contained.

The next variation is having a patient that is a caregiver as well. You can transfer marijuana to YOUR patient for THEIR personal use as medicine. The problem arises when you transfer to your patient who in turn transfers it to THEIR patient (the third patient). While you can say the transfer on the part of your patient to their patient is 'medical use' and therefore your are assisting your patient with this medical use, this is a test case. Will the court consider it medical use (giving it to your patient to transfer to a third patient) or will they say the only one that had medical use was the one actually using the marijuana (the third patient)? I don't know the answer, anyone want to get arrested for doing it, hire a lawyer, and spend a year or two in court to find out?

Dr. Bob
Whom benefits from all these years of litigious parsing of words? I am just really tired of these clowns charging me one way or another for their parasitic "services". I intend NOT to break one single "letter of the law" while providing medicinal marijuana to myself and/or my patients as provided for in the "spirit of the law". Intent is 9 10ths of the law, is it not? Lawyers simply offer opinions at a rate of $300+ per hour and opinions are like assholes, everyone has one IMO ;)

Dr. Bob

Well-Known Member
It is a pretty well founded opinion by those that know. Like it or not, it would serve you well to listen to folks that do know what they are talking about. There is a reason they get $300 an hour.

This is a free country, and it is your freedom at state, not his. Take it for what it is worth.

Dr. Bob

buckaroo bonzai

Well-Known Member
I posted this idea a couple of weeks ago and I still think it would work I truly believe God has told us loud and clear what should be done , I’m not talking some phony set up . No one would know who walked in with what or who left with what , no one would even know any transfers were even made , all the details could be worked out and the sick would get all the oil they would need . Is this a stupid idea ? Is believing in Gods Word a stupid idea ?
AGS Locations all across MI ?

AGS Locations all across MI ?

Why not turn this situation over to God ? I think it was posted that there are 130,000 patients and caregivers , that's a large group to start things off , let the locations be owned by God , if the evil assholes want to haul someone into court let them arrest God , its his meeting places , its no more than a meeting location for the benefit of everyone that appreciates the plant that has been given to us by our creator . Just imagine Big Pharma trying to compete with an origination that gives those in need the access to the oil that they ( Big Pharma ) is trying to sell them at a ridicules price , the locations can be set up with the extraction equipment , the members already have the legal right to produce the oil , what the members do beyond that are private matters between the members themselves . Did you ever wonder how there can be so many churches and so many people that are saying that they believe in Gods word and yet the totally ignore what God is clearly telling them , just look at Gods statement

GENESIS 1: 29 ---And God said , behold I have given you every herb bearing seed , which is upon the face of all the earth , and every tree in which is the fruit of a tree yielding seed ; to you it shall be for meat .

Come on people , how can that not include the marijuana plant ? Yes the evil assholes can screw us over and its clear they are doing it right now , let them try to screw over God , we do not have to say a word , we are not saying it , God is .

__________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ ______________________________

Previous Post ( in case you missed it ) This is something everyone should get behind .
Come on people , its time to look to our creator to straighten out this mess , do you really thing a bunch of pot heads are behind this Medical
marijuana Movement , face the truth this is a battle between good and evil and good will prevail . Farmers markets , dispensary's , and compassion clubs are not the answer , its as simple a listening to our creator .
How could God have said it any clearer , we need a meeting place that is open 24/7 , these meeting places need to be spread across all of MI and the oil of this plant needs to be available to everyone in need , God has given us the recipe , yes its called Holy Oil

GENESIS 1: 29 ---And God said , behold I have given you every herb bearing seed , which is upon the face of all the earth , and every tree in which is the fruit of a tree yielding seed ; to you it shall be for meat .

HomeLess its clear that you are a leader , look not for a farmers market location , but instead a “ home of the oil “ the time has come for the people that see truth of the
marijuana plant to stop hiding in the basements and closets and unite into a group that proudly professes that God said it and that’s good enough for me .

AGS would be a good name for the locations ( AND GOD SAID )

Is believing in Gods Word a stupid idea ?

thats all nice but really The Most High gave us the authority to use the medicine----it's the govt that wants to keep us from it..

"the earth is mans and the fullness thereof "..........

.....and Gods word is the 'only' truth left on this planet--if you have bought into the lie-


Well-Known Member
If they donate money to them, you can donate weed to them, no one sold anything.
as for leaving it on the counter(the law says LOCKED UP)

I just got back from a compassion club and it is all donations no SALE's just donations
So if you didn't "Donate" money, would they continue to "Donate" weed to you?


Active Member
If they donate money to them, you can donate weed to them, no one sold anything. as for leaving it on the counter(the law says LOCKED UP) I just got back from a compassion club and it is all donations no SALE's just donations
That just doesn't matter anymore, the Supreme Court ruled that sales are legal. The limitation is in who can do the selling...

buckaroo bonzai

Well-Known Member
Dan Grow, the attorney in Kalamazoo, was speaking at a club function I attended and addressed this 'donation' issue.

His advice was this.

If you walk in to a store with money, and walk out with less money and marijuana, you bought marijuana. Especially if the marked undercover money was found in the pockets of the storekeeper. Call it a sale, a donation, or a gift, money changed hands for marijuana and it is a sale in the eyes of the law.

The variation of this is buying a mason jar for more than the cost of an empty mason jar. Especially if the price of the mason jar varied with the amount of marijuana it contained.

The next variation is having a patient that is a caregiver as well. You can transfer marijuana to YOUR patient for THEIR personal use as medicine. The problem arises when you transfer to your patient who in turn transfers it to THEIR patient (the third patient). While you can say the transfer on the part of your patient to their patient is 'medical use' and therefore your are assisting your patient with this medical use, this is a test case. Will the court consider it medical use (giving it to your patient to transfer to a third patient) or will they say the only one that had medical use was the one actually using the marijuana (the third patient)? I don't know the answer, anyone want to get arrested for doing it, hire a lawyer, and spend a year or two in court to find out?

Dr. Bob

Bob-- a lot of us live around Ann arbor and none of that shit matters....never has- and never will..... if I 'didn't' live in A2.....I would definately take your words with some weight--to be safe


Active Member
I dont know what is legal and what is not, all i know is i can still goto a weed store and "donate money to them, and they give me a bag of weed. the law says i can get my meds however i see fit. I am not breaking any laws when i donate money to the compassion club, and inreturn they donate a bag of weed. I dont care if it is legal or illegal, I got my meds, thats all i care about.

ALL dipensary that "SELL" weed are closed... the places that work on donation are still open, so that leads me to belive that it is some what legal...

Dr. Bob

Well-Known Member
May be, but AA is part of the state. Same law. Just a word to the wise and enforcement may not come from local sources.

There is a difference between being right and being lucky. You saw the ruling you see the C & D's going out. Guess that makes the point.

Dr. Bob


Well-Known Member
May be, but AA is part of the state. Same law. Just a word to the wise and enforcement may not come from local sources.

There is a difference between being right and being lucky. You saw the ruling you see the C & D's going out. Guess that makes the point.

Dr. Bob
Imagine this Dr Bob , the local AGS opens its kitchen at say 2:00 and closes at 8:00 anyone that is hungry eats all they care to eat , there is no charge to anyone , there is a donation box for anyone that wishes to donate . You may even like to work the serving line every now and then , at 8:00 there is a patients/caregivers private service , this is behind closed (locked ) doors , members only and everyone there is legally allowed to have 2.5 zip , unless LEO operates outside of the law they would have no idea of what you had going in and going out would be the same , no one over limit . The Church free will offering room would also be a locked area with one simple rule “ Only one member in the offering room at a time “ if that person puts in something or takes out something no one other than our creator would know . Nothing changes hands . One of the best things about this is the patients and caregivers would become a close nit group , a force working for the betterment of everyone , remember in our creators eyes we are all one family , we only need to become a united family .
How would an idea like this hold up in LEO’s system ?

Dr. Bob

Well-Known Member
Imagine this Dr Bob , the local AGS opens its kitchen at say 2:00 and closes at 8:00 anyone that is hungry eats all they care to eat , there is no charge to anyone , there is a donation box for anyone that wishes to donate . You may even like to work the serving line every now and then , at 8:00 there is a patients/caregivers private service , this is behind closed (locked ) doors , members only and everyone there is legally allowed to have 2.5 zip , unless LEO operates outside of the law they would have no idea of what you had going in and going out would be the same , no one over limit . The Church free will offering room would also be a locked area with one simple rule “ Only one member in the offering room at a time “ if that person puts in something or takes out something no one other than our creator would know . Nothing changes hands . One of the best things about this is the patients and caregivers would become a close nit group , a force working for the betterment of everyone , remember in our creators eyes we are all one family , we only need to become a united family .
How would an idea like this hold up in LEO’s system ?
Did you see my earlier post on 'not being illegal if you aren't caught'? Don't get caught.

I'm all for people helping people, but the issue is if the law is broken either don't get caught or accept the fact you broke it and do what you wish.

Dr. Bob


New Member
Did you see my earlier post on 'not being illegal if you aren't caught'? Don't get caught.

I'm all for people helping people, but the issue is if the law is broken either don't get caught or accept the fact you broke it and do what you wish.

Dr. Bob
we have been breaking the law for years local and fed .we the people are making progress and we will do what we do no dr the public will see when theres thousands of gardens worth of meds on the street in your famillys face in there schools ,so insted of telling us what in your mind is the proper way of things....mabe you should tell the crooked basterds who are hurting the patients that what they are doing is wrong


Well-Known Member
Did you see my earlier post on 'not being illegal if you aren't caught'? Don't get caught.

I'm all for people helping people, but the issue is if the law is broken either don't get caught or accept the fact you broke it and do what you wish.

Dr. Bob
I guess it is just a matter of following mans law or Gods law and when I consider the fact that this country was formed with Gods law in mind I would think I would go with Gods law , I’m sure our forefathers would have ( probably should say DID )