Theory For More Bud, What Do You Think?


Active Member
mathieu............dont get me wrong.....i want more bud too but moving pots twice a day is going to be a pain in the ass your going to end up knockin one over ...........your dark room is in the same as light?? these curtains are going to keep out the light? like cant c your hand dark??
How would I end up knocking one over? Slim chance of that happening, it's not like I am moving them stoned out of my ass, or carrying two plants at a time. All that I do is move three plants one at a time for a distance of a mighty 15 ft! Haha, what an exercise. Yeah, as in you can't see anything. Haven't you ever heard of blackout curtains?


Well-Known Member
Whoever came up with this concept is a genious ...
So then i thought "why didnt i ever think of this"....
The second thought was man your talking having to do this 60 days straight ....
Thats allot of work.... but if u have the time ... and dont have the money too just buy another 400 and put it next to it ...
It pottentially is a descent idea......
So how could this idea be better i thought.....
Come to think about it the worst part would be moving the plants....
Thats allot of stress on the plant unless there smaller more indica plants ... flowered early....

I see the best way to makre this idea genious too move the light and not the plants....
I didnt read the whole thread ....but i think i may try this technique.....
You proven to be a person of wisdom ....great idea.....

The two room idea is key .....
In my case i have a 400hps...and spacing and light exposure are my two biggest problems....
Squeezing 6 plants isnt gonna happen .... maybe 4 or 5max...
I also have more room...a t'5 and cfls as supliment ....
And am planning on buyng more lights.....

But lets say we have one room separated with a black curtain sheet watever......
And a 400 on a light slider ...
If the curtain was low enuff.... and the light could slide over...
(Its allot of money to set this up)....
But i have room ...think about 2 400hps.... 2 rooms 2x5x8
Right next to each other .... i wouldnt even need to move the ballast ...Long cord of course on mine(6ft)...
Your talking a crazy electric bill.... but youd be able to grow twice as many plants.....
Thats pound status...


New Member
Bottom line is the effort involved will far, far outweigh the what little you are going to gain in yield. 2 ounces per plant, having 6 plants at once, under a 400 is very doable once you get the hang of it.


Well-Known Member
Bottom line is the effort involved will far, far outweigh the what little you are going to gain in yield. 2 ounces per plant, having 6 plants at once, under a 400 is very doable once you get the hang of it.
your telling me ive grown under a 400 ...many times my friend.....
Id rather have ideal spacing and good light exposure over 6 plants that have airier buds......
But it all depends when u flower them....

Hands down another light is the best bet....
But im talking 2 400's ... 2 rooms....


New Member
ok sorry i guess i just assumed u would be ripped out of your mind all day and not know what time it is ......and not be smart enuf to move pots 15 feet..........guess its just me


Well-Known Member
Okay , you casually mention using a light rail to move light back and forth. How do you plan to seal the side that needs total darkness ? As the light moves to where you need it , how do you seal for dark ?


Well-Known Member
lol every one is saying all that effort makes it not worth it!!!! its only 3 plants lol typical stoner's,

Pipe Dream

Well-Known Member
My dream setup has been this for a while now. One nice thing is that you don't need a seperate room for veg so plants benefit from increased light. You have to have a dark area but I have seen systems where you have a cabinet underneath the grow area so it actually doesn't have to take up more square footage. It would be a lot of work but not too hard. The easier it is to move the plants the more successful you will be. Tables on rollers seems like the best, it would literally take a couple of minutes.

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
man, if you had a garage you could knock something up for very little in near no time. Just a motor, a few contact switches and some wiring etc. Then as someone said, it just revolves a platform, not unlike a scooby doo hidden fireplace door :D Just make sure that when it has spun it's 180 degree's, it seals up any gaps to create darkness. Easy as pie, someone should hire me :D

There would be reasons for and against having a setup like this but it could be good :D


Well-Known Member
that would work, it would be a task for sure. getting the the two sides to be lightproof from each other would be a bitch, since they would be moving
invest in some wheels and ply wood. why dont you just by another light. or bigger light to do more


Well-Known Member
okay so the theory is now....
Buy another light ..... then move both those lights on a light slider.....
Mind u youll have to have a cutain , or some kinda barier....itll make it harder .... but it work ....
So time your light coverage by 4x.....
Get a new light and ...double it......