Theowl's nest

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Well-Known Member
I don't watch much in the way of movies so no help here. Spend my time on video games when I can


Well-Known Member
Yeah I really don't either. All I have is an xbox that chooses when I get to use it, and that's after opening it up and fiddling with stuff, wiping things down and showing general care. Must be a woman.

Well, I have the iPhone though, have the callof duty zombies.
Not a bad representation of the game at all.

I ended up watching Limitless. Not a bad movie.
Whenever I watch a movie I try not to have any expectations about it, that way it's never too bad.


Well-Known Member
Bored. What's some good movies to check out on Netflix?

Hahahahahaaa! Autocorrect just changed netflix to Negroid. Lmao funny shit.
Isn't that a bit racist? Geez, sometimes I wonder who the jackass that made autocorrect is, so I could smack em.

Anyway, any movie ideas?
Off netflix? Shit I just deleted my sub to them becusr they have jack shit for new movies. I just watch real steel, not bad. SHIT! Everything I am thinking of is in theaters now...which thinink of I wanna see that new Denzel movie

I download movies - used netflix to watch old TV shows...Starting to think a Hulu / Netflix combo might work...and I get rid of cable, just keep the internet. Save me 50$ a month about...


Well-Known Member
Yeah the selection sucks, I was going to watch escape from la, again. But just couldn't.
Yes! I wanna see safe house too. Looms like it's going to be goodish. I was just saying that to the wife.

It pisses me off that Dexter isn't on netflix anymore. Well, maybe on disc, but I'm hijacking someone in the family's acct. and it would just go to them. I only can stream


Well-Known Member
for a long time I used someones account to stream but they eventually changed the shit...That was about the time I got addicted to 24, and was watching like 9 episodes a day.

I have to really sit down one day and re-do my que and look and see whats on. I also hit up alotta documentaries on netflix.


Well-Known Member
Looks like some bird shit in my nest.
I can deal with it, I guess. ;D

Looks like it was a healthy bird.
Well fed with beans.

What to do next? Fire up my old nestbox, prolly.


Well-Known Member
oh shit Dayum birds thinking they can lay shit whur ever they want! What if we had owls like in Harry Potter? LOL just hope they dont get hungry long the way and eat the beans


Well-Known Member
That's lots o babies!!

Crazy man, I can't decide what to do next. Too many scenarios.
Having one of those "up" moments and feeling worn down at the same time.

I may sleep early tonight. Who knows ?

Ever feel like your brain hurts? Mine has for about a week now. It's deep in there.


Well-Known Member
I always feel worn down. good days my brain is silent. forgot to call about some work. crap. brain dead indeed.

what scenarios?


Well-Known Member
My brain never shuts up. I run scenarios in my head about most everything. Then change the variables until I get these wicked headaches. Also, got some new beans to run and don't know how I wanna go about what to run when and stuff like that too.

Glad to see you're felling better


Well-Known Member
So last evening at lights out I figured out that my timer had been stuck(old rotary click on/off style) on for 36 hours straight and I missed an entire dark cycle. Fuck.

Didn't want to have to go and buy a timer right now, but I am an unreliable timer, too.

Can't sleep, back and legs suck.

Of the newer set of four NYCD, three are up and running, one grew up and out-then shriveled and died just outta nowhere. Two of four of the silverhaze that made the sprouting are looking great as well.

The NL has had the clawed leaves since the first dose of food, so I haven't given more yet. And it's weird- only some of the branches are doing it but not others.


New Member
yeah i missed a dark cyle last night bumped into my timers and switched the switch i had a piece of plastic over it not paying attention smelled like burnt plastic all day ithought it was the washer bcuz it was in heavy use when i finally went in the g room the plastic was dripping off my cool tube i was pissed and i wasn't concerned about the plastic but i wonder how many lumens/hours it took off my bulb being on for 12 hours with no cooling. hope it doesnt fuck anthing up. i have some ww 2 weeks into flower.


Well-Known Member
That's what I was thinking too- hope it didn't fuck things up.
Hoping not.

Hmm, captain redundancy i am.


Well-Known Member
Dude that sux. No success with the clones yet?

Went through by beans and did some organizing and labeling.
Looks pretty professional, if I do say so myself ;)

I'll try and get a pic or two up in a while.


Well-Known Member
It's fucking cold today and I wasn't expecting it.

I had put a few shiitake blocks I am growing outto soak last night, figured the chilling would help with it. Well, now they're frozen into the tub and I have to wait to retrieve them as I don't want to break them. FML

The cab also got down to about 50 last night, that's a thirty degree swing.
Also had to supercrop the NL, the stretch is going insane! Waaay past the lights and hitting the top of cab. Took care of that.

It may snow or sleet later, and it's all bright and shiny right now. WTF?


Well-Known Member
Youvr been up longer than me, i haven't seen wearer forecast. The fish pond had thin sheet of ice on it. I went back to bed. Too cold. Was going to use rain water to expand the new coco but fuck that. Not putting my hands into that cold tub.

I pulled all the cuttings, working on a new cloner. Those were all rom cuttings. The bb haven't gotten big enough. They'll get up potted today too.

I'm afraid that I'll have the same issue of overgrowing this go around


Well-Known Member
Gave the younguns a shot of comost tea today. Smelling nice and ripe.
The NL has recovered nicely from the suprcrop. Even one branch I thought was going to be a goner. I almost broke the whole thing. But all seems well in the nest.

I still need to pot up the youngsters and give them room to root out. I got these plastic baskets that have holes at even intervals on all sides, even the bottom.
Saw them and saw airpot material. Thank you dollar store!
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