there any seedbank deals going on?

im lookin at attitude right now and can't find anything i really want to spend that kind of money on. but i gotta get some more seeds.

help a brother out!!!!!
man there's so many seeds on attitude it's hard to find em all lol. just going thru the pick and mix section now looking for seperate feminized seeds. ill check out now thanks bro
hey where is speedy located? it says 4 days for domestic orders, he in the U.S.?


You just missed attitude's, but the UFO's were shit (a dwarf and an auto) and it was only 3 seeds. Herbies had some good ones if you spend 50 pounds you get 2 burmese kush fem, 2 rocklock fem and 2 big bud.
ive only ever dealt with attitude and wwms.

wwms is ok but the prices are a little high and they dont give much in terms of freebies

id order from attitude. they have one of the biggest bean collections on the net. usually takes me a week to narrow it down to 5-10 beans to pick for the next

id go with them. its best to catch em on a promotion when they give away tons of freebies. i took advantage of the last promo and bought 6 beans...i got 10 freebies! so imo they're pretty awesome.

if money is tight i think you cant beat nirvana. they have good prices for all their beans and ive read good things about them (smoke and delivery-wise). :)
you need to start cloning, forget 20 seeds.

that's a good idea, thanks for reminding me. i like to take things slow and learn how to do them through experience, i haven't even topped a plant yet. maybe later on this year I'll mess around with cloning
yeah,both of herbies sites are cool,more ppl should get seeds from him.the freebies you get if you send £50 are cool too.sometimes you get good freebies when you spend less aswell.

i didn't even see the freebies, but

All Orders over £50 2 free TH seeds Burmese Kush Feminised seeds
(excluding delivery) 2 free DNA Rocklock Feminised seeds
4 free Big Bud#1 regular seeds

I have had 100% success with the following seedbanks.

Single Seed Centre

I have made five orders, using Attitude three times and the others once. I have done stealth shipping twice with attitude. You get a cool gift, but it is not necessary to use stealth.
I've only ever heard good things about herbies, I actually just inspired myself to order from there. I'm a big attituder, but only when they have their special promos. Herbie's free seeds are fairly good right now, 2 burmese kush and 2 rocklocks, I've heard good things about rocklock. I just went to the pick and mix site and ordered a buttload lol.