There are more than 2 Human Sexes

After thinking it over, people can call themselves anything they want, I don't give a flying fk, as long as they don't hurt anybody I don't care. Love and piece.....unless you are a fing "influencer" then you can eat shit and die.
See the thing is... The universe does not care whether you or I like it or not. It does not care what you nor I believe. I'm not talking about belief in a form of blind faith. What i'm talking about is the release of new biological evidence from the scientific community that challenges our pre-conceived notions of gender, and why people cannot accept such evidence when it conflicts with their pre-conceived notions. Knowing full well their pre-conceived notions no longer have biological evidence supporting it.

Human genders being a spectrum is the actuality when we observe the evidence. But genders being 2 is the perception we hold. Why is our pre-conceived perception held to a higher regard than the actuality of the evidence observed in reality? When confronted with such evidence, why can't some humans accept it?

I also do not understand the "cringe" or negative feelings or uncomfortablity towards it? Why not the curiosity instead? I find that strange because I find all of this so interesting and cannot understand why anyone would feel negative against this. It is the exploration of the human species and the advancement of the knowledge of our human bodies. Why is our "feelings" or "pre-conceived notions" more important than actual evidence and actual truth?

Its because of ego getting in the way with some people. I bet most of those who refuse to see the truth(about this or other stuff they refuse to understand) didnt even watch that video. They dont want to see anything that conflicts with their opinion, because it causes them mental suffering. Then if they do watch some stuff like that, they need to start coming up with some ego defences, like making excuses or coming up with rationalisations, or simply just repressing some stuff from their consciousness. This sort of defences are also very mentally taxing and it makes them frustrated. One day when they finally have to face it after making up excuses and rationalisations for years, it will be even harder for them. Or then they grow into some bitter old folks with huge complexes around this thing making them unhappy and overall senile because they are focusing on negativity only all the time.

Some people are just hopeless and there is no point of trying to convince them. They will jsut ignore any evidence you put out and make up excuses and rationalisations for why you are wrong and they are right. They will either figure it out one day on their own when they are ready for it or that ignorance will eat their souls.
Its because of ego getting in the way with some people. I bet most of those who refuse to see the truth(about this or other stuff they refuse to understand) didnt even watch that video. They dont want to see anything that conflicts with their opinion, because it causes them mental suffering. Then if they do watch some stuff like that, they need to start coming up with some ego defences, like making excuses or coming up with rationalisations, or simply just repressing some stuff from their consciousness. This sort of defences are also very mentally taxing and it makes them frustrated. One day when they finally have to face it after making up excuses and rationalisations for years, it will be even harder for them. Or then they grow into some bitter old folks with huge complexes around this thing making them unhappy and overall senile because they are focusing on negativity only all the time.

Some people are just hopeless and there is no point of trying to convince them. They will jsut ignore any evidence you put out and make up excuses and rationalisations for why you are wrong and they are right. They will either figure it out one day on their own when they are ready for it or that ignorance will eat their souls.

This is a two edge sword.

You wish to change the mind of the masses using the same argument that applies to any underdog?

I'm right and you are wrong.
Its because of ego getting in the way with some people. I bet most of those who refuse to see the truth(about this or other stuff they refuse to understand) didnt even watch that video. They dont want to see anything that conflicts with their opinion, because it causes them mental suffering. Then if they do watch some stuff like that, they need to start coming up with some ego defences, like making excuses or coming up with rationalisations, or simply just repressing some stuff from their consciousness. This sort of defences are also very mentally taxing and it makes them frustrated. One day when they finally have to face it after making up excuses and rationalisations for years, it will be even harder for them. Or then they grow into some bitter old folks with huge complexes around this thing making them unhappy and overall senile because they are focusing on negativity only all the time.

Some people are just hopeless and there is no point of trying to convince them. They will jsut ignore any evidence you put out and make up excuses and rationalisations for why you are wrong and they are right. They will either figure it out one day on their own when they are ready for it or that ignorance will eat their souls.
lol, this is too funny...
This is a two edge sword.

You wish to change the mind of the masses using the same argument that applies to any underdog?

I'm right and you are wrong.

Ignorance is the greatest form of stupidity. I dont personally care if the truth is that there are two, three or million different sexes. But science seems to point out that there indeed are many different variations that end up determining sex and that it is common to have some of them mixed up, like even with normal people you dont notice any difference in. Usually people seem to be more clearly on one end of the spectrum, but sometimes there are people who are more of a mixed bag.

If you look at gay people for example, there have been some studies which show that at least some of them have the vocalisation sections of their brains more like that of a woman, even tho they are men. And you can hear it in how some gay people talk even. How can it be so hard to believe that they might actually have some gene that is female and not male gene, even tho they have a dick? Ofc some gay people surely are gay just because of something that went on with their lives, which shaped their psychology to seek out men instead of women.

There are tons about humans and our psyche that we have not figured out yet. If you rather bury your head in sand and refuse to see what science reveals, well then you are like some fundamental christian and not scientifically oriented person. The whole point of science is to try to find new things we dont know. What do you do when that happens? Do you do what a good fundamentalist believer does and ignore the evidence, or do you accept that new info and understand that sometimes things are not as they have seemed to be?
Ignorance is the greatest form of stupidity. I dont personally care if the truth is that there are two, three or million different sexes. But science seems to point out that there indeed are many different variations that end up determining sex and that it is common to have some of them mixed up, like even with normal people you dont notice any difference in. Usually people seem to be more clearly on one end of the spectrum, but sometimes there are people who are more of a mixed bag.

If you look at gay people for example, there have been some studies which show that at least some of them have the vocalisation sections of their brains more like that of a woman, even tho they are men. And you can hear it in how some gay people talk even. How can it be so hard to believe that they might actually have some gene that is female and not male gene, even tho they have a dick? Ofc some gay people surely are gay just because of something that went on with their lives, which shaped their psychology to seek out men instead of women.

There are tons about humans and our psyche that we have not figured out yet. If you rather bury your head in sand and refuse to see what science reveals, well then you are like some fundamental christian and not scientifically oriented person. The whole point of science is to try to find new things we dont know. What do you do when that happens? Do you do what a good fundamentalist believer does and ignore the evidence, or do you accept that new info and understand that sometimes things are not as they have seemed to be?

seem, Usually , mixed up , not figured out yet. I dont personally care if the truth , believe , surely are gay just because , dont know ,

have not figured out yet , accept

I have a twin, but we are literally the same person. We are twins, but we are also literally the same physical and mental person. "Science" does not understand. It is only a sad bunch of delusional jerks who's ego gets in the way of understanding. We both had our kids on the same day, at the same moment. It wasn't two children, but literally one child that we both gave birth to. "Physics" says we can't both give birth to the same child in separate rooms, but that is just stupid people being fooled by their individual perceptions. Oh how sad it is that so many of you are so caught up in a false reality. But in the end it really doesn't matter what you or I believe. Nature does not care how stupid you all are. Maybe you will get it some day, or maybe you will burn in the hell of your creation. Meanwhile me and me and our one child that is both separate and not will live above and in a state of clarity to what is actually there. Don't get so offended. Don't let your ego control you. You are just stupid, but if you admit it, you can be one with reality.
I have a twin, but we are literally the same person. We are twins, but we are also literally the same physical and mental person. "Science" does not understand. It is only a sad bunch of delusional jerks who's ego gets in the way of understanding. We both had our kids on the same day, at the same moment. It wasn't two children, but literally one child that we both gave birth to. "Physics" says we can't both give birth to the same child in separate rooms, but that is just stupid people being fooled by thehir individual perceptions. Oh how sad it is that so many of you are so caught up in a false reality. But in the end it really 6 doesn't matter what you or I believe. Nature does not care how stupid you all are. Maybe you will get it some day, or maybe you will burn in the hell of your creation. Meanwhile me and me and our one child that is both separate and not will live above and in a state of clarity to what is actually there. Don't get so offended. Don't let your ego control you. You are just stupid, but if you admit it, you can be one with reality. (1).gif
Please seek help for the sake of humanity and the people who may love you.
View attachment 4655180
Please seek help for the sake of humanity and the people who may love you.
Oh you poor sad, stupid sap... don't you know that you are so limited by your preconceived ideas? Reality does not care about your "rules". You must be so afraid to be wrong. It's because your tremendous ego just can't allow you to be open and possibly wrong. When you get out of the box you live in, maybe you will see. I see. That other guy sees. I am not even a woman and I gave birth to someone who is everyone's child. I am a single child and yet have multiple twins. I am not a man either. I am the OTHER! Just like a painter who paints a splintered wooden fence making it a color, the mountains are not rocks. They are a brush stroke and don't even exist!!!!
Oh you poor sad, stupid sap... don't you know that you are so limited by your preconceived ideas? Reality does not care about your "rules". You must be so afraid to be wrong. It's because your tremendous ego just can't allow you to be open and possibly wrong. When you get out of the box you live in, maybe you will see. I see. That other guy sees. I am not even a woman and I gave birth to someone who is everyone's child. I am a single child and yet have multiple twins. I am not a man either. I am the OTHER! Just like a painter who paints a splintered wooden fence making it a color, the mountains are not rocks. They are a brush stroke and don't even exist!!!!
You are a slave to your own lunacy.
Haha, you know I was kidding around right? I was mocking some of the nonsense being posted here by acting batshit crazy. While it is true that people create their own realities, a concept which is not at all new or unique by the way, that reality/delusion only applies to that one individual. If you want to just say everything is only what people want it to be, then what the hell, let's make up some really crazy shit and say that is real too. There are only two sexes. Male and Female, + and -. That is what makes a new life. Hermaphrodites may be considered an alternate gender, but they are still only with those two sexes, just having both within one vessel. Most people consider that a malformation, because that is what it is... just like if someone is born with two heads, that doesn't make them some kind of new species.
See the thing is... The universe does not care whether you or I like it or not. It does not care what you nor I believe. I'm not talking about belief in a form of blind faith. What i'm talking about is the release of new biological evidence from the scientific community that challenges our pre-conceived notions of gender, and why people cannot accept such evidence when it conflicts with their pre-conceived notions. Knowing full well their pre-conceived notions no longer have biological evidence supporting it.

Human genders being a spectrum is the actuality when we observe the evidence. But genders being 2 is the perception we hold. Why is our pre-conceived perception held to a higher regard than the actuality of the evidence observed in reality? When confronted with such evidence, why can't some humans accept it?

I also do not understand the "cringe" or negative feelings or uncomfortablity towards it? Why not the curiosity instead? I find that strange because I find all of this so interesting and cannot understand why anyone would feel negative against this. It is the exploration of the human species and the advancement of the knowledge of our human bodies. Why is our "feelings" or "pre-conceived notions" more important than actual evidence and actual truth?

Being tolerant and kind to those who don't see eye to eye is a greater quality, I think, than feeling wronged when someone doesn't agree. I am not offended by any type of new information, I just don't care. "Live and let live." I do what I think is right, you do you, and as long as we are not infringing on each others rights or freedoms, then we're all good. Not being able to control what the world thinks is a pill sometimes hard to swallow, but that's life.
Haha, you know I was kidding around right? I was mocking some of the nonsense being posted here by acting batshit crazy. While it is true that people create their own realities, a concept which is not at all new or unique by the way, that reality/delusion only applies to that one individual. If you want to just say everything is only what people want it to be, then what the hell, let's make up some really crazy shit and say that is real too. There are only two sexes. Male and Female, + and -. That is what makes a new life. Hermaphrodites may be considered an alternate gender, but they are still only with those two sexes, just having both within one vessel. Most people consider that a malformation, because that is what it is... just like if someone is born with two heads, that doesn't make them some kind of new species.

LMAOOOO I want to be a two headed person! Is there a surgery for that?
Of course there are more than 2 sexes! If you start listing everything, this will be a very long post)) Once I myself was shocked by this information, but now I understand that it is very important to know and talk about this topic. I was so carried away that I even started spending money on webcams to chat with people who had already decided on their orientation or gender. They are all very unique and interesting. I advise you to do the same, do not read about it all on the Internet, but personally communicate with such people! This is a very interesting experience !!
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