There's a fucking squirrel up in the tree..


Well-Known Member
OHMYGOD! That's no pellet gun! :lol: Shoot that and we'd be goin', "Squirrel? What squirrel? I don't see no stinkin' squirrel." :lol:


Well-Known Member
Hey Seamaiden. I feel for you, I really do. We experienced a mouse plague recently and pests are... well... pests. Make up a slingshot. That way you can shoot at the little bugger (thus satisfying your thirst for revenge), but the chances of getting squirrel brains on your car are a lot less than using Mr Benelli. And I wouldn't recommend the Critter Bake either. Don't you guys have rabies and shit over there?

Now, consider this to be just another dumb question from an Aussie if you will, but can you train squirrels to be pets? I've had rats before... are squirrels anything like them. They look pretty cute and they're obviously very intelligent.

In Aus, we have possums. They've found that our houses are nice and warm and a good place to live. It's not uncommon to have them living in the roof. Now, possums are something like the size of a really fat cat, and they can be pretty noisy. You can tame them to some extent, but they can be aggressive at times... and they have teeth and claws. So most of us don't worry about trying. Is it much the same case with squirrels?


Well-Known Member
I'm sure there are people who've tamed squirrels. The issue with with whether or not we're allowed to keep certain animals, at least here in California, is whether or not the rabies vaccine can be proven to be effective. So, ferrets, skunks, and some other animals are not allowed to be kept. Another problem with squirrels and their ilk is bubonic plague, as in The Black Plague--it's here in the U.S., mostly in the desert areas, but still finds its way outside those.

I like rats a whole lot better than squirrels, but maybe that's because I've never had problem with the. :lol: