There's just no money coming in': Cannabis sector bracing for wave of insolvencies in 2020

come on you guys..that weed greenhouse photo looks awesome..
Not to me it doesn't lol
Looks like a HUGE ISSUE to me because they DON'T KNOW SHIT ABOUT RUNNING IT.. :)

and they have Proved it the passed year.
This kind of thing has been done for ever and FAR BETTER as you know. ;)
I only see a GIANT waste of something that COULD BE WORTH TONS
how nice would of a grow room would you have if you had millions at your disposal....??
I'm thinking a mom and pop operation with money behind it,,,would still be smart enough to keep the rooms relatively small, with stable strains
and clean and sanitary conditions....and be turning out exemplary crops of AAAA product and have zero problems moving their entire stock,each crop.
Some how the Lp's have just focused on mainly producing as much mid grade product as they can possibly get out of a grow cycle,
from the look of some of the store bought jars I have seen, they should not be using the word "quality" in any of their promotional information.
This of course is my personal opinion....but I have seen.... grown.... and smoked.... AAAA product and what was in those jars ,was not anywhere close to quality.

they are green..healthy..the place looks clean

i have mentioned many times that maybe the largest downer for Lp weed quality is having to irradiate... looks pretty good..though we have not seen how it finished

again..i think irradiation would wreck anyones
I still can't believe they irradiate it all, seems to me that would nuke the trichomes

Edit: correction didn't know it wasn't mandatory.
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they are green..healthy..the place looks clean

i have mentioned many times that maybe the largest downer for Lp weed quality is having to irradiate... looks pretty good..though we have not seen how it finished

again..i think irradiation would wreck anyones
Why don't you go work for one? If you are such a fan. I know why I would never do it. Start with minimum wage, plus a few bucks. Get fired out of nowhere anytime, after they have your contacts and knowledge. I know people who went off to work for them with great intentions. Haven't seen a happy worker at a large LP. They take jobs that used to pay good and make them into shit paying repetitive labour.
Why don't you go work for one? If you are such a fan. I know why I would never do it. Start with minimum wage, plus a few bucks. Get fired out of nowhere anytime, after they have your contacts and knowledge. I know people who went off to work for them with great intentions. Haven't seen a happy worker at a large LP. They take jobs that used to pay good and make them into shit paying repetitive labour.
you should re frame from this kind of shit when you DONT KNOW THE PERSON who is speaking
I do and know full well, He knows what hes talking about
He only said it looks OK and knows that looks can be deceiving! Just pointing out the positive instead of negative nancy.. ME lol
you should re frame from this kind of shit when you DONT KNOW THE PERSON who is speaking
I do and know full well, He knows what hes talking about
He only said it looks OK and knows that looks can be deceiving! Just pointing out the positive instead of negative nancy.. ME lol
To- GB

Signed ~ The Universe ♥ xx
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it prob does
Why don't you go work for one? If you are such a fan. I know why I would never do it. Start with minimum wage, plus a few bucks. Get fired out of nowhere anytime, after they have your contacts and knowledge. I know people who went off to work for them with great intentions. Haven't seen a happy worker at a large LP. They take jobs that used to pay good and make them into shit paying repetitive labour.

thats not the point of my post

if you worked for one and it sucked make your own post

the point i was making is..

***that photo looks like it is well grown....*** now try to pick that apart

you don't understand that there should at least be a semblance of reality while you guys bash Lps here

the grow photo looks good..

now piss off until you have a retort that coincides withmy comment

they are green..healthy..the place looks clean

i have mentioned many times that maybe the largest downer for Lp weed quality is having to irradiate... looks pretty good..though we have not seen how it finished

again..i think irradiation would wreck anyones
i'd rather err on the side reality in quality....
i've seen the plant and i too think most cannabis plants are beautiful...but.
i'm partial to back yard grows
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come on you guys..that weed greenhouse photo looks awesome..
to me it looks like a waste of space and the plants are going to lose close to half their value... due to their height.
.that's what I see.. .....Inferior grown herb. That could be so much better. Commercial is all about this I guess Eh..
I'm not a commercial guy, as most here are not that's all.
not many of us can be happy about a system that used to work and well still does, OUTSIDE of their ideals.:idea:
you are correct about the height..but its in natural photo period in a GH...

they don't need larf..if all that produces good colas

then thats a pile of nice weed..they don't need to worry about space bro

all my comments had nothing to do with anything except that was a

photo of well grown vegged weed..[destined for irradiation?]


i am also partial to back yard grows..

that photo was big business not back yard

..try it around here and get hemp seed filled buds...
I believe it was some outdoor producer from a legal state....

as for those greenhouse plants, I would think 50 percent of the bud sites will occur in the bottom portion of those plants and of those, only 15 percent will gain enough usable light ,due to their location on the periphery of the aisles and exterior rows , so they are not completely larfy below the canopy