theres something living in my pump shed. should i kill it?

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Well-Known Member
You can pick up a trap that will catch & hold a huge ass skunk or opossum for like $40 , put it outside the shed with a hunk of meat in it & 1st thing in the morning you'll have the varmint .

If it's a skunk don't pick the cage up obviously , throw a trap over the cage & then pick it up , if the skunk sprays don't freak out & drop the trap , as long as it's covered with the trap no juice will get on ya .

Take the cage to a wooded area & lift the trap door & yank the trap back , just be sure the front of the trap is within 10 feet or so from woods or bushes & the varmint will boogie away from you .

No sense killing it unless ya just like to kill , trapping city varmints is easy as pie .

As Barnbuster said the shit is dangerous & if I were you I'd be worried as hell about a contaminated water supply , especially with that hose popped off & exposed to the air in the pump house , your whole family could get sick as hell .
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CC Dobbs

Well-Known Member
This seems even worst now because i just posted what kind of animal id like to be in another thread.

Ive been living in a rent house a little over a year. We have a 1500 gal water tank in the back that supplies the house with all our water. Theres a shed right next to the tank with a water pump and some other stuff that im not sure what its purpose is.
Ive been aware that theres some sort of huge rat (bigger than my dads chuahaha) living in the shed. I didnt give two shits about it, thought it was kinda cool actually. Well i just now poked my head in the shed to see whats been goin on in there this past i winter, and to my surprise, dam near all the insulation has been shreadded off the walls. theres also cactus and dog shit everywhere. Also noticed a small tube was hanging off the water pump,which i think will cause the pump to spew water out of the side, when the tank is full.
cost about 100$ to fill up the tank. we filler up about once a month.
with the tube hanging off the side, theres no telling how much water has been wasted, if any.
Should i try to kill this fucker? if so , how? Seems like a cruel thing to do. Maybe some kind of trap? but then id be afraid to go in there and release it from the trap...Help me riu! what should i do?!
Before killing it I would try to recover any damages resulting from the illegal activities of this creature. The kill it.


Well-Known Member
You can pick up a trap that will catch & hold a huge ass skunk or opossum for like $40 , put it outside the shed with a hunk of meat in it & 1st thing in the morning you'll have the varmint .

If it's a skunk don't pick the cage up obviously , throw a trap over the cage & then pick it up , if the skunk sprays don't freak out & drop the trap , as long as it's covered with the trap no juice will get on ya .

Take the cage to a wooded area & lift the trap door & yank the trap back , just be sure the front of the trap is within 10 feet or so from woods or bushes & the varmint will boogie away from you .

No sense killing it unless ya just like to kill , trapping city varmints is easy as pie .

why do you always have the weirdest sigs lol just wondering


Well-Known Member
It doesnt look like skunk damage. Plus you would likely smell them. Likely opossum or coon. If you get a live trap, set it up INSIDE the shed. Outside you will catch every chipmunk, squirrel, skunk and cat in the neighbourhood. May as well catch the one you are after.
Also mix 10% bleach with 90% water in a spray bottle to spray it before, during and after you clean. The nasty pathegens are in the poop. Is there any turds in there? As Pan said your water is in there you want this done right. Its why I said call a pro.
Oh yeah if its an opossum, this is how to do it


Well-Known Member
Make some strong cheese edibles! When he is disoriented get a blow dart or gas pellet pistol and unload till the end. Kill that fucker dont even think twice,dont touch him either lol. *edit whoops, not a rat.


Well-Known Member
please don't kill it perhaps capture it humanely and train it as a useful pet that does tricks and amazes your friends. if not, you could send it to ratland its where mr jingles went.


Well-Known Member
Everybody needs a shotgun. 4-10 single from a pawn shop maybe, $50.

I agree with everyone else. Vermin carry disease and are the ultimate fuck ups on the planet. I could care less what they do in the wild, but when they invade my space they gotta go. Now. You've waited a little late being kind hearted, ignoring the situation and see how much damage has been done? Nip it in the bud bro. Do it now. If you wanna trap and relocate the animal that's fine too. Poison works great and no real violence as well. Just nip it in the bud!



Well-Known Member
Everybody needs a shotgun. 4-10 single from a pawn shop maybe, $50.

I agree with everyone else. Vermin carry disease and are the ultimate fuck ups on the planet. I could care less what they do in the wild, but when they invade my space they gotta go. Now. You've waited a little late being kind hearted, ignoring the situation and see how much damage has been done? Nip it in the bud bro. Do it now. If you wanna trap and relocate the animal that's fine too. Poison works great and no real violence as well. Just nip it in the bud!

worries about disease. lives like this ....
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Well-Known Member
if the landlord won;t do anything about it professionally, havahart trap and garbage can full of water to drown the fucker. possums and racoons are the new urban rats. watch out cleaning up the shit as it's probably loaded with roundworm(s) eggs that can infect humans by inhaling or oral ingestion. also can have fleas which carry a form of typhus. wear a mask.
Thank god theres still people out there that still think like you and i. I had a friend who was driving a half hour with ferrel cats he was trapping from a garbage pile an old tenant left and dropping off at the shelter. He could only deliver one a day so for almost a week he was driving an hour a day. The people at the shelter told him that they would be euthanized because they were wild and they couldnt rehome them. So when i showed up and he told me the story i did exactly how you said, took the live trap with a cat in it over to a garbage can with rainwater in it and said good bye to the cat. Holy shit did people freak out though! Oh you cant do that they said, and im like why not? The vets going to kill it anyway and youll waste an hours worth of your day and fuel getting that stupid thing thats going to die by someone elses hand to its death. Be a man, nut up and do it yourself. People are scared of their own shadows these days, buncha city boys running around wouldnt last two days if they didnt have a grocery store to go to.


Virtually Unknown Member
...and if you do happen to trap a coon and you don't want to kill it, relocating them on property other than your own in many states/counties is illegal cause of rabies spread so don;t let anyone see you. as @Alienwidow says people will freak and call cops on you if they see you kill anything so be aware. lastly, all those animals are mean as shit when trapped.


Well-Known Member
...and if you do happen to trap a coon and you don't want to kill it, relocating them on property other than your own in many states/counties is illegal cause of rabies spread so don;t let anyone see you. as @Alienwidow says people will freak and call cops on you if they see you kill anything so be aware. lastly, all those animals are mean as shit when trapped.
One of the only memories i have of my grandpa when he was still around was when one of his cats had kittens. He put all the kittens in a box and walked out to the street where the garbage can was next to a light pole. He whapped the kittens heads off the light pole and tossed em in the trash. I could still hear meowing when he put the lid back on. It was a different world thirty years ago. Id never do that but thirty years ago it was ok to whap a kittens head off a pole and slamdunk it in the trash in broad daylight.
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