thermal camaras from above!


Active Member
Is there any way of stoping thermal imaging camaras seeing through roofs, walls etc. I have heard that hospitals have there xray rooms plastered with lead plaster! is this true and would it prevent thermal imaging?
if anyone could help that would be grate.


Well-Known Member
There is'nt much you can do to completely mask your operation because at some point the heat your room is emitting must be displaced outdoors.

The most important thing to mask is a multiple light setup. The individual lights will stand out as multiple Hot Spots if not masked. This can be archived by using an insulation to line the room and providing proper Air Conditioning, window AC units are a normal occurrence and produce a heat signature that would be unsuspecting by the law.

To really minimize the signature of lights the use of insulated ducting to an exterior point is necessary. If it is posible ducting your exhaust to your hot water heater vent, or dryer vent can help to eliminate the suspecious heat that will be coming out of your exhaust.


Well-Known Member
Using thermal cameras are illegal in the us. Cops need a warrent to use them. And if they have a warrent on you, well you're fucked anyway, so it doesn't really matter.


Active Member
so yeah. to answer your question yes, its called UV block or IR detect you can find some at discount-hydro dot com. cheap and effective. as far as displacing to the outdoors, i read through a high times i believe that people use multiple points of exit to spread the heat aswell as some sort of french drain or something? i wanna learn more about them and if your serious about this you may wanna do it and now but yeah.. i heard french drains are some sort of drain in dirt or something underground so when you vent your exhaust out through them your pretty much undetectable. pretty cool idea if your rich. ive seen pictures of people modifying a/c's on this website aswell. anyway just something i thought back on hearing about for you and i hope it finds a use.

DR. VonDankenstine

Well-Known Member
There is'nt much you can do to completely mask your operation because at some point the heat your room is emitting must be displaced outdoors.

The most important thing to mask is a multiple light setup. The individual lights will stand out as multiple Hot Spots if not masked. This can be archived by using an insulation to line the room and providing proper Air Conditioning, window AC units are a normal occurrence and produce a heat signature that would be unsuspecting by the law.

To really minimize the signature of lights the use of insulated ducting to an exterior point is necessary. If it is posible ducting your exhaust to your hot water heater vent, or dryer vent can help to eliminate the suspecious heat that will be coming out of your exhaust.
clean the air with scrubbers and ona and pump it back into your living area---no need to pump outside.


Active Member
I just heard from a friend that apparently a law was just passed that said the use of thermal imaging by law enforcement is now illegal because it is seen as "invasion of privacy." I am not 100% sure this is true because I did not see this story myself but i trust his word... if its true, thats another victory in our favor :)


Well-Known Member
I just heard from a friend that apparently a law was just passed that said the use of thermal imaging by law enforcement is now illegal because it is seen as "invasion of privacy." I am not 100% sure this is true because I did not see this story myself but i trust his word... if its true, thats another victory in our favor :)
I think I said something like that like 4 posts up. Seriously?

Using thermal cameras are illegal in the us. Cops need a warrent to use them. And if they have a warrent on you, well you're fucked anyway, so it doesn't really matter.
And FYI, it was passed like 4 years ago. Not just passed.


Well-Known Member
shit i live in the country. if i hear a helicopter most likely its for me, someone else or a medical emergency.


Well-Known Member
thermal imaging is against the law, but they DO use it anyway. i have a friend who says the heli's regularly sweep directly across the homes at very slow speeds in his county right before harvest season, while they're sweeping the areas for outdoor grows. so far as the community can tell, they do that over every house they fly near. highly suspect behavior, unless it's just a really motivated roof salesman. i doubt they have a SW for 20-30 houses per day, but they gotta produce SOMETHING to justify the expense of flying around all day looking for crops- and they DO use them outdoors. they like to image the canopy near clearings, and will regularly circle a whole clearing more than once. that particular county is infamous, and there are a ton of special circumstances involved in their searches there.

this particular sweep is well known for committing tons of unlawful acts as a means to an end. using active duty special forces against US citizens for one...

i wouldnt worry about random imaging in the city. it would piss off too many people, but if they ever imaged me and my honey getting busy, i actually might contemplate building a high intensity laser :finger:


Active Member
cheers people will look for (ir) dont know if it will be avalible in the uk thou! thanks for help.


Well-Known Member
thermal imaging is against the law, but they DO use it anyway. i have a friend who says the heli's regularly sweep directly across the homes at very slow speeds in his county right before harvest season, while they're sweeping the areas for outdoor grows. so far as the community can tell, they do that over every house they fly near. highly suspect behavior, unless it's just a really motivated roof salesman. i doubt they have a SW for 20-30 houses per day, but they gotta produce SOMETHING to justify the expense of flying around all day looking for crops- and they DO use them outdoors. they like to image the canopy near clearings, and will regularly circle a whole clearing more than once. that particular county is infamous, and there are a ton of special circumstances involved in their searches there.

this particular sweep is well known for committing tons of unlawful acts as a means to an end. using active duty special forces against US citizens for one...

i wouldnt worry about random imaging in the city. it would piss off too many people, but if they ever imaged me and my honey getting busy, i actually might contemplate building a high intensity laser :finger:
What country does your friend live in?

If it's the US, and I don't want to sound mean here, he's full of shit. Most of the police arn't up to snuff with what they legally can and can't do. Sometimes they do illegal searches, sometimes because they know and are trying to get away with something, and sometimes because they literally don't know. You don't need to be a lawyer to be a cop, just a GED in most places (no offense). But the LEOs that are flying overhead in choppers are trained in what they are doing, in exactly what the equipment they are using is for, and exactly what they can and can't do with that equipment. My father went to school for thermal imaging, you'd be suprised the kinds of things they teach you.

What the choppers are doing using thermal imaging cameras from above is looking on national property, or public lands. If you are doing a grow op on there, then they don't need a search warrent to use IR cameras, but the private home is a different matter.

These cops might not be geniuses, but they arn't stupid. Patrolling over federal lands with an IR camera, then accidentally sweeping it over a house that is on the edge of federal lands and finding a grow op, that might happen, but odds are when it went to court it would be thrown out anyway. But using IR on 20-30 homes a day? Yeah, your buddy is full of shit. If they found even one grow op there, the second it went to court that evidence would be considered inadmisable. They would have to get the search warrent to enter the house on other evidence, and base enough of a case against the person on all of the data that they have on the person OTHER than the IR camera BEFORE the search in order to have that case even possibly stick. And the odds are any half wit lawyer would get you out of it anyway, claiming that profiling of the IR camera produced an invasion of privacy covered under the constitution, and that the resulting warrent, while unconstitutionally grounded, is there fore a "fishing warrent' and is illegal, and anything it found is inadmissable in the court.

All of this happens in the US though. If your buddy is not in the states, then I don't know much about their laws.


Well-Known Member
Good look bra every one i kow are shook about copter's flyin over slowly includin me but not so much. Glad to know dat shit would get thrown out at da hearing. Thanks fo sheddin light on dis subject fo us US growers.


Active Member
That lead lined drywall weighs a ton to. takes 2 guys to hang a sheet of it. Its a pain in the ass to hang. Probably close to 150-200 pounds a sheet.


Well-Known Member
only time i see helios in my town is when someone shouldve stayed on the porch that day instead of being where they were cause it was smarts. But indeed its illegal to use thermal imaging without a warrent and if your careful enough, theyll never suspect anything or have the need to call you one themselves. Besides, IMHO itd be easier for them to find a house where im from that didnt have a setup vs the other way around.
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Ultra Haze

Well-Known Member
I have a 100mw green laser and it says do not point at aircraft under any circumstances, so I will completely ignore that anytime a porkchopper comes near my house.