i forgot i also vent my lights right into the ducting for my furnace and just turn on the furnace fan and it heats my house
you can def do that..i've done it i just like to keep the heat inside my house.Also,when venting outside there will always be some odor escape.i run a new 12 inch can filter and theres still some odor.
They do not need a search warrant to use thermal reading, they need a search warrant along with probable cause to enter your house.
yea if u watch the video that someone posted he tells u that it can only see heat spikes so basically if yr whole house was 200degrees it would look normal.. vs if only one room was really hot....shit yeah...send it to me!!!! that guy is the truth!!!!!! another thing, so what your saying is if u vent the heat via an in-line booster fan to your vents in cealing that would fool FLIR?? your saying it would run through the duct system in the roof/attic and the heat will dissapate?? just making sure i got it right!
yea if u watch the video that someone posted he tells u that it can only see heat spikes so basically if yr whole house was 200degrees it would look normal.. vs if only one room was really hot....
i thought of this idea myself just from watching videos and reading but with the whole light bulb thing...
if you were 2 put a poarch light infront of the part of the house your growing in, who ever is looking at yr house with a flir camra will not be able 2 see the room becuz the light infront of it is blocking it.... never tested this but just some common sense thinking
if u want ill email u the video or if there is a way 2 post a file on here ill do it that way... but if u want u can watch almost the whole thing on youtube if parts but i didnt feal like missing anything so i just downloaded the whole thing... there is another video called never get busted:traffic stops but i havent watched it yet
here is a link I found....http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sudf5xDIhmM this guy used to be a cop! and check out his other videos! definetly something every grower should watch![]()