Thermostat questions.


Well-Known Member
As of now I am using a small space heater that has a thermostat in it. I want to take out the thermostat and extend it to my box. This would make it so the heat would automatically be regulated without using another timer. I don't know much about wiring and electronics. Any links to good electronics 101 type stuff would be awesome. or maybe if someone has already done a diy on it a link to that would be cool to. Any advice would be appreciated really.

happy thanks giving.
Get a line voltage thermostat, 3prong extension cord, and a metal electrical box . First cut the extension cord in half and strip some of the wire. feed each end into the electrical box and wire cap white to white green to green one of the blacks to the thermostat and the other black to the other thermostat wire that's it

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Get a line voltage thermostat, 3prong extension cord, and a metal electrical box . First cut the extension cord in half and strip some of the wire. feed each end into the electrical box and wire cap white to white green to green one of the blacks to the thermostat and the other black to the other thermostat wire that's it

Sent from my 831C using Rollitup mobile app
As long as the line voltage thermostat is rated for the amperage of the heater and safe wiring practices are used, this is the way to go. Be sure to spec a heating thermostat.
my heater already has a thermostat in it, i want to take it out of the heater and put it in the box while it is still connected to the heater so the heater turns off on its own.
the heater i have on the left of the box, i want to extend the thermostat cord into the box that is already in the heater.


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ok maybe i am not being clear enough or maybe i am just stupid and not understand what you guys are suggesting.
I believe i already have a thermostat that will work for the situation i am using it for.
It is the one that the heater is supposed to run on, but because it is outside of the box and not inside it is of no use to me.
I want to take it out of the heater and put it into the box while still connected to the heater so the heater will turn off and on like it normally would in a room when the temp it is set at is reached.
This is a pic of the heater w/ thermostat already inside of it.
Am I being retarded or just not getting my message across right? haha


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I have the same setup for my heater just turn the settings all the way up and then the external thermostat will run the heater until it gets to the temp u set it to then cut the power untill it needs to turn on again

Sent from my 831C using Rollitup mobile app
As of now I am using a small space heater that has a thermostat in it. I want to take out the thermostat and extend it to my box. This would make it so the heat would automatically be regulated without using another timer. I don't know much about wiring and electronics. Any links to good electronics 101 type stuff would be awesome. or maybe if someone has already done a diy on it a link to that would be cool to. Any advice would be appreciated really.

happy thanks giving.

Thermostat controller Cost only 13 bucks on eBay
The heater is something i picked up last min for this because i could not keep my temp in the box above 70.
I totally understand that this is not the ideal set up. I only have this lil box and i am trying to make it work for me until I have more space.
Thank you for your input everyone I really appreciate the effort.

Are fucking great, bought mine 5 years ago and is always in use, for one job(germing) or the other(heat/cool control)
come in many flaovurs, I'm soon to update mine so it does cooling too, used by hoticultulists and home brewewrs
SCORE 9.99/10
OP i dont think you're understanding them...

Get a new thermostat as suggested, and use it to turn on/off your space heater (which is set on full blast). So basically bypass the thermostat in the heater. This would be the easiest, fastest way. Dont bother trying to take out the thermostat from the heater, that's opening a can of worms.

But anyways, what you really should do is add lights until your heat is where you want it. What a waste of electricity...

Do you know how much effort i've put into REMOVING excess heat? Want some?;)
Thank you everyone
hare krishna. I will keep that in mind when I get to upgrade to a full room.
The reason I wanted to rely on a space heater (which does suck) is because the box drops to about 61 degrees at night.
The lights in there atm heat it up to about 66/68 degrees.
The box is small so it shouldnt need much to heat it up to where I want it.
I should be shooting for 75-77ish right?

Either way I spent some of today doing just what I was told not to do (didnt hop back on here until I had already done it) It seems to be working so far and the temp is regulating itself at 76 low 78 high. Hope this works for now. I can't wait to not have to set this up in a little janky box.

Thanks again everyone for your help! Like I said I will be coming back to this page when I get a proper space to make a proper grow room.

Hare Krishna!

Oh yea and i will post pics of what i did later
here are pics of what i did. it was after i was done though. wish my phone was charged when i did it so i could have done a step by step.


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Is that fucking speaker wire? This is exactly why we didn't tell you to mutilate the heater. Is that wire insulation rated for the heat, and amperage, frankly no, its speaker wire.
The original wires should have the ratings I'm looking for right?
Your absolutely right about the material on the heater.
I'm not going to use "I'm new" as an excuse so I guess I'll go with general ignorance instead.
So I'm going to take everyone's advice and get the thermostat. Until then though I'll put the thermostat back and just keep doing it manually. oh yea and take off that crap on the back and get some more duct maybe to help funnel the humidity in.

But out of curiosity I'm wondering how this could be done safely?
I am wondering about what to look for when wiring things up. (how to tell a wires rating and what you can send through it and whatnot)
I shall start googling and will accept any additional thoughts gratefully.
Probably type ZW wire to meet the internal temperature possibilities. minimum 14 gauge. Still, you're stuck with the unhoused thermostat and some wire not in a conduit and no ground. Just put it back like it was and grab the external thermostat. Get a plug n play one.