These aren't considered stretched right?


Well-Known Member
do what you have to do. im pretty sure there are others that feel the same way so it come as no surprise, lame.
Others that feel the same way? you're so incredibly rude and there is no excuse for that.

The simple fact of the matter is first grow means first grow. You were too proud to admit that you didn't read that part of his post so
you've started up a pathetic argument which i won't be a part of. You shouldn't be on this website in my opinion.


Well-Known Member
do what you have to do. im pretty sure there are others that feel the same way so it come as no surprise, lame. i also how someone goes out there way to be a douche but when they are called out they get to hitting the report/911 button.
like i said "you could of easily answered the question or not said anything at all", instead, you decided to be a wise ass. i am pretty sure when they look at how it all started, you will be the reason. learn how to stay in your lane son.
Haha, it doesn't matter how much you want to justify your behavior with excuses, rollitup doesn't allow abuse. I know i'm tired of being insulted for no reason.


Fresh 2 De@th

Well-Known Member
dude check my post history, i could care less. you must be one of them bone head stoners i be talking about. the one that always like to play the victim but sly sneaking in digs, initiating drama, then run and tell the man after you don't like the way you was called out on it.


Well-Known Member
dude check my post history, i could care less. you must be one of them bone head stoners i be talking about. the one that always like to play the victim but sly sneaking in digs, initiating drama, then run and tell the man after you don't like the way you was called out on it.
I haven't initiated anything but hurting your pride. And what about your post history? do you think that because you have 500 posts that you're some sort of authority figure that can go around abusing people for no reason? What a joke. You aren't aren't a valued member until you have thousands of posts.


Well-Known Member
I get abused because you get corrected. I'm not crying victim, but i am a victim of an unjustified attack,
i'm just too mature to be hurl insults at someone even though they're insulting me. Do you know how i
know you're too proud to admit that you didn't see the part where he says it is his
first grow? It is because you asked "Forgot to ask, is this your first grow?"

You replied with abuse claiming that his "This is my first grow" statement was too vague and you wanted
to know whether it was his first time growing weed, or his first time growing from seed yet you asked
him an equally vague question by your standards by asking "Is this your first grow."

You've been called out. Admit it.


Well-Known Member
you're not the first one i had a beef with
And you are the first one i've had "Beef" with. It just goes to show that you have done this kind of thing
before and are quite the burden on this website. You seem like the kind of kid that attacks someone for
looking at them funny.

Fresh 2 De@th

Well-Known Member
if you want to get technical, i didn't see any where in the title that stated my very first grow, so to me the title is vague hence the vague question i asked. dude we could keep going in circles with this, the fact of the matter is that you could of easily answered the question without the sarcasm and not clog this thread up with your whining. a point you have yet to accept. and like i said, "i asked the op, not you" and if you didn't feel like properly answering the question you should have not answered at all.


Well-Known Member
i didn't see any where in the title that stated my very first grow
Yet you took the time to look at the pictures. maybe you should have looked at the description

I'm not clogging up this thread. You started this argument buddy, i didn't want to argue. I just wish you could grow up.


Well-Known Member
I can't believe you have the nerve to say i am clogging up this thread when you started up an
entire argument based on lies. I told you to read the post again where he says it was his first
grow and THAT is when you started claiming that his statement was too vague. Now you're claiming
that you didn't even see it but i already showed you before you started this argument.

you could of easily answered the question without the sarcasm
And you could have easily responded to what your mind perceived to be sarcasm, without the insults.

Fresh 2 De@th

Well-Known Member
Yet you took the time to look at the pictures. maybe you should have looked at the description

I'm not clogging up this thread. You started this argument buddy, i didn't want to argue. I just wish you could grow up.
like i said, i've seen threads where people been growing from clones their whole career and start threads like this. did you not read that part lame? would you like for me to post a link to prove what im talking about? dude didn't even know how to germ a seed, but can grow his ass off, so the point you're trying to make is falling on deaf ears. you initiated the beef so live with it.
don't know what world you live in but you don't come from left field, butting in with sarcasm, addressing a question that didn't require your answer and think someone is going to be polite. get over it and accept the fact that you stepped out of line and deserve everything that was said.

both of you are stupid.
here's another lame. from his post he probably hit the 911 button to report me as well.


Well-Known Member
like i said, i've seen threads where people been growing from clones their whole career and start threads like this. did you not read that part lame

You asked him with an equally vague question which would have achieved nothing.


Well-Known Member
Because you're still failing to see my point. Let me analogize:

Me: "My son is was born in 2007. Do you know how many months away his birthday is?"

You (hmm, how am i supposed to know without a specific birth month): "What year was he born in?"

This is my point:

Him: "This is my first grow"

You: (i wonder if he means it is just his first grow from seed): "Is this your first grow?"

Except we both know that isn't what you meant

Fresh 2 De@th

Well-Known Member
like i said and offered if you would like i can dig up the thread or threads where the title states first grow and it's not their first grow. if someone been growing in soil and decided to switch their medium, you will see the same title as the op and an explanation underneath it. i've some people with titles stating first seed grow and automatically i think first grow, but to my astonishment it's far from the case. so me asking him what i asked is not far fetched, lame.
also you will see plenty of threads such as this one that's not people first grow, but rather their first grow with premium seeds. their first attempt would be from a bag seed then move up the ladder without counting the bag seed grow, so you answering for him, with your bitch ass remark, without completely knowing his situation was uncalled for and you deserve every word you got.


Well-Known Member
Believe me mate i'm not offended by anything you said, i just hate the fact that we have people like you on this site,
it's childish and the way you insult me reminds of the school yard. You are not addressing the issue of you wondering if it
was his first grow by asking him exactly what he stated in his post. Instead you keep bringing up these threads. If you
were telling the truth you would have said "hey, is this your very first time growing from seed or your very first grow."
Either way you are the cause of this whole argument by replying with abuse. Sarcasm does not warrant abuse.

Two likes and 1 +rep from replying to you. I'm not bothered at all, but i am done trying to get my point across.


Well-Known Member
To me first grow means first grow....doesn't matter if clone or seed.....First grow means first time growing a cannabis plant.
Anyway sorry a huge argument started :|

I am posting an update of the plants. I think they are doing good if you see anything that needs my attention please let me know.

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