These can't possibly be the same pheno... right?

But multiple genotypes can express then same phenotype, if they're genetically identical, they should have the same genotype too (no one plant will have a different combination of dominant/recessive alleles). The phenotype is the observable characteristic, the genotype is the underlying 'invisible' genetic makeup.

EDIT: 2 blonde people share the same phenotype, but one of them may be more capable of producing blonde children because of their underlying genotype.
Dude. You have it fucked up. The genotypes are every phenotype grouped together. Like, there aren't 150 Pokemon in a Pikachu, Pikachu is a phenotype of the Pokemon genotype. Did you get that, now?

I could be totally goofing this, but pretty sure this says genotype is the *specific* combination of genes. Phenotype is what you observe. So seeds from the same brood could easily express the same phenotype (or not), even though they most likely have different underlying genotypes.
Different phenotypes can present themselves in different genotypes, yes, but a complete collection of phenotypes are specific to a single genotype, which is what that collection is called.
Different phenotypes can present themselves in different genotypes, yes, but a complete collection of phenotypes are specific to a single genotype.

Yea, that makes a sense, a specific genotype can yield different phenotypes in their *children*. If a set of plants have the *exact* same genotype, they are clones.

If each plant has the genotype RrAa, and since the alleles for shape and color genes are independent, then they can produce four types of gametes with all possible combinations: RA,Ra, rA, and ra.

basically, every plant this is RrAa (assuming those are the only genes) are exact replicas.
You are a phenotype of your family's genotype (gene pool)

=\ i think we're agreeing. I was just trying to state that plants of the exact same 'genotype', are in fact clones.

EDIT: and that the term 'phenotype' I used for this post probably isnt accurate, cause the damn clones should be the same genotype.
Yea, that makes a sense, a specific genotype can yield different phenotypes in their *children*. If a set of plants have the *exact* same genotype, they are clones.

basically, every plant this is RrAa (assuming those are the only genes) are exact replicas.
Almost. Exact multiple phenotypical alleles are clones, the genotype is every phenotype specific to that family line. It's every possible combination presented in your family's collective chromosomes.
I think when it comes to solving punnet squares, yea you use the genotype to figure out the 'gene pool' between the breeding pair. But a single specimen is a singular genotype in itself.
=\ i think we're agreeing. I was just trying to state that plants of the exact same 'genotype', are in fact clones.
No, they are the same phenotype, still. If you take a child with every combination that is possible, that group is called a genotype. A clone just has exact matching phenotypical alleles, but is not a genotype. It reflects one phenotype in a genotype.
yea =\ thats what im thinking. fucking clone store.
Meh. Don't sweat it. It'll probably at least grow mostly similarly. My sativa-dominant Heavyweight Fruit Punch is 6 inches shorter than my indica-dominant Blue Cheese that stretched about 400%, and the Fruit Punch is older. So you never can tell, you just have to train it right.
yea i feel like ive been putting 90% of my training on that one plant lol. Main stem is pretty much at a 90 deg angle for about 4 inches now just to keep it away from the supposed 'indicas'. Just pinched the new main again an hour ago :?

EDIT: my net pots are almost immobile, shouldnt fall over i hope
yea i feel like ive been putting 90% of my training on that one plant lol. Main stem is pretty much at a 90 deg angle for about 4 inches now just to keep it away from the supposed 'indicas'. Just pinched the new main again an hour ago :?
Then you're golden. Don't be upset, be happy! This is a great time in your life! You're growing some choice smoke! :D