these Kush strains..


Well-Known Member
I havent seen a strain talked more about than kush, how good is it really.. I just dont know why I dont see people talking about blueberry from dutchpassion or northern lights.. and these other good strains much at all, so whats with the kush?
in some places kush just means dank ass weed. thats why you hear it alot.
oh really? all these slang terms.. when i first started tokin I was asked if I Wanted to smoke some christmas trees, but I know kush is a strain, I have seen purple kush and orange kush, O well LOL
im from cali and when we say kush we meen KUSH.and it is bomb.there are a many varietys of kush going around.
kush is that FIRE thats why, OG kush is my personal favorite. but BUbba is DANK, MASTER, purpKUSH, if someone is saying weed is kush and the strain isnt a kush strain...thats pretty dumb hahaha,
KUSH IS A STRAIN OF WEED IT IS SKUNKY WEED AND NO WHEN DANK AS WEED IS BEING CALLED KUSH ITS NOT KUSH ITS JUST SOME DRUG DEALER MAKING IT FEEL ALL BETTER YOUR BUYING KUSH... KUSH CAME FROM THE MIDDLE EAST and HINDU KUSH MOUNTAINS NEAR INDIA ITS FROM THAT REGION THEY MADE A HYBRID OF IT AND THATS WHAT WE SMOKE, OG, BUBBA,MASTER, are the main strains ...... dont listen to any one when they say its kush,, unless the weed smells like a skunk just sprayed it down with its skunk spray, your room should STINKKK like skunk if you have a n ounce,, your house should stink like skunk if you have a pound ,,.. SORRY ABOUT THE CAPS... but yeah kush is a strain not a slang for good bud
i know there are kush strains, but people call any good dank kush. kinda like the term dro is used
Yeah dro is supposed do be hydro though, people who call normal dank trees kush, aren't educated when it comes to strains. There is a strain just called kush aswell though.