These plants will be 8 weeks into flowering on thursday

Hey guys these plants will be 8 weeks into flowering after vegging for 4 weeks. The fan leafs are starting to yellow and spot up is this normal? And most tricombs are clear some milky no red. Theres prolly 70% white pistles and 30% red orange. Feed back on why leafs are yellowing how close to being finished are they and how much dried bud do u expect. Thanks. Sorry it's so long


Well-Known Member
strange looked like my plant that had mites check under scope on bottom side of leaves... if so good luck


Well-Known Member
ok looks like eggs get your scope and find out you can actually see the spiders on bottom if indeed this is your case


Well-Known Member
Yeah but as he stated wear do u se a problem he asks for advice and then asks where do i see a problem YOUR WHOLE PLANT is gonna be the problem soon just saying


Well-Known Member
bugs are on underside of leaves and or in medium they are about same size of those pesky crabs people get from hookers


Well-Known Member
well i had that happen to my clone and i took her out washed her with soap and water by spraying full force the bottom side of leaves then simply hacked that bitch up till she was just a stem.. and my end result well


Well-Known Member
there is some guy in michigan that has the miracle cure for these mites.... small bottle is 40 bucks and super concentrated.. don't know what it is but it works i guess all his customers have said how amazing the stuff is.. Im sorry this is all i got for ya... yours is in flower and have buds I'm not sure what to tell ya i know i wouldn't wanna smoke dank herb with spider eggs in it.. good luck man Let us know what becomes of it.. sorry i can't be more of help


Active Member
Looking with a x60 scope I just see spots no bugs. It's been on the fan leafs for 4-5 days no wear else.
They can be tricky to find. Look for eggs too.
I'd spray with neem. Spray under leaves hard to push the buggers off. You'll have to be persistent.
I think neem is safe during flowering but I'd hold off spraying them with it two or three before da chop.
I'm still new to this growing thing. I am guessing you got like a month an a half or so left to go.