They found it...what do I do now?


Well-Known Member
I work for a cable company, and we are instructed to do, just what he did, I personally wouldn't give a shit, but there are a few people that have different opinions on the matter. Most technicians will turn you down for somthing like that just because they feel lazy, and its a good way to knock a work order out in 2 minutes flat. But still man, be careful. If his supervisor is anti-drugs, then they could call the cops, but I have never even heard of any supervisor's from my company doing such a thing. Good Luck


the woods have a super-thick canopy. i tried some plants out there earlier and they were gone days after they sprouted. and i live in a semi-urban area. there are too many railroads and shit around the neighborhood, lots of access roads. i'm going to play waiting game with the guy that's got them now...see if he'll finish them and he can just sell his half (he doesn't enjoy sensi). who knows what will happen.

don't live in the bible belt.


Well-Known Member
you know what now that I think about it, wouldnt most cops just laugh if you called them and told them you saw a bong at somones house?

I mean if no one has any idea there is a grow Im not sure the cops would even care even if someone did call them which is unlikely if they did not know you have a grow op and just saw a bong. Id tell that guy you are picking up the plants and dont give him a share, just stall him as long as possible just to be sure you are not getting any unwanted visitors comming to lecture you about your supposed "bong"

now you have another person though who knows you grow. You may have to kill him one day:wink:

African Herbsman

Well-Known Member
get rid of everything A-SAP if you cant bring yourself to ditch them give them to a friend and allow him a share of it.

What power does a cable guy have in spoiling my crop?

Try the power to dial a telephone and call the cops on you. He is obviously not cool and I assume he would have called the cops unless his superviser instructed him not to. you better get rid of everything until you are 100%

Dont forget it either:hump:
im with pandabear get rid of that shit!:joint:


im with pandabear get rid of that shit!:joint:
yea it's gone. i agree that there PROBABLY wouldn't have been any trouble but i have a record. i can't go fucking up college and what not just to grow a few plants. it'll work out much better when i live alone.

but yea. the cable guy was a worthless podunk cunt muscle. i agree that he was probably just a lazy piece of shit that wanted to get outta doing work but i mean what a douchebag. it's weed. i'm not manufacturing meth here.


Well-Known Member
cops cant go on someones word. they have to have a warrant first of all to even get inside your house. if they come to your house dont answer the door. if you can smell it outside the door of your house then you better believe thats enough probable cause to get a warrant. i got caught with weed at school and i ended up telling them it was my sisters boyfriend that i got it from and they were dumb enough to tell me they were gonna watch his apartment and asked me not to tell. fuck them. as soon as i could i called him and my sister. nothing ever happened. but yes if you get a felony in regards to marijuana you will never be able to get financial aide ever again


not to say anything bad about bible toting southern conservative christians, but they can be a little self righteous and so on. today alone, noting that it surely could be my own paranoia, four cop cars have passed my house. i do not live on a main avenue and the end of my road is gravel, an access road to rail road facilities. three are still alive. i will surely continue to assess the situation and may be able to bring them back home some time soon.

and i'm on full financial schol. at my school (1 year left) so I'll probably end up laying low. anyone know where any real ganja is in the NC area?


i managed to save one. she's been flowering a little, kind of. there are buds definitely forming. any ideas on how much longer she'll need before i start my 2 week water-only stage?

let me know what ya think!


sourdiesel 01

Active Member
the same shit happened to me a couple years ago. this old guy was delivering heating oil in my basement where i was drying my crop. the stench was so strong he left without filling me up he had another guy come, he was much cooler they never called the cops. that was a close 1 lol!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Well-Known Member
I remember reading in the beginning of the thread that he sensed you were growing. If this is true your gambling your freedom dude.


i would say like atleast another 5 weeks of flowering (3 until you go water only) if not more...

i see the leaves are wet
after about 2 weeks flowering stop misting or foliar feeding because with the production of the buds, the excess moisture invites bud rot.. and you don't want to lose this last one cuz of something like that!


He did sense, he opened the closet door and saw the plants turns out. The police were called and came by but i had everything out by then. We didn't let them in the house any way. So i ditched them for a while and this is the only plant left.

Thanks lumberjack, i wouldn't have thought about the foliar feeding, and i've been doing that since i got this baby back. So probably around 4 more weeks then cut to just straight water? I think i'll do taht and see what happens.

I noticed spiders on a few of the main bud growth spots. I gently brushed them off (about 4 total) and drowned them in a bath of soil-ish water. Should i bother with insecticides at this point or will that compromise the quality of the yield in the end?


spiders aren't so bad. they eat bad bugs. now spidermites, that's different.
that's ill. i saw some tiny webs and thought SPIDER MITES. It had been outside for a while so i really didn't know.

insecticide is a bad idea at this point then? My grow room is 100x more sanitary than before, so maybe that'll help in the effort not to squirt em.

last night my temps got into the upper 80's...should I be worried about this when the "lights-off" temps are below 75?

Much love for all the help.