They got me. .. :(

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Active Member
... They got my seeds. . Just sent an email let you all know what happens now. . I'm so fucking pissed. ... attitude Seeds


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Use a PO box, and dont have your license or any mail in your name anything that a cop can find easy to get the address of grow correct?

Probably would not put in effort to do that anyways, but grow someplace that is not paper trailed to your name for this reason.
Cops can have all the paraphernalia they want in your name being sent to someplace, yet if they have no clue were the grow is, your still good. Place another order with a different company? Sorry man...
That sucks, I hope Attitude can make some changes to their shipping method soon. They are going to keep losing customers if this keeps happening.
Well I emailed them aswell as gave them some ideas Causer I spent WAYYY to much for me not to get what I paid for plus supposed to be guaranteed im to pissed. . Out of 6 years this the first time it ever happened to me. . Tell they ares to put them in stuff animals lol
Sorry to hear man, I know the feeling well. Attitude reshipped mine quickly and it is currently sitting in LA customs. Got my fingers crossed for both of us. Waiting sucks.
I got seeds from herbies sitting at LA customs also. I just had my seeds siezed there from sensible seeds. I am thinking they have better detection systems and are learning stealth methods. It this one gets stopped, I am done with it. Too much worry.
Use a PO box, and dont have your license or any mail in your name anything that a cop can find easy to get the address of grow correct?

Probably would not put in effort to do that anyways, but grow someplace that is not paper trailed to your name for this reason.

I do not see how a po box is going to make a difference. Your information/name is there and they can find out where you live easy. You have to give your real name for a PO box. If the police are pursueing for growing, they will eventually get info of PO box owner. Maybe I am wrong.
I do not see how a po box is going to make a difference. Your information/name is there and they can find out where you live easy. You have to give your real name for a PO box. If the police are pursueing for growing, they will eventually get info of PO box owner. Maybe I am wrong.

Real name means jack shit... Who is to say you live at your listed address, or that your grow is even where you live? lol. What are they going to do, arrest you at the post office (staking it out for days) only to arrest you with a misdemeanor paraphernalia , or possession charge? Not likely. If they did it to me i would be crying laughing so hard. "thanks for the warning fucktard, now i have to destroy all the real crimes once i bond out..." lmfao!

Hell all you have to do, is have your mail sent to PO box, after you register your address on your ID at the dmv (what they see) to your moms best friends house or something. hell if push comes to shove, and you have no one that will let you list your address at there house, go rent a place for a month, and switch it out. Then just keep your address the same, and forward mail to PO.

Dodge, duck, dip, dive, dodge! lol
400 fucking $$$$$'s... They better make good on the guarantee. . Wanted enough Seeds so I wouldn't have to order for a while like I already do
You know, you would think customs would be looking out for more serious things instead of snagging a couple of seeds. It seems to me, especially since marijuana has become more accepted and legal in some states that those cocksuckers would have something better to do, like stoping all the shit coming in from Mexico by the truckload.
hey m8, just an fyi, i took out the pix of the package of the beans..

This is why i stay on RIU... The mod's are just fuckin good ass people, if something is obtuse, they fix, and send down the road... I have been a member of countless forums, not just ganja, all sorts of things, and i have never felt more at home, than with these people. This world can be a fuck hole, but when i get on RIU, I feel like everyone else is lookin out for me, as much as i look out for them. (about to do first hashtag i have ever done!)

RIU = #Family
dam this is getting out of controll, i ordered in march and i got all mine no problem. i was hoping to make another order but not with all this mess going on:(
dam this is getting out of controll, i ordered in march and i got all mine no problem. i was hoping to make another order but not with all this mess going on:(
share with us amigo... we fucking CARE! tell us your grow story, we are the best people you will soon come to know, you have ever met.
It dont make no sense at all

Dude, we will all do our best to help you, just give us vague information. If you need money, or seeds, somebody on here will get your contacts, etc. Fear not. We are ganja farmers, and probably the most morally correct, and just overall trustworthy people you will ever meet. There are few that infiltrate defenses, and become assholes on these forums, but i hope most act as if they were in person. Like a nice fuckin dude, this place is love... share, but do to narcs, and cock fucks, don't share sensitive details. We love ya... And we will help you , period.
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