They seem scared to death about this bullets thing for some reason

The US military was using less than 100,000 rounds each year during the Iraq war, so it makes sense that DHS needs over a billion.......not.
the US military is prohibited by the geneva convention from using hollowpoint bullets, and only a conspiracy nut would conclude that DHS is buying this shit to help arms manufacturers. thats just retarded.

DHS is tooling up for serious business, and since they operate solely within "the homeland" he onoly people thay could possibly use these arms against are US, unless they plan to actually try and secure the borders but thats about as likely as Eric "CockBreath" Holder suddenly discovering that weed isnt a narcotic.

SMG's light combat vehicles and hollowpoint rounds are NOT a sneaky backdoor pentagon arms appropriation. the pentagon doesnt even use these items in any significant amount. DHS is preparing for action, and the target is americans.

Hollow points are the homeland defense round. FMJ is a through penetration, severely wounding (even the next guy,) battle round. This is with all the FUD aside.

So, HHS is out to protect WE from the Tangos. I predict we will see a hollow point, homeland round adopted and the Police will follow.

LAV are being bought up by City Depts and being up armed already. I've saw that New Orleans outfitted one for riot control for Marde Gras. CS mortars and water cannon and a .50 cal.

Remeber why HHS was formed. I for one, had never heard of Al Q. I wonder if they "know something" about Jihad.
Published federal notices about the ammo buy have agitated conspiracy theorists since the fall. That's when conservative radio host Alex Jones spoke of an "arms race against the American people" and said the government was "gearing up for total collapse, they're gearing up for huge wars."
The government's explanation is much less sinister.
Federal solicitations to buy the bullets are known as "strategic sourcing contracts," which help the government get a low price for a big purchase, says Peggy Dixon, spokeswoman for the Federal Law Enforcement Training Center in Glynco, Ga . The training center and others like it run by the Homeland Security Department use as many as 15 million rounds every year, mostly on shooting ranges and in training exercises.
Dixon said one of the contracts would allow Homeland Security to buy up to 750 million rounds of ammunition over the next five years for its training facilities. The rounds are used for basic and advanced law enforcement training for federal law enforcement agencies under the department's umbrella. The facilities also offer firearms training to tens of thousands of federal law enforcement officers. More than 90 federal agencies and 70,000 agents and officers used the department's training center last year.
The rest of the 1.6 billion rounds of ammunition would be purchased by Immigration and Customs Enforcement, the federal government's second largest criminal investigative agency.
ICE's ammunition requests in the last year included:
_450 million rounds of .40-caliber duty ammunition


Here's a pic of the bullet resistant booths they are buying.

View attachment 2583731

“This guard building features a standing seam hip roof, a thru-wall HVAC unit, (2) UL 752 BR Level 3 sliding doors, UL 752 Bullet Resistant Level 3 glass and a Low]E coating. Other noticeable highlights of this prefabricated steel building include metal halide security lighting, decorative window grille frames, and a “Stop & Go” light with controls,” states the press release.

The purpose behind the bullet proof booths is unknown, but the DHS has publicly announced that it plans to increase the number of unannounced checkpoints manned by TSA VIPR teams and other federal agents beyond the 9300 that were set up last year alone.

The DHS’ Federal Protective Service stoked controversy in January when it set up a checkpoint and posted agents armed with semiautomatic guns outside a Social Security office in Florida.

The armed agents checked identifications of locals as part of Operation Shield, an unannounced drill centered around “detecting the presence of unauthorized persons and potentially disruptive or dangerous activities.”

~ Again wtf?

A single rifle could keep them in there til they starved.

It says they use 20 million per year.

A billion is a thousand million... That means they are buying enough ammunition for 50 + years?

Hardly the end of the discussion.

It also does not explain the need for thousands of fully automatic assault rifles and armored vehicles... What, are they for training too? Training for what? This is homeland defense we are talking about. Their jurisdiction is domestic.

You have to be butt stupid to accept the government explanation for this one.
It says they use 20 million per year.

A billion is a thousand million... That means they are buying enough ammunition for 50 + years?

Hardly the end of the discussion.

It also does not explain the need for thousands of fully automatic assault rifles and armored vehicles... What, are they for training too? Training for what? This is homeland defense we are talking about. Their jurisdiction is domestic.

You have to be butt stupid to accept the government explanation for this one.

No. We are at war with Iran. WTF!! It's been going on for decades, we have been hit we hit back. Now it's over? NO!!! HHS is for that gathering threat, not domestic policing.

So, fit your, "what they need" to that. We are talking about the possibility there will be takeovers of American towns. Oh, of course, not by force. That's how Al-Q moves in. They are doing this all over the world, right now. Also, here already. It starts with a little town.

My Man, the Rash Nishi cult took over a town in N. California in the 80s. Stacked the City Council and the only way we knew is they over reached. They ended up poisoning community members with salmonella the day before the election. They needed a low turn out.

And, they were only after a raw dairy variance. :)

Al-Q is much more savy than that. They have been successful in setting up, buying their way in and defending their areas from the local forces. Oh, here it's Different.

Is it? Is it too far fetched to imagine an American town coopted secretly to Jihad? That the source of all this weird internal terror is traced to that?

And when confronted they are prepared to fight? But, until then they hide and payola tax schemes with drug gangs for protections and weapons? And cover themselves with LAW and freedom of RELIGION?

If you can't at least consider the possibility, then how blind is that?
I get it now.

You nut jobs aren't just conspiracy theorists. You actually want the gov't to be plotting against you. You day dream about zombie apocalypse and love feudalism.

So fucking dystopian. That is what you all have in common. Aspirations of dystopia. You want a fucked up world.
I get it now.

You nut jobs aren't just conspiracy theorists. You actually want the gov't to be plotting against you. You day dream about zombie apocalypse and love feudalism.

So fucking dystopian. That is what you all have in common. Aspirations of dystopia. You want a fucked up world.

I dont think you have a clue about what Feudalism is much less Anarchy and Dystopia...

You are like a parrot mimicing slogans...
You have already given up your liberty to the government.

do tell me all about this, kiddo.

then maybe you can tell us about how romney is certain to win and the impending collapse of the dollar.

do regale us with your grand fountains of knowledge. do it quick, i've got to take my 21"" 7.0 HP toro out to do some grass cutting, something i'm sure you actually do know all about.
Cops? I thought the article was about feds. I know you don't know the difference and they are becoming harder to distinguish but there is a difference.

But, I'm in a forgiving mood today so, I stand corrected. I should HAVE realized that it is the federal government buying the ammo so, money is no object.
[h=1]Welcome to FLETC[/h]The FLETC serves as an interagency law enforcement training organization for 91 Federal agencies. The FLETC also provides services to state, local, tribal, and international law enforcement agencies. The FLETC is headquartered at Glynco, Ga., near the port city of Brunswick, halfway between Savannah, Ga., and Jacksonville, Fla.
In addition to Glynco, the FLETC operates two other residential training sites in Artesia, N.M., and Charleston, S.C. The FLETC also operates a non-residential in-service re-qualification and advanced training facility in Cheltenham, Md., for use by agencies with large concentrations of personnel in the Washington, D.C., area.
The FLETC has oversight and program management responsibilities at the International Law Enforcement Academies (ILEA) in Gaborone, Botswana, and Bangkok, Thailand. The FLETC also supports training at other ILEAs in Hungary and El Salvador.