they use it on tobacco... what about weed?


Well-Known Member
i found this website selling foliar sprays that flavor tobacco, a whole assortment of flavors Choclate, wintergreen, menthol look at and see..

this stuff should work on weed plants right?
Do you really want to spray chemical flavourings all over your buds?

Flavourings such as this and other additives are part of the reason why commercial tobacco has so many different harmful chemicals.

Responsible, experienced hydroponic growers flush their grow medium or tubes for two weeks with clean water before harvest to remove any excess chemical traces from buds, to ensure a natural flavour after curing and drying.
Do you really want to add chemicals just for an artificial flavour?

Ask them if they'll send you chemical analysis of the spray you are interested in.


Well-Known Member
the biggest company making a tobacco addative is Tasty Puffs. They come in an assortment of flavors. They sell it at most head shops and its a couple bucks for a small bottle. Im sure you could order it online as well. I personally have never used them but i know a couple people that have. Honestly i think it would be a travesty to put this on good bud. that being said i know some people out there are smoking some dirt. If you are smoking low quality bud i dont see a reason not to use this. might as well be smoking blueberry dirt right?


dogglet forever

Well-Known Member
the biggest company making a tobacco addative is Tasty Puffs. They come in an assortment of flavors. They sell it at most head shops and its a couple bucks for a small bottle. Im sure you could order it online as well. I personally have never used them but i know a couple people that have. Honestly i think it would be a travesty to put this on good bud. that being said i know some people out there are smoking some dirt. If you are smoking low quality bud i dont see a reason not to use this. might as well be smoking blueberry dirt right?

yeah i've seen that stuff.... the link i gave is for home tobacco growers to spray on living tobacco plants to flavor them.


Well-Known Member
yeah i've seen that stuff.... the link i gave is for home tobacco growers to spray on living tobacco plants to flavor them.

actually no, the link you gave is for home tobacco growers to spray on harvested and cured tobacco. just as you would use tasty puffs.

We suggest applying a Flavor Enhancer to all home grown tobacco, allowing it to fully dry and then applying a Top Note Flavor for best results. Applying our flavors is a very simple process:
1. After tobacco has dried and cured properly ( Consult Alan Daly's Tobacco: Easier than you Thought guide for curing information ), removes stems and shred tobacco into the size you will use when smoking.
2. Place a pound of shredded tobacco into a large open tray and start misting the tobacco with the flavoring while stirring the tobacco thoroughly. 2 ounces of our pre-mixed flavoring will flavor one pound of tobacco.
3. After flavoring has been applied, cover container for 3-4 hours to allow tobacco to fully absorb flavoring, then spread tobacco out on a table or shelf to dry. Stir the tobacco every 4 hours or so to facilitate drying.
4. After 24 hours, tobacco should be ready to use. We recommend sampling a batch to insure that it has dried adequately, if it has not, allow to dry until burns evenly when lit.

those are the directions off the site you linked