They wont sprout:-(


Well-Known Member
hey guys outside of the fact that i am most likely being impatient will putting cfl's an inch or to over the soil of my new germinated seeds help them push through? I germinated the 10 bubblicious seeds in 20 hours and planted themroot down,lol...well Im working on day 4 and no sprout. do i leave them in the dark? or warm up the soil by putting the cfl on them? Thank you for any help you can give me and your noob patience,:-?


Well-Known Member
I was told to keep an CFL on them, gotta keep them warm and moist to sprout. Did you wait for a taproot before you planted?

I have always had no longer then 48 hours to sprout. But it had can longer I know. Maybe some superthrive would help?


Well-Known Member
yeah i waited for them to each have a white tail,lol and I have been keeping them moist with distilled h2o and superthrive has been added to the gallon. I think i gotta go pick up a cfl ballast and lights tonight. What are good and cheap for cfl? I have 400 watt MH and 250 hps above them about 3 feet, but I think a cfl about an inch or two will do better right now.


Well-Known Member
You can get a light socket plug in for about a buck. A power strip for 2 bucks and a cfl for 6 bucks. Plug in power strip, plug in the socket plug in to it, and screw in the bulb. Cheap and easy fixture, no work for 9 bucks... Add moe bulbs and sockets if needed. I got a picture somewhere I used it if needed.

Other wise just use any cheap fixture that will support the bulb your gonna use.


Well-Known Member
well first thank you for the help. yeah I watered the first day i planted and then hit them with the 400 watt mh which did nothing but dry the top soil out, so 3 days went buy and i felt the rapid rooter cube, it didnt feel as moist as I thought it should be so i used a turkey baster and moistened the cubes today. so that makes 2 waters in 4 days. TOO MUCH?:cry:


Well-Known Member
sorry for the double post but, I hope I didnt ruin these seeds:-( b/c the germination was perfect got 100% GERMINATED USING THE PAPER TOWEL METHOD IN A TUPPER WEAR AND THEN POKED HOLES IN THE TOP, THEN i PUT A WARM HEATING PAD UNDER IT.. IN A DARK SPOT.


Active Member
Heres the best way to germinate i find, 100% so far for me

fuck the paper towel method get some rockwool cubes, put the seeds in them pointed end down, put them in one of those plastic trays spread out, 1 seed/ each rockwool cube, then put them somewhere humid with the lid over them, with the light on them, and when they sprout take the lid off, then when they are 1-2 inches tall put them directly in your soil/hydro system/ or outdoors directly IN the rockwool cube, they can stay there for life! good luck stop being so impatient give it some time


Well-Known Member
I dont see anything too bad with that. I never used any cubes.. Just put them in the soil once I got the taproot. Wish I could offer some more advice. Only thing I can think of is keeping them warm.

*EDIT* I agree, turn those lights on


Active Member
You may have killed them with the superthrive. I would have waited awhile before I added anything other than water.


Active Member
idk if this helps but once i germinated seeds put them in soil and waitin 2days....nothing waited a week ....nothing. dug the seeds up and there were tiny worm things eating the root and seeds...i have no idea what they were or how they got there but they definently were stopping my seeds from sprouting .. so maybe you have worms like i did hahha...but who noes


Well-Known Member
Awesome advice guys thanks, the rock wool cubes and covered tray is going to be the choice next time around if these seeds are F ed up.....I hit them with my 400 MH but its like 3 1/2 feet away I think I'm gonna go scoop a T5 cfl ballast and put that sucker an inch or 2 above the soil, or research a good cheaper way to hit the cfls


Well-Known Member
well i think my first batch of bubbilicious i killed by adding superthrive to the water that i planted them with after they germinated b/c i am on day 8 and no sprout so I am gonna leave them be and focus on the BIG BLUE i just got in from BCBD, yes i am shocked i got my seeds from BCBD but i did to much surprise,lol. I am gonna germinate these 10 blues then just put them in rock wool when I see 1/8 inch tap root, pre soak the rock wool in PLAIN distilled water and hopefully i will succeed in getting them to come out and shine....:-)


Active Member
I ordered some seeds and I was reading that they say to use water in a cup method to start the seeds what do you guys think of that method? They say that its the best way that gets the seeds of start rowing compared to other methods


Well-Known Member
i have read that the cup method wasnt the best because when root taps out it doesnt have sufficient enough air submerged in water.


Well-Known Member
I dont know which is better but I have had 100% success germinating any seed in a damp paper towel, squeeze it out a bit and cover the seed with it. Then place that in a ziploc with some air in it and store in a warm dark place.

No problems no far, hope that helps too.