Things that piss me off (growing related)

i wouldn't mess with hydro, because the results are invariably vastly inferior.

I swear by cannabis in a complete living soil type system, i really do. However ive had the same strain grown perfectly in dwc with a combination of organic and inert nutrients as well as foliar feeding taken to the extreme become more potent id dare say by 10-15% with an extremely similar aromatic and degustative profiles if not practically the same.
The amount of work and attention to detail imo is not worth the slightly higher potency.
Actually the main difference i find in soil to hydro weed is the exhale taste, much more intense and accentuated in soil.
I once didnt ph for 2 days came to a room of tottally yellowed leaf kush and a ph of 4.5, pretty much runied the crop,
If the pH dropped that much that fast it's you who ruined the crop by using waaaaay too high nutrient level, like most hydro growers do. I rarely adjust the pH. Only need to avoid extremes, which is easy by avoiding extreme high nutrient levels or messed up ratios (high P...).

Many hydro growers including some of the spammers at riu give hydro a bad name. It's the growers, and not the method that is inferior. Soil, soilless, mediumless, it all can lead to high grade quantity and quality. Hydro seems faster because it's easier to veg faster. That's no magic, that's basic science. Learn about nutrient uptake, how ions need to be close, adjecent, to roots for uptake, how watering and water uptake affects that heavily, and then it's easy to see why vegging in a solution of disolved nutrients continuesly bumping against roots is so effective.

Hydro somehow being more work or complex than soil is just funny too me. All I do is fill a reservoir with water and a few caps of base nutes. Beats premixing soil and watering every single plant every day or two.

What makes grow forums so annoying is that most people don't seem to realize that plants grow themselves. All you can sensibly do is provide a suitable environment, and creating AND controlling an effective root zone is very easy on hydroponics. Plus if you fuck up you can simply replace it. There's nothing essential to a medium, it's for mechanical support and nutrient and water buffer, things we simple handle differently on hydro.
If the pH dropped that much that fast it's you who ruined the crop by using waaaaay too high nutrient level, like most hydro growers do. I rarely adjust the pH. Only need to avoid extremes, which is easy by avoiding extreme high nutrient levels or messed up ratios (high P...).

It was at like week 6 i think and i never raise my ec higher than 1.6 really. I think it was bellow that. The problem was what snapsprovalone said. Roots gotten so big they ate up much of the sapce in system and whatever capacity res had probably reduced by a lot. I actually went away for 3 days it was a typo and i had my initial ph in that dwc system at like 5.8.

Hydro seems faster because it's easier to veg faster.

Ive had plants in a recycled soil grow just as fast as plants in hydro under same wattage just different room.

What makes grow forums so annoying is that most people don't seem to realize that plants grow themselves

Ive always found less in many cases provides more.
Heres a plant grown without any!! direct sunlight always shaded and just in a good recycled soil outdoors and completely neglected throughout the summer. I only started paying more attention when i noticed she would actually produce sumat.

If one knows what they're doing and builds a smart hydro system, the labor during the actual grow becomes much less, yields increase significantly and the quality does actually improve.

Anyone that fails to understand this has NOT become proficient at hydro and thus has no clue how it good it COULD be if done correctly.
Well I heard of people who grew there crop in a couple weeks

Probably not including harvest time and trimming along with curing

If you have 10 plants that whould take forever like a good month

Still its shorter than growing regular non auto plants

But im sure no one chould usually grow that fast but ik

With novice hydro experience you chould knock a few weeks off

Then again ive never grown hydro

I do know a little about it but it seems WAY to complicated

I mean compared to popping a few seeds in the ground and watering it
U can hella tell you're talking out of your asshole!!buck likes you he was very polite, maybe he wants to fuck you!

Edit! When it happens let me watch!!
It was at like week 6 i think and i never raise my ec higher than 1.6 really.
My point exactly. :) Like you most hydro growers don't realize that is actually high, not extreme, but still high - remember no medium that buffers it. It is more around the range nute manufacturers want you to use, its not what the plant needs, it's not within the range that makes the plant thrive, and will quickly skew the pH, and is more than double of what I use. Contrary to popular believe nutrient demand also declines and not increases during that period.

Whether it's 2 or 3 days doesn't really matter, it still indicates nutrient abuse (too much) or misuse (imbalanced). Sure with a too small rez its possible, but I use a 14 gallon rez for 6 plants under 600 watt, if it's half empty it's still stable. pH is a direct result of nutrient use and left overs. I've compared runs of 1100ppm, 680, 480 and 350 (from start to finish), over a dozen different strains. The last one was "underdoing" it a little, I'm running 400 now.

Ive had plants in a recycled soil grow just as fast as plants in hydro under same wattage just different room.
My point exactly. :) (soil with proper structure, nutes, and water regime can veg fast as well, it's just easier to reach that genetically limited max rate with hydroponics.)

One thing both soil and hydro growers usually can agree on is that soil is more forgiving (leaving aside for a sec that you can't replace the soil like you can refresh a rez). Like you are basically saying too, things can go wrong very fast. But, most of the things that can go wrong are caused by the grower, on hydro that happens faster. Avoid the forum bullshit and hydro is easy and leads to the same quality as soil.

450-480 ppm run, or a 1.0 EC run if you prefer (no boosters additives, just H&G AB base nutes and drip clean. Total nute cost per run less than $20)

Feb20.jpg Feb 20 (just after topping and after moving from T8 preveg setup)
Feb24.jpg Feb 24
Feb27.jpg Feb27, start 12/12 (ignore the hempy. Plant on the right in the back replaced with backup clone, skinny thing was a failed cross)
march4.jpg March4
march14.jpg March14
update9.jpg April 14
grouponcemore.jpg April25th
cleanup.jpg Roots days after harvest...

Haze pheno bud:hazepheno.jpg
Things growers swear by that piss me off. In no particular order and positively leaving stuff out:
1.Neem oil (weak sauce)Flushing (pre harvest)Saying hydro quality is inferiorAdvocating use of unnecessary additives (fuck AN)CFL's (just buy weed)Now, your turn! Let fly

Nothing not a fucking thing, after years of growing I have seen it all, sure some guys fold, by my hand or theirs its no biggy, if you are sweating over shit, then you are obviously doing it wrong, and yes every every year something comes to aggravate any grower but like snaps if you can't deal with it ...Bail, then Bullshit your way thru! ...your dealers waiting
@Sativied What you say is very right. I did try a few of the dubious additives and eventually just used carbs, enzymes and a bloom booster. I have to disagree what you are saying on the ec. Maybe for the way your grow, shorter smaller plants that is too high of an ec, id prolly never have it higher than 1.2 at most if they were small, plants in the grow i described were bigger and that low an ec would just have leaf fade. I think plant size is important to consider at what ec their roots will be in. But ive experienced what you claim with really high ecs i feel like ph tends t fluctuate more.
Lol talking bout hydro is kinda making me miss it lol i really like hydro to keep mums you need to take shit loads of cutting frquently, mums and dads in soil need a bit more attention imo expecially if not using bottled nutes.
If the pH dropped that much that fast it's you who ruined the crop by using waaaaay too high nutrient level, like most hydro growers do. I rarely adjust the pH. Only need to avoid extremes, which is easy by avoiding extreme high nutrient levels or messed up ratios (high P...).

Many hydro growers including some of the spammers at riu give hydro a bad name. It's the growers, and not the method that is inferior. Soil, soilless, mediumless, it all can lead to high grade quantity and quality. Hydro seems faster because it's easier to veg faster. That's no magic, that's basic science. Learn about nutrient uptake, how ions need to be close, adjecent, to roots for uptake, how watering and water uptake affects that heavily, and then it's easy to see why vegging in a solution of disolved nutrients continuesly bumping against roots is so effective.

Hydro somehow being more work or complex than soil is just funny too me. All I do is fill a reservoir with water and a few caps of base nutes. Beats premixing soil and watering every single plant every day or two.

What makes grow forums so annoying is that most people don't seem to realize that plants grow themselves. All you can sensibly do is provide a suitable environment, and creating AND controlling an effective root zone is very easy on hydroponics. Plus if you fuck up you can simply replace it. There's nothing essential to a medium, it's for mechanical support and nutrient and water buffer, things we simple handle differently on hydro.

BEST SENTENCE EVER POSTED !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Things growers swear by that piss me off. In no particular order and positively leaving stuff out:

  1. Neem oil (weak sauce)
  2. Flushing (pre harvest)
  3. Saying hydro quality is inferior
  4. Advocating use of unnecessary additives (fuck AN)
  5. CFL's (just buy weed)
Now, your turn! Let fly :D

hey man why does flushing bother you?
Things that piss me off growing related (outdoors), this ones tough I really have to think....oh I got wait....well I guess it would be THIEVES followed by get the point. I'm no city grower doesn't work outdoors but I've had my stash run up on a few times when I was younger. Usually not general public, police and scouts are out in high force during this season. Alternative the swamp. Happy smoking :)
I have to disagree what you are saying on the ec.
That's ok man, it does not piss me off :) Some of the stuff mj growers do is so crazy it makes the truth seem controversial. Larger plants use more nutes yes, which they can take up easily because it has more roots and more leaves to transpire (which in turn means more nutrient uptake). They do not need a higher nutrient level in the solution, it just takes up more of the same level. I keep my plants low now but have grown 5-6' trees (on 1.2EC) as well. You have a point though, I run low ppm NFT, for coco and hempy for example I need to use 600-ish / 1.2EC ppm, for DWC 1.0-1.2. Those fading leaves are often a result of an imbalance, as in a shortage of one or more specific elements, or an overdose of one, usually caused by additives or non-optimal base nutes, not a too low total level.

Let me put it this way, what most hydro growers do is similar to using bottled nutes on soil and throwing all the nutes for one week in the pot with the first watering. :shock: The plant however does not use the exact same ratio as you supply, it prefers some elements over others (also depending on pH) so you get an imbalance over time by default, which in turn leads to ph fluctuations. When I run for example 400 ppm, I do add nutes more often than I would if I filled it up with 600 ppm. This also prevents imbalance from occurring as much, there's always enough of everything in my soup. I tried to explain that with math in the hydro forums but only upset the herd....

Lol talking bout hydro is kinda making me miss it lol
Well, if you ever go hydro ago, read this thread/page: includes detailed info on the main cause of ph fluctuation.
People that say phenol instead of pheno piss me off.

any of a family of organic compounds characterized by a hydroxyl (−OH) group attached to a carbon atom that is part of an aromatic ring. Besides serving as the generic name for the entire family, the term phenol is also the specific name for its simplest member, monohydroxybenzene (C6H5OH), also known as benzenol, or carbolic acid.
that I can't grow a field and be a normal person while I do it. I mean fuck, I can build a damn tequila refinery , but grow some plants??? OH NOOOOO
People that say phenol instead of pheno piss me off.

any of a family of organic compounds characterized by a hydroxyl (−OH) group attached to a carbon atom that is part of an aromatic ring. Besides serving as the generic name for the entire family, the term phenol is also the specific name for its simplest member, monohydroxybenzene (C6H5OH), also known as benzenol, or carbolic acid.
People that say "strand" instead of "strain" just sound retarded to me.