Things to Know About Lighting


gotta quick question. i have one 1000w hps on a mover and 24 plants in a 4x6 table. some people tell me that my girls will not produce as much if i have the light on a mover. but these girls are trimmed and pruned very nice and have great air circulation and plenty of space to grow. i also have mylar up on all the surrounding walls. so will i be good or should i get another light n have em both hang above the ends of the table? thanks man
ok ya'll i am not trying to get off the subject but i am about to paint my new grow room flat white.....i was just wondering how long should i let it "air out" before i place the plants in there? any help will be greatly appreciated. THANX


I'm about to go buy a sunleaf 200 comet flourescent light fixture. Can anyone tell me about this light? Has anyone used it before?

Straight up G

New Member
Hi cud ne1 tell me when 2 give nutes, is it with lights on?

And should I put any fans on say 18/6 if the light is on that regime?


Green Cross

Well-Known Member
I remember reading this stuff 25+ years ago, where's the lighting of the future they promised us. And my flying car! :wall:


Well-Known Member
I remember reading this stuff 25+ years ago, where's the lighting of the future they promised us. And my flying car! :wall:
Yeah I remember reading about sulphur plasma lighting in the '80s. I'm with you man. Why aren't we on Mars yet?


Well-Known Member
I have a physics degree so I'm more than aquainted with the split between physics and engineering/marketing.. You'd be drop-jawed if you saw some prototypes for stuff that came out of the labs even 25years ago.. After that, profitability, and mass production difficulties spoil the fun..
One of the biggest exceptions is the DVD.. Those things were raced through development, they dropped production costs/time by over 99% compared with video cassettes, and back when we could still get vhs, the dvd's still cost more..:)


Well-Known Member
What is that, 68W of cfl?? If so then no, but 3-4 per plant might do ok..
If you can cool it, go HID.. All around cheaper to buy and run..


if your gonna do it .1 1000 hps per 4-6 veg on a 24 hours of light(youll save a week or more) then 3 1000 on a 8 hours of light cycles doesnt screw with your bills(spiking) and you should pull 3/4 to 1 lb a plant on a northern light or similar. you can use a mh for veg but not nessesary although it does help. leave the floresents for your me the yields are great and the plants get real sticky.two things to remember plenty of fresh air and cool drink, if on hydro try frozen 2 liters of water in your res. changing every 12 hours. i keep a dozen in the freezer and it helps from over heating roots and stems. hope this helps.


just bought 4ft 4 bulb reflector. has 2 veg bulbs & 2 bloom bulbs. plants are 3wks. can i use all four. if not are 2 sufficient for growth & 2 for flowering? also have a single 4ft full spectrum bulb. is it good for both?