Things to smoke mary jane in?


Active Member
Anyone know of everyday objects around the house that can be used for smoking the ganja?

i know of bottles, cans...i used a salt shaker top as a bowl piece when my bowl piece from my bong broke...that was pretty cool until the fucking metal started to burn the hell out of my hand.

any other idears?

thinking about ditching my pieces just due to a police scare...i think it's the smart choice for right now.



Well-Known Member
I think you should give up marijuana all together for a while. And get rid of all your glass, and clear your cache and stop going to any website that might give it away. :D Then you should be clear.

:) At least for a couple months. ;)


Active Member
I think you should give up marijuana all together for a while. And get rid of all your glass, and clear your cache and stop going to any website that might give it away. :D Then you should be clear.

:) At least for a couple months. ;)
um LIES lol
i shall never give up the herb, are you fucking with me hahahaha


Well-Known Member
I am telling you, a joint is a no brainer. Take a hit, put it out, take a few more, put it out. One lasts me a day or 2.

Are you doig this for your bf? Your bf sounds like a real putz. does he take care of you? pay your rent? support you?


Active Member
I am telling you, a joint is a no brainer. Take a hit, put it out, take a few more, put it out. One lasts me a day or 2.

Are you doig this for your bf? Your bf sounds like a real putz. does he take care of you? pay your rent? support you?
hell no dude..i just dont want to go to jail..if shit hits the fan then i won't have anything to get charges for.


Well-Known Member
the joint is classic....hides right on top of door frames where no one ever looks...

light bulbs, test tubes, magnifying glass, scissors, cigar tubes, spoon, blender and cast iron pan, metal table foot, and wine corks serve very well


Well-Known Member
Conservative northeast? lol I can barely live north of oklahoma because of extreme liberalism up north. And keep your piece, ditch the bf find a new place and no worries!
lofl, you don't understand the mentality of the new england area. Not cool.

I agree with the ditch the guy stuff you said ;)


Active Member
Fair enough never lived there, but have visited several times, I usually go to college campus' when visiting an area so obviously there will be more of a liberal side with younger people and academics. But weed laws are much more lax in the northeast, then down in the south and when votes come around the northeast usually goes blue from what I've seen. But, nothing takes the place of living in area for sure


Well-Known Member
yeah blue but the real attitude is so conservative compared to wehre i live now (CA). It's tight ass, it sucks there. I hate it with a passion.


Well-Known Member
cover a round oatmeal box in aluminum and put a bowl in the lid a hole in the side towards bottom.......and puff.......the aluminum foil keeps the Aliens on Kronapia in the Cyrondilla Universe from tracking your smokeing habits.