Things you must believe to be a good Democrat ...


Well-Known Member
Medicineman is an oxycontin addict that vomits left wing crap like, every drug user should either be locked up for life or executed. I guess that doesn't apply to him. He, is like most all liberals, is against everything everyone else does but should be allowed to do what the fuck he wants, we, in my part of the world, call them assholes. Do as I say, not as I do. I outgrew that bullshit when I was about 5. If you listen to that crap and believe it, you my friend are in the 70% range of intellect, anything below that is either a moron, or an Idiot, which are you? HAHA, it sure is fun being a "child", you should try it asshole
Haha! Come on now....


Well-Known Member
The great misconception here is that Bush is a conservative. He is actually a tax-and-spend liberal. But, he was less liberal in appearance than John Kerry. Frankly, both Bush and Kerry are a couple liers. And old Al Gore, may not be a lier, but he is a complete hypocrite.

So what is a voter supposed to do?


Well-Known Member
The great misconception here is that Bush is a conservative. He is actually a tax-and-spend liberal. But, he was less liberal in appearance than John Kerry. Frankly, both Bush and Kerry are a couple liers. And old Al Gore, may not be a lier, but he is a complete hypocrite.

So what is a voter supposed to do?
Seriously. :?

Take the lesser of two evils once your man loses the primaries?


Well-Known Member
Actually, do what I did. Don't vote. Meh, some say its unpatriotic. I say its part of our REAL freedom. The freedom not to vote if you don't like the way one does his hair or the way the other spends fed money like its going outta style.


New Member
What continues to amaze me is ... if one is a liberty devotee, which I consider myself to be, one is automatically tagged as a "Bush lover" by the Left. I think that's because the Left is so anti-liberty in their beliefs that they see liberty as a threat. The shame of it is, they are totally stone-blind to that concept.



Well-Known Member
What continues to amaze me is ... if one is a liberty devotee, which I consider myself to be, one is automatically tagged as a "Bush lover" by the Left. I think that's because the Left is so anti-liberty in their beliefs that they see liberty as a threat. The shame of it is, they are totally stone-blind to that concept.

What amazes me Vi is how people cling to a dysfunctional position, rather than accept a mistake. I voted for Bush. Bush lied. I admit my mistake. John Kerry lied. Butch Clinton has a brother named Pinnochio. Mitten Romney I think is a lier. Kucinich? The list is too long, where would you start with him? You get the idea of what I am saying.

So voters act like it is better to deny all incriminating evidence. They are like the ostrich with his head in a sand hole. Voters should accept a previous ballot blunder. Why can't voters adjust and swing their support toward real people instead of propping up fakes?


Well-Known Member
  1. Drug addiction is a disease that should be treated with compassion and understanding...unless the addict is a Conservative talk show host.

    Its Kind of hard not to wish that a true hipocrate could get a taste of his own medicine.
  2. The United States should be subservient to the United Nations. Our highest authority is not God and the U.S. Constitution, but a collective of tinpot dictators (and their appeasers) and the U.N. charter.

    I would have agreed with this if you had left god out of it.
    You do understand that the god you speak of is the same god that islamofascists murder in the name of. Its their highest authority and when you added our you could have be speaking of them. Lets just keep church and state separate ok ...............................................................................................................
  3. Government should relax drug laws regardless of the potential for abuse, but should pass new and unConstitutional anti-gun laws because of the potential for abuse.

    I will not dissagree exept for pot. .................................................................................................................
  4. Calls for increased security after a terrorist attack are "political opportunism," but calls for more gun control after a criminal's spree killing is "a logical solution."

    I will not dissagree, but neather is a true solution.
  5. "It Takes a Village" means everything you want it to mean...except creeping socialist government involvement in the nuclear family.

    I think it means everyone within a childs area of influnce adds to or takes from the childs growth and by adding you will make the child and therefore world into a better place. ..................................................................................................................
  6. Disarming innocent, law-abiding citizens helps protect them from evil, lawless terrorists and other thugs.

    While I agree with you, this is 3 of 6 on gun control. ....................................................................................................................
  7. Slowly killing an unborn innocent by tearing it apart limb from limb is good.
    While this seldom happens, and almost always for a good reason. The fetus is not killed in such a way. Saying this would be a lie. .................................................................................................................

    Slowly killing an innocent disabled woman by starving her to death is good.
    Terry had been long dead as was proven after. What does innocent have to do with it? Starving was the legal way, and the right wing would be the cause of that.
    I ask you if her heart were removed and given to a man and this man turned out to be a terrorist and murderer and was given death would you cry for the death of this innocent heart?
    Because while her organs were alive she was long dead.

    Quickly killing terrorists, convicted murderers and rapists is BAD.
    Yes it is. first rapists should only be killed by the raped, someone close to the raped and within one year of finding and being able to kill said rapist.
    Terrorists should have info removed by whatever way that works, before being killed. Slowly strangled.

Back to finish later.........


Well-Known Member
Terry had been long dead as was proven after. What does innocent have to do with it? Starving was the legal way, and the right wing would be the cause of that.
I ask you if her heart were removed and given to a man and this man turned out to be a terrorist and murderer and was given death would you cry for the death of this innocent heart?
Because while her organs were alive she was long dead.
The family disagreed and thought she was alive, and the family was willing to foot the bill. I don't understand why there was an issue at all. The husband was definitely not the guy to be the judge of her life. He was already??? (or almost) remarried, and I believe there were questionable circumstances as to whether she was pushed down the stairs or not. Not to mention video footage of her moving around. Let the family be...


Well-Known Member

hey guys guess what?

MISSION ACOMPLISHED:mrgreen::mrgreen::mrgreen::mrgreen::mrgreen:

see ya wouldnt wanna be ya, on to the next phase while the retriet-o-Crats still trying to get us defeated lolololol silly rabbits stick to passing out handouts to your constituants so they never have to grow a brain and find out what you really are:mrgreen::mrgreen::mrgreen:

too bad medi sorry for you that we have finally won in Iraq i know you wanted the Americans to lose so bad, and im so glad you got screwd:mrgreen::mrgreen::mrgreen:

and hear come the carpetbaggers, i guess hillary was for the war and the surge after all go figure?:mrgreen::mrgreen:


New Member

hey guys guess what?

MISSION ACOMPLISHED:mrgreen::mrgreen::mrgreen::mrgreen::mrgreen:

see ya wouldnt wanna be ya, on to the next phase while the retriet-o-Crats still trying to get us defeated lolololol silly rabbits stick to passing out handouts to your constituants so they never have to grow a brain and find out what you really are:mrgreen::mrgreen::mrgreen:

too bad medi sorry for you that we have finally won in Iraq i know you wanted the Americans to lose so bad, and im so glad you got screwd:mrgreen::mrgreen::mrgreen:

and hear come the carpetbaggers, i guess hillary was for the war and the surge after all go figure?:mrgreen::mrgreen:

Won in Iraq, what an oxymoron. You sure have a warped sense of values. 1,000,000 dead and thats a win? You are nuts. Let's see, the whole country is blown to shit, the oil coming out of Iraq is 1/3 the pre-war levels, 4,000 dead Americans, a country that hates our ass, and an insurgency that isn't through with us yet a faux government that has billions of our tax money stashed in swiss bank accounts, yeah we sure are winning this one. What the hell are you smoking, dog turds?


Well-Known Member
Won in Iraq, what an oxymoron. You sure have a warped sense of values. 1,000,000 dead and thats a win? You are nuts. Let's see, the whole country is blown to shit, the oil coming out of Iraq is 1/3 the pre-war levels, 4,000 dead Americans, a country that hates our ass, and an insurgency that isn't through with us yet a faux government that has billions of our tax money stashed in swiss bank accounts, yeah we sure are winning this one. What the hell are you smoking, dog turds?

this is what people in the industry call the last gasp:bigjoint: good luck with that medi, you better cover your eyes cuz all your "people" are scrambling to try to get back on the winner wagon.

this really shows the total lack of Charactor, Vision and confidence the left has. They are the exact opposite of what is needed for safty humility and courage, thats why on a burning ship they run from one side to the other, with thier heads cut off in a frenzy. while the men soildiers and seamen fight the blaze. their screams and crys will die down slowy as the fire is slowly put out and smolders into a comical memory of how people acted when the going got tough.

bunch of chicken heads if you ask me, reminds me of a sewing circle with medi in the middle knitting.:mrgreen:

Sugestion: this is gonna hurt the left for many years to come. Havnt you guys learn anything from your past unpopularity. the only reason you got any seats in office is cuz people tend to forgot, but never to worry cuz you guys just reminded everyone in the whole world how spinless you are and did a great job of it too. I think this has been Bush strategy from day one. to allow his rating to go down so low and make the dems think they have carblanch to go ape shit, then he just opens the thin curtain and reveals all the hoopin and hollarin mokey's:mrgreen:

well good luck with that, the curtain has opened, now we just need to do a couple of shows:mrgreen: Iran has decided to stop trying to spiral Iraq into chaos cuz we told them we aint playin games with them no more. I wonder what Nacy pelosi said to the Syrian tyrant when she went to visit him? im sure it was somthing very similar:mrgreen: not

A Lovely Corpse

Active Member
this is what people in the industry call the last gasp:bigjoint: good luck with that medi, you better cover your eyes cuz all your "people" are scrambling to try to get back on the winner wagon.

this really shows the total lack of Charactor, Vision and confidence the left has. They are the exact opposite of what is needed for safty humility and courage, thats why on a burning ship they run from one side to the other, with thier heads cut off in a frenzy. while the men soildiers and seamen fight the blaze. their screams and crys will die down slowy as the fire is slowly put out and smolders into a comical memory of how people acted when the going got tough.

bunch of chicken heads if you ask me, reminds me of a sewing circle with medi in the middle knitting.:mrgreen:

Sugestion: this is gonna hurt the left for many years to come. Havnt you guys learn anything from your past unpopularity. the only reason you got any seats in office is cuz people tend to forgot, but never to worry cuz you guys just reminded everyone in the whole world how spinless you are

Could you hook me up with some of that illiterate weed you're smoking?


Well-Known Member

hey guys guess what?

MISSION ACOMPLISHED:mrgreen::mrgreen::mrgreen::mrgreen::mrgreen:

see ya wouldnt wanna be ya, on to the next phase while the retriet-o-Crats still trying to get us defeated lolololol silly rabbits stick to passing out handouts to your constituants so they never have to grow a brain and find out what you really are:mrgreen::mrgreen::mrgreen:

too bad medi sorry for you that we have finally won in Iraq i know you wanted the Americans to lose so bad, and im so glad you got screwd:mrgreen::mrgreen::mrgreen:

and hear come the carpetbaggers, i guess hillary was for the war and the surge after all go figure?:mrgreen::mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
Why do you have to turn this into a democrat vs. republican thing anyways? I'm independent and I'm against the war. As are many Republicans, you're in the minority, Panda. Most of your party is starting to wake up.