don't try painting your ceilings with a roller while baked off your titties, epsecially with music on. you just end up going faster and faster till it starts pissing paint all over the place
Took my horse out for a ride but didn't notice his bridal was about to unlatch
friend said lets race
so we take off down this trail through the woods and all of a sudden - no reins doing about 40 mph
lost my stirrups and i'm on a skinny little english saddle and the horse is tearing at top speed
stayed on quite easily actually - horses gallop at high speed quite smoothly
after about 5 minutes approaching a road and I couldn't see if any cars or trucks were coming from left or right and didn't want to get hit
so i dismounted at high speed
fucking horse stopped at the road
what a rush
HAHAHAHAHAH seriously you shouldn't do any of this while high. I made a website called that allows users to post, comment, and vote on the best things to do when high. You guys should post some of these things and down-vote the shit out of them hahaha. We're thinking about publishing the best rated and worst rated lists once they are substantial enough!