think i got bagseeds????


my plants are realy small 3 of them are 3 inch tall and 1 is 6 inch tall i got them under 600w hps in a closet and im using 1 part perlite 1 part peat moss i brought the seeds form marijuana i fertilized them every 4th watering and got the lights on 18|6 they sported on the 1st of November should i keep the vegging more or just turn the lights on to 12|\7 on 3oth


Active Member
a little stone so i could not stop my self but really some time this hppens i had 8 out of 300 do this once from the really cool dude that chares way too much at green house seeds the king and the 8 were all the same of witcn i had 10 total of making a 80% bad gen. on that strain they did not care it was my fualt according to them. so just do your best with what you can and ill never by from a seed bank again locals only.

startnwith a flsh 2x the amount the container holds min
dry completely
go like this with no nutes for 2 weeks them star .5 strenth nutes 1 week
then full strength with something for root stimulations

i think your roots got f'ed up some how or nute over doseing either way this will help