Think now, think free. Get linux

Your tatement was as follows

  • a fuckin windows computer needs around 4-6 gigs of ram to actually be happy

  • This is bullshit. You can try and spin it so that you're now talking about ralative performance, but the simple matter is your statement was bullshit :)

Your tatement was as follows

  • This is bullshit. You can try and spin it so that you're now talking about ralative performance, but the simple matter is your statement was bullshit :)

relative performance is all that matters.... if you can run mac os x on the same hardware as a pc and have it run 2x faster than windows 7, it shows windows 7 is inefficient.

you can spin it any way YOu want to make that not a reality, but I'm sorry the statement has been made and people are going to make their decision on it whether you like it or not.
relative performance is all that matters.... if you can run mac os x on the same hardware as a pc and have it run 2x faster than windows 7, it shows windows 7 is inefficient.

you can spin it any way YOu want to make that not a reality, but I'm sorry the statement has been made and people are going to make their decision on it whether you like it or not.

Then maybe you should have based your statement on relative performance instead of making incorrect statements about windows requirements ;) I'm not spinning anything, i am pointing out that you are wrong, as have others ;)
Hey Logges want to play some Battlefield 3 or Starcraft 2? Oh wait, your Linux box doesn't run games? Bummer, well I am gonna sit here and enjoy the greatest the video game industry has to offer on my windows PC. Maybe I'll download some music in the background using uTorrent, isn't uTorrent just the bee's knees? Oh? Can't use that on a Linux box either? Have fun with that piece of crap qBitTorrent. Lets not forget the biggest downside to Linux, running and understanding your Linux box and getting laid are mutually exclusive. Linux people get way to into customizing their boxes and forget there's a whole big world beyond their computer (Generally speaking of course, exceptions to all rules).

I am not going to say there are no advantages to running Linux, but there are equally as many disadvantages. Fanboyism is bad, period. Linux is great for running a server, but for your average home user windows/OSX is far superior.
Hey Logges want to play some Battlefield 3 or Starcraft 2? Oh wait, your Linux box doesn't run games? Bummer, well I am gonna sit here and enjoy the greatest the video game industry has to offer on my windows PC. Maybe I'll download some music in the background using uTorrent, isn't uTorrent just the bee's knees? Oh? Can't use that on a Linux box either? Have fun with that piece of crap qBitTorrent. Lets not forget the biggest downside to Linux, running and understanding your Linux box and getting laid are mutually exclusive. Linux people get way to into customizing their boxes and forget there's a whole big world beyond their computer (Generally speaking of course, exceptions to all rules).

I am not going to say there are no advantages to running Linux, but there are equally as many disadvantages. Fanboyism is bad, period. Linux is great for running a server, but for your average home user windows/OSX is far superior.

osx runs bf3?


news to me
BTW Uunk... My desktop picture is another shot from that McConnell's Mills... Hell's Hollow I believe.

man you got some nice spots hiked

i like to do canoe trips too if you do partake you should check out the white, the missanabie, and the hurricanaw rivers

some of the best canada has to offer for river trips
Hey Logges want to play some Battlefield 3 or Starcraft 2? Oh wait, your Linux box doesn't run games? Bummer, well I am gonna sit here and enjoy the greatest the video game industry has to offer on my windows PC. Maybe I'll download some music in the background using uTorrent, isn't uTorrent just the bee's knees? Oh? Can't use that on a Linux box either? Have fun with that piece of crap qBitTorrent. Lets not forget the biggest downside to Linux, running and understanding your Linux box and getting laid are mutually exclusive. Linux people get way to into customizing their boxes and forget there's a whole big world beyond their computer (Generally speaking of course, exceptions to all rules).

I am not going to say there are no advantages to running Linux, but there are equally as many disadvantages. Fanboyism is bad, period. Linux is great for running a server, but for your average home user windows/OSX is far superior.

lol, opinions are like assholes everyone's got one. As far as torrents go... You do realize Utorrent is available for Linux as well...You know other than the fact there are literally 100's of others as well. Now tell me how your foot tastes?
man you got some nice spots hiked

i like to do canoe trips too if you do partake you should check out the white, the missanabie, and the hurricanaw rivers

some of the best canada has to offer for river trips

Aww man I haven't been in a canoe in YEARS I tell you! But hiking, linux, diy--- we'd totally hang out.
Hey Logges want to play some Battlefield 3 or Starcraft 2? Oh wait, your Linux box doesn't run games? Bummer, well I am gonna sit here and enjoy the greatest the video game industry has to offer on my windows PC. Maybe I'll download some music in the background using uTorrent, isn't uTorrent just the bee's knees? Oh? Can't use that on a Linux box either? Have fun with that piece of crap qBitTorrent. Lets not forget the biggest downside to Linux, running and understanding your Linux box and getting laid are mutually exclusive. Linux people get way to into customizing their boxes and forget there's a whole big world beyond their computer (Generally speaking of course, exceptions to all rules).

I am not going to say there are no advantages to running Linux, but there are equally as many disadvantages. Fanboyism is bad, period. Linux is great for running a server, but for your average home user windows/OSX is far superior.

funny post but Battlefield 3??? seriously?
Wow, some people actually showing interest in Linux. It amazes me that everybody still uses Windows. You work more and are aggrevated more just so you can say your computer is slower, less secure, and a less enjoyable experience. Now that Linux is out there and everybody should know what it is by now, I'll never understand.

I should have upgraded to Linux when I was in school but waited through 10 years of hating computers before I tried it out in 2007. 2 weeks later I never needed Windows again and guess what, I still play games and do a lot more with my computer than I ever could before(or it was to much of a chore on Windows to bother trying).

If anybody needs help with Linux you have a source of support, the community. I'm of course a member of the community so feel free to PM me or any other linux user if you'd like to give it a try and learn the differences; differences like the fact that it does not fit into a "type" it can be more graphical and "pretty" than windows, it can be simpler and have less features, it can be more complex and do virtually anything, it can run a vending machine, it does whatever you decide as long as you have the basic information to get started. Ask somebody how the experience is different and I'll bet you 95% of the time anybody who has used both operating systems has had a much better user experience with the right Linux distro.

The best thing you can do when learning to use computers for the first time (counting learning a second OS) is find yourself a computer guru.
Interesting thread.

I was trained by Bell Labs in 1981? I think. You know "C" and the shells.

Made good money writing applications for the Defense Industries in SoCal, and training programmers so they could maintain my code.
Set up Yellow Pages and Security (BSD) for them before the Web.

Assisted in a Port of Xenix to the Apple Lisa in 1985 or so?

I just Love UNIX - :joint::peace: - Linux reminds me of the God Ole Days
Interesting thread.

I was trained by Bell Labs in 1981? I think. You know "C" and the shells.

Made good money writing applications for the Defense Industries in SoCal, and training programmers so they could maintain my code.
Set up Yellow Pages and Security (BSD) for them before the Web.

Assisted in a Port of Xenix to the Apple Lisa in 1985 or so?

I just Love UNIX - :joint::peace: - Linux reminds me of the God Ole Days

Thats cool. Did you ever get a chance to meet Dennis Richie?
Well i guess windopws is used in suh a wide fashion for the same reason that if you say mp3 player people say ipods. They got on the wagon early and did what they had to do to make it the norm. As to a more enjoyable experience, that is entirely subjective, the majority of computer users would call windows a more enjoyable experience over linux because all windows pc's work in generally the same way, linux is a crap shoot, it can be set up in so many thousands of ways that unless you are completely confident in what youa re doing, you can just get lost. As can be witnessed by various distros, i can use some, but am totally lost with others without teahing myself how to use linux proficiently as a type of software instead of simply an OS, for example not all distro's use aptitude. Linux certainly beats windows in a lot of aspects, but that most tech savy folk often start to ignore is that the vast majority just want to be able to lick on something and have it work, regardless if it's their p or a friends or in an internet cafe. I like windows because i know that i can simply put a disk in and everything will work 20 minutes later, every time i have installed linux regardless of distro i've then had to go around doing this and that jsut to get it working on a funtional level, don't even get me started on 64 bit flash, sure it works one set up but it's no click n' play.
Thats cool. Did you ever get a chance to meet Dennis Richie?

I never met him, but I met most of the crew.

They, AT&T came out to teach me and probably 3 or 4 other programmers (so we could write device drivers for them).
I worked for a company which sold more UNIX boxes than anyone west of the Mississippi, it was part of the deal.

I worked on ALL of the flavors of UNIX. I still have the Bell Labs manuals. I also still have the book, Operating System Design and implementation in which MINIX was used to teach with examples. I believe is was the book used by Linus Torvalds who implemented the first Linux.

Back then, writing in "C" was new ground, it felt like we were writing on metal. :leaf:
Interesting thread.

I was trained by Bell Labs in 1981? I think. You know "C" and the shells.

Made good money writing applications for the Defense Industries in SoCal, and training programmers so they could maintain my code.
Set up Yellow Pages and Security (BSD) for them before the Web.

Assisted in a Port of Xenix to the Apple Lisa in 1985 or so?

I just Love UNIX - :joint::peace: - Linux reminds me of the God Ole Days

your speaking my era sir


you got your essential books?