think the clones are dying can somebody help please!!!!


Well-Known Member
So I took my first clones today but I think they are dying, there all droopy and I'm not sure what to do! there in a propagator and it's misted regular I also have a 20w cfl clipped to the side but bulb hangs over top alittle, now I did not have the rockwool I needed so I mixed 30% cuttings soil with 70% perlite is this the problem! I have used the rooting hormone as it says to! any help would be good thanks


Well-Known Member
Some plants just don't clone well, that could be the issue. Drooping is normal, and pearlite shouldn't hurt (I use it in the green houses at my university for clones all the time).

20 watt CFL isn't much light, might try adding some. Just get the environment as perfect as you can and don't worry too much.


Well-Known Member
Can't tell without pictures, but it's highly unlikely that you killed them within a day. You could throw a few cuttings in your closet without and light for a couple days and then put them in rockwool without a problem if it's an easily clonable strain. Keep them warm, with decent light that is close, and keep up the humidity. They should take.


Active Member
Nope, I had clones sitting in wet rockwool in my basement to like 2 weeks. It cold down there so none rooted.
I brought em upstairs grabbed some new rockwool, all my stem were rotted for like 1/2 inch.
Snipped at large an angle as possible, I used Schultz Root Powder and did this to all 18. Moved em all upstairs under a couple cfls and fluros and put under a container I got with my baby spinach for humidity dome. :-D I shot 2 out so far and 10/16 rooted so far with 5 more to come.

Now these clones i brought home about a month ago now was kind of busy for the 1st 2 weeks but I revived them ladies.
They want to live you just got to make sure they live. They still have the will.
Jesus the 2 I shot out yesterday were still green with 0 roots prob could have got them to root to.


Well-Known Member
ok so I just snipped all leaf tips and iv moved the light alot closer, as for the humidity I think it's fine there is heat under the prop and it's steamed up loads!


Well-Known Member
thanks for all the info! think I'm just stressing coz it's my first clones, check out my pics in my album I havnt a clue what strain the mother is but if any1 has any ideas I'd love to know lol


Active Member
Well i know that if you cut really small notches in the bottom of the clone it will premote root groth and sniping some of the leaves half way will help roots develop im not a pro i just read the grow bible about 2 times :D


Well-Known Member
update to this post:
the clones are now rooted and have been planted in pots! let's hope they grow big buds!!!
the clones were cut then put in a soil/perlite mix in propergater, I didn't think it'd work coz ppl saying use rockwool so I'm chuffed rep up for all that helped


Well-Known Member
so one of the clones is not looking to bad but appears to have leaves on it that are turnin yellow is this normal??