Thinkin about a tree grow


Well-Known Member
Hey im really thinkin bout puttin bout 5 plants up in a BIG fir tree. its a perfect tree but theres not a single limp to climb on the first 25 ft. then it splits into 2 different trunks and i can literally stand in the gap...i think lol. security isnt an issue cuz i live way out so i started nailing boards on the tree to make a ladder to get up the there today but it failed miserbly resulting in me fallin and fuckin my arm up:cry::evil:. so i need some advice on how to make a better ladder. i think all i need is longer nails cuz the ones i was usin were only goin into bark. some were sturdy but i dont wanna take the chance of fallin when im way up

Skunk Baxter

Well-Known Member
There are companies called "ladder companies" that make ladders you can buy in stores. I've seen them myself; they look like they'd work really well.


Well-Known Member
There are companies called "ladder companies" that make ladders you can buy in stores. I've seen them myself; they look like they'd work really well.
Owned. :mrgreen:

Anyways, go to a hardware store. If a ladder is out of the question, then just get longer nails?

Also, just asking, how are you going to secure your plants up in a tree? Rope or something?

Skunk Baxter

Well-Known Member
Jerkyboys, I didn't mean to sound snotty. I'm just messin' with ya. But seriously, if you're so sure of your security that you don't mind nailing boards to the tree, how much worse can a real ladder be? You don't need to leave it against the tree fulltime; just leave it in the woods somewhere nearby. Safer than nailing boards to the tree, if you ask me.


Well-Known Member
yea, dude either use longer nails maybe in use screws and carry a portable cordless drill
or buy a ladder they even have teloscopic ones that can probably it into a car and as far as mounting them in the tree i would suggest nailing a plank between two limbs and putting the pot on the plank
but they are a lot of other issues to consider
rain, etc.
it's going to be difficult but if you're serious start a grow journal so the community can help
i'd personally be astonished and proud to see anyone pull it off


Active Member
There was guy in here last summer who did a total gorilla tree grow you should check out his thread you might get some good info there.



Well-Known Member
Yeah I remember that guy. I wonder how that turned out. I was internetless for about a 2 month span of time right when all that was going on. :(


Well-Known Member
Dont have a drill =( my dad just left and took all power tools so thats outta the question. ya longer nails is wgat i need. i dont wanna have my ladder being used out there full time and dont wanna carry it out there every time. trust me securitys NOT and issue. maybe a rope system with a pully? somethin that i could pull myuself up with


Well-Known Member
get some screw steps ,, they screw in by hand ,, my BF uses them for his deer blind & he weighs 250LBS they hold him nicely,,,,, screw them in the tree & take them out when u leave ,,, next time u come back the holes will be in teh tree already makin it even easier to rescrew in ,,, happy growing



Well-Known Member
a what?! lol never heard of a topsy turvy. mis mandy i know the streps youre talkin about ive actually used some before to hunt with a friend at his house but...theyre about 15 bucks each, and i need about 20 of them, and i need to put my $ into other things like soil and shit. im doin 14 plants on ground level to so im short on funds. i think boards will work just need longer nails


Well-Known Member not relly likin it. the tree i have picked out is perfect for pot. its a big fir that splits into 3 main trunks about 30 ft up. theres where ill put them, with a plywood platform secured to 2x4s, once i get up there =(. im out of boards so im goin to get more tomorrow.