Thinkin Bout Cuttin Them Down.... Pics+Need Help


Well-Known Member
I would say just put a fan on them or dry them somewhere else dude but I really dont know much. Seriously two thumbs up on this one. Thats fucking amazing yield right there dude I love it. Such big buds. Simple Amazing. Im really speechless I love it!!!

Blaze happy

Active Member
Simple, take em out of your box, and leave em on some mesh/wire rack open in a room with a fan blowing on em.
Id say your prob is the box is to small to dissipate the moisture quick enough, so the humidity is rising.

I take it the box is ventilated, not just a closed box with a fan inside?


New Member
Oh, you're trying to dry inside a box? No that's not good. They need open air with some circulation. When the moisture evaporates out of the buds it is still trapped in the box. That is why your humidity is so high.


Well-Known Member
thanks , theyve been in there for like 5 hours no chance of any serious mold growing in that little time eh? and i never ihad a journal, i just posted a bunch of updates in the forums, if you check all my posts you could see them all, i couldnt find them all now, i gotta get these buds out in the open boys


New Member
I wouldn't think mold would start in 5 hours, that's a pretty short time. If you get them out in the open now I don't see why you shouldn't be ok.

Man that's a whole lot of beautiful herb.


Well-Known Member
im sorry smoke a blunt im crazy full minded right now, yea i used molasses started 3rd week of flowering, cut it off like a week ago, and i used it like 1/3 maybe 1/2 waterings adding like a good tblspoon or more per 2 litres( about a gallon) and it seemed to work fine, i also used Advanced Nutrients 3 part Grow-Micro-Bloom system, bomb it seems, and i got them out in the open and its like 70% still, its gotta be the fact im in my basement should i try and dry upstairs? cause this is scarin me


Well-Known Member
and thanks again for all the positive feedback, it was my first grow and i really didnt know what to expect, i guess i did so well cause i stopped myself from growing for 2 years because i just didnt think i could do it, but ive been reading up on it since i was 16 (im 19 now) so im quite well informed, i may not seem it now with how much i panick, but thats just human nature and second guessing, im just so happy i made it through the whole grow!


Well-Known Member
Well thanks!! N you did a damn fine job and have much to be proud of!! Wait wait to hear the dry yield off that ?!?!

What was the strain again?!?


Active Member
so i noticed you had like no leafs? was that the strain or did you pull them? i always heard that leaving the leaves was a must


Well-Known Member
no i chopped a lot of the leaves off earlier, and the plant grew a bunch of ingrown ones to make up, ive learned the leaves to cut now, it turned out awesome i learned so much

strain btw is Aurora Indica by nirvana although i dont recommend purchasing from there from what ive heard recently
Heritage is NL5 x Afghani and im looking at my sugar coated buds in awe

Im drying in my basement is that a problem? do people usually have more humidity down in the basement cause of all the piping and shit? like 90% of my basement is fully finished, except my grow and drying room, what should i do does anyone know?


Well-Known Member
I would get a humidity/temp displayer and defiently have a fan blowing lightly on them...

Im pretty sure ur basement will be fine..Heat rises so i guess humidity wont be as bad?

Just keep humidity about 50-60% and the temps in the low 70's


Well-Known Member
i got the hygrometer-thermo its 22 deg celsius (like 72) and its 70% humidity, it could be broken but i DOUBT it, and my top lights i only used about 5 near the top of both plants, and they were within 3-5 inches from top colas at ALL times, never farther, remember we are working with CFLs here, no intensity for the life of it


Well-Known Member
im thinkin its maybe just so humid cause i JUSt cut the buds, and its really just pumping it all out, and i really cant do anything, cause my gauge is like inches from drying buds, does anyone know the like desired and minimal % of humidity that mold will form at? so i know where to get to?