Thinking about becoming a comedian


Well-Known Member
Well it all started as me wanting to become a actor. That idea fell through because i had to face reality, which is you basically have to know someone in the biz or your a lonnnnnnng shot. Since i dont know anyone in the biz i turned to comedy. Ive always been a comedian. I remember cracking jokes and being a class clown since 6th grade... anyways...

Over the past few years ive really started to hone in on my personna. I'd like to give an example of what my comedy is like but i really cant... I mean its like Bill Maher/Robin Williams/Dane Cook/and Andrew dice clay all mixed into one lol. I often find myself having these comedic ephipany's throughout the day and although they make me chuckle inside my head, nothing ever hits the paper, and then is losst forever.

I rarely remember anything that i say thats funny unless someone else brings it up etc... Most recently i remember being at bestbuy standing in line with my freind (we happen to be high) and i notice semi-homemade with sandra lee is on the tv above. So being high and in a "funny" mood I crack on the food network by talking about how these new cooking tv shows have hot milfs hosting and how they act like porn stars on these shows. I mean they basically attract ethier women who want to be them or men who want to fuck them. Its really funny when you watch them taste their own food they are all "MMmmmMMmmmmm" "AHHHHHhhhhhHH" ... I mean i dont know if im watching a recipe on chocolate cookies or a freaking softcore porn lol

I know im prob pissing in the wind posting this thread but has anyone known anyone that has become a comedian? or has try'd? I've looked up some guidelines on what to do but im really just looking for personal experiences....

....Also does anyone have a pattern or system to remember things while your high? Everytime i tend to think of something hilarious and try to write it down it blocks my mind and im thrown off track from what i was really thinking... How can i get this "material" on paper?


Well-Known Member
I've thought about it.. get you a recorder and record the things that make you laugh as a bit.. best i can do


Well-Known Member
No offense, but has the thought occurred to you that those things are funny BECAUSE you're high? To be a stand up comedian, you have to appeal to a very broad audience. Even the comedians that you would think of as "stoner" comedians for the most part didn't start off doing just "stoner" jokes. I have read a lot of what you type in many threads and, while I think anyone can do whatever they put their mind to, I have to honestly tell you that (although funny in a "stoner internet forum" kind of way, I would hardly call any of it "comedic material".

The people you mentioned are all very very funny, but they aren't asking stoners for help on how to remember shit, you know? It's really easy to be a smart ass, but hard to be a comedian.

I read over this again, and although I realize I sound like a dick, I am only meaning to help and I do apologize if I have offended you. Sort of like those people that say they are going to be singers, but noone has the heart to tell them they can't sing...


Well-Known Member
Your profile says Charm City...I assuming this is Baltimore? If so, go to Water Street. They have the comedy factory along with alot of other clubs. They will let you do stand up, my brother n law has done it a couple of times. If you are any good, someone will come and see you after you do your bit and offer you some gigs.


Well-Known Member
Heckle all you want but I know im funny.

I really want to chew into you but I dont want to hijack my own thread. I was serious on what i wrote about my religious views. I understand what comedy is and ive yet to write anything really "comedic" on this site. So how bout you stay the fuck away from hijacking my threads ...

Thank you have a nice day :roll:


Well-Known Member
Your profile says Charm City...I assuming this is Baltimore? If so, go to Water Street. They have the comedy factory along with alot of other clubs. They will let you do stand up, my brother n law has done it a couple of times. If you are any good, someone will come and see you after you do your bit and offer you some gigs.
yeah ive heard of the baltimore comedy factory but ive yet to visit... maybe i should get off my ass and do some real research huh? lol

Yeah baltimore and Dc have some great places to preform... I just need to start writing my stuff down.


Well-Known Member
Dude, why do you always ask people for shit and then get mad when they give it to you. Fuck, I said I was sorry if you got offended. You totally just posted something you thought was comedic man; do you even read all of your own posts (let alone everyone elses)?

No one is hijacking shit, you started a thread asking for advice on your comedy career, I gave it, you got pissed.

If you can't take some constructive criticism, your comedy career will be very short lived.

Oh yeah, who the fuck was talking about your religious beliefs, perhaps you have some closure issues as well?


Well-Known Member
yeah ive heard of the baltimore comedy factory but ive yet to visit... maybe i should get off my ass and do some real research huh? lol

Yeah baltimore and Dc have some great places to preform... I just need to start writing my stuff down.
My brother n law kept a recorder with him all the time. He would turn it on anytime shit would start to get funny, usually when we were stoned. He would then take the recorder and write down all the funny stuff he collected and he would make it into an act. Every Friday night down on Water Street they have open acts, anyone can sign up. That is what he did, and he was okay. He ended up getting gigs in OC and got to live down there for a few years doing his act....He came up with the idea pretty much the same way you did, shooting the shit with his buddies....Give it a try, you never know!!
Good luck...and let me know if you do Water Street, I will come to your act.:peace:


Well-Known Member
My brother n law kept a recorder with him all the time. He would turn it on anytime shit would start to get funny, usually when we were stoned. He would then take the recorder and write down all the funny stuff he collected and he would make it into an act. Every Friday night down on Water Street they have open acts, anyone can sign up. That is what he did, and he was okay. He ended up getting gigs in OC and got to live down there for a few years doing his act....He came up with the idea pretty much the same way you did, shooting the shit with his buddies....Give it a try, you never know!!
Good luck...and let me know if you do Water Street, I will come to your act.:peace:
I really appreciate your suggestions Sunny! Ive been googleing "how to become a stand up comedian" and its given me alot of goods ideas to get started on. Like write down anything funny and put all those ideas in a folder and/or use a voice recorder to record ideas and then use those ideas to create a 5 min act etc... They also mentioned to have someone tape your act so that if some other comedian would steal your act/jokes then you would have proof

And ill be sure to PM you once I get to water street... who knows i might be a hit! :mrgreen: